


  • Lou felt that they were wandering from the point and that in digression Alexandra might unnerve him .

    娄感到他们离开了话题,而在闲扯中, 亚历山德拉可能 使遭受 挫折

  • If economies sink back into recession further fiscal expansion could unnerve markets .

    如果经济再次陷入衰退,进一步的财政扩张可能 市场 紧张

  • Whenever Chelsea Liverpool and the European Cup are discussed the question is always how Jose Mourinho 's side will cope with an Anfield crowd that appeared to unnerve them two years ago .

    无论何时,人们讨论切尔西、利物浦和欧 冠时,争论 焦点总在于何赛·穆里尼奥的穆家军如何对付两年前 他们 心力交瘁的安菲尔德红军。

  • To unnerve someone often as a tactic to beat them in a game or deal .

    使 对方 丧失 勇气,常作为一种策略,在比赛或交易中击败之。

  • The Warsaw-born artist has created a piece that the gallery fully expects will unnerve and unsettle visitors .

    对于这件由出生在华沙的艺术家创作的雕塑作品,美术馆认为参观者 可能会感到 精神 紧张惶惶不安

  • The large increase in Chinese inventories has coincided with a wave of broader macroeconomic concerns and a fresh bout of fears over Europe to unnerve investors .

    在中国库存大幅上升的同时,对于宏观经济的更广泛担忧以及新的一波对欧洲 形势的担忧 困扰 投资者。

  • The conversation then veered into a hilarious account of his golf game with Donald Trump in which two flamboyant entrepreneurs vied to see who could most unnerve the other with unrepeatable wisecracks .

    随后,交谈的内容转到了他与唐纳德• 特朗普之间有趣的高尔夫比赛,两位个性鲜明的企业家都力图用俏皮话来 对方退缩。

  • The prospect of a fiery death can unnerve even the bravest warrior .

    这种 浑身 焦黑面目 难辨 惨烈 死状,即便最为 悍勇 敌军 望而却步。

  • The news about Dermot had unnerved me

    关于 德莫特的消息 我很担心。

  • The shift in its outlook could unnerve investors as it confirms the long held concerns of analysts that the group would be unable to sustain its fast pace of expansion without giving clear indications of where future growth would come from .

    富士康的前景发生变化, 可能 投资者 紧张,因为这证实了分析师们长期抱有的忧虑,即该集团在不能明确说明未来增长将来自何处的情况下,将无法保持快速的扩张速度。

  • The ranking of 45 of the world 's leading banks will unnerve investors highlighting once again the capital shortfall that institutions still need to make up over the coming years .

    对全球45家主要银行的排名, 可能 使投资者 丧失 信心。该研究 报告再度彰显未来几年金融机构尚需弥补的资本缺口。

  • That is not a slogan likely to unnerve Beijing .

    这可不像是可能 北京方面 的口号。

  • That said it would be a high-risk manoeuvre liable to unnerve advertisers while providing competitors with the opportunity to steal customers and key staff .

    但这可是高风险策略,既容易引起广告客户的 ,又为竞争对手提供了 挖走客户和重要员工的机会。

  • But gloomy data should retain the power to unnerve .

    但惨淡的经济数据应仍有 慑力

  • Brooklyn resident Jean McKenna said she did not let extensive media coverage unnerve her .

    布鲁克林区的居民简·麦肯纳说,她没有让 铺天盖地的媒体报导 使自己 焦躁不安

  • The logical 21st-century update would take aim at our relationship with technology but Mr. Brooker said he wanted to deliberately unnerve the viewers rather than scold them .

    21世纪合乎逻辑的更新版无疑是针对人与技术之间的关系,但布鲁克说,他希望故意 观众 烦躁 ,而不是去责骂他们。

  • While the situation showed signs of stabilising on Sunday as engineers succeeded in restoring power to two of the reactor buildings there are now growing fears of food contamination from the radiation leaks to further unnerve investors .

    尽管随着工程人员成功恢复向该核电站的两座反应堆供电,局势在周日出现趋稳迹象,但现在食品受到辐射泄漏污染问题引发了人们越来越大的担心,这进一步 打击了投资者的 信心

  • Tumbling stock markets and credit crunches always unnerve .

    不断下挫的股市和信贷紧缩总是 令人 失去 勇气

  • He hoped to unnerve Kennedy and force him into concessions .

    希望 动摇肯尼迪的 信念,迫使他让步。

  • Tony was unnerved by the uncanny familiarity of her face .

    托尼对她的样子异常熟悉,这很 烦恼

  • Global stock markets suffered heavy losses on Monday as concerns about a slowdown in the US economy and the fallout from the credit squeeze continued to unnerve investors .

    全球股市周一大幅下跌,对美国经济减速和信贷危机后续影响的担心继续 惊扰投资者。