


  • She says this research will provide a baseline for measuring how pollution overfishing climate change and other human activity affect zooplankton and their environment .

    她表示,经由这项研究所获得的基础资料,将是未来测量污染、过渔、气候变迁、人类活动如何影响 浮游 动物及其环境的依据。

  • Study on the variation of zooplankton community in the Pearl River Estuary in 2005 ~ 2006

    2005~2006年珠江口 浮游 动物群落变化研究

  • Ecological characteristics of zooplankton and relationship with environmental factors in Lianyungang inshore

    连云港近海 浮游 动物生态特征及其与环境的关系

  • Furthermore we focused on ecological changes of zooplankton to global warming and several indices such as abundance biomass biodiversity and biogeographic boundary are enumerated .

    通过分析 浮游 动物生物多样性、生物量,丰度和生物地理分布等指标来阐述其对全球变暖的生态响应;

  • Results show that the medusa represent the third largest group following after Copepoda and Thaliacea for its total abundance in zooplankton of the East China Sea .

    结果表明:水母类是东海 浮游 动物的第三大类群,其丰度仅次于桡足类和海樽类;

  • The Production is a useful parameter to evaluate the contribution of zooplankton to the ecosystem in the prawn pond .

    生产量是评价 浮游 动物贡献大小的重要指标。因此,在养殖生产中具有一定的参考价值。

  • Species Composition Community Structure and Diversity of Zooplankton in Qingdao Coastal Area in Summer

    夏季青岛近海 浮游 动物种类组成、群落结构及多样性

  • Studies on ecological community distribution of zooplankton in Xiangshan Bay

    象山港 浮游 动物生态群落分布的研究

  • The tubs that got additional nutrients were another story : The zooplankton in warmer water became more abundant while the numbers of phytoplankton fell .

    额外加入营养成分的水缸情况就不一样了:在比较温暖的水中, 浮游 动物的数量更多了,而浮游植物的数量下降了。

  • Mostly herbivorous feed largely on algae periphyton and phytoplankton but also take insect larvae or zooplankton .

    大部份食草,主要食物为藻类,固著生物与浮游植物,但也吃昆虫幼生或 浮游 动物

  • Experimental research on chloramine inactivation of Cyclops of zooplankton in water

    氯胺灭活水中剑水蚤类 浮游 动物的试验研究

  • As zooplankton become more abundant and eat more phytoplankton the population of phytoplankton should shrink .

    随着 浮游 动物变得越来越丰富,它们吃掉的浮游植物也就越多,浮游植物的数量就会减少。

  • The Effects of Silver Carps and Floating Plant Rafts on Zooplankton Community in a Reservoir : A Large Enclosure Experiment

    鲢及植物浮床对水库 浮游 动物群落影响的围隔实验研究

  • Through investigate the species of zooplankton and phytoplankton and distribution of hygrophilous vegetation in Fu River 's headstream we evaluate the ecological environment in Fu River 's headstream .

    通过研究抚河源头水体中 浮游 植物的种类及湿地植被分布状况,科学评价抚河源头水生生态环境。

  • The fluctuation of zooplankton biomass might be one of the natural control mechanisms of large bloom .

    浮游 动物生物量的波动可能是抑制大型水母爆发加剧的自然控制机制之一。

  • The study on annual variation of community structure of zooplankton and the correlation between ecological factors and zooplankton was conducted in Yeyahu in Beiji .

    本文研究了北京野鸭湖 浮游 动物群落结构的周年变化以及与生态因子的相互关系。

  • Community Structure of Zooplankton and Water Quality Characteristics in Typical Mariculture Areas in Guangdong Province

    广东典型养殖海域 浮游 动物群落和水质特征

  • In March and May2005 we studied the community structure of crustacean zooplankton in Bengbu region of Huaihe River .

    2005年春季分两次对淮河蚌埠段 水域 浮游甲壳动物进行研究。

  • Species Composition and Diversity of Zooplankton in Lianyungang Inshore

    连云港近海域 浮游 动物种类组成及其多样性

  • The main forms of life in the limnetic zone are phytoplankton and zooplankton .

    此区主要由浮游植物和 浮游 动物 组成

  • Preliminary Study on Zooplankton in Huaxi River

    贵阳市花溪河大型 浮游 动物的初步研究

  • Cladocerans and copepods are two important components in freshwater zooplankton .

    枝角类和桡足类是淡水 浮游 动物的主要组成部分。

  • Is the zooplankton of the tropics different ?

    热带 浮游 动物有什么不同吗?

  • Community structure and spatial distribution of crustacean zooplankton in Lake Fuxian Yunnan China

    抚仙湖 浮游甲壳 动物群落结构与空间分布

  • Preliminary Study on Zooplankton Community Structure of Shanghai Urban Rivers Restored in Winter

    城区已修复河道冬季 浮游 动物群落结构的初步研究

  • Energy and biochemical composition of zooplankton during autumn and spring in southern and central Yellow Sea

    黄海中南部 浮游 动物春季和秋季生化成分及能值分析

  • Zooplankton distribution and variation in the Yangtze Estuary and its adjacent waters in summer and Autumn

    夏、秋季长江口及毗邻海域 浮游 动物的分布与变化

  • However the results also show that zooplankton should boom in these warmer areas which could benefit certain fisheries .

    而实验结果还表明, 浮游 动物在比较温暖的水域中会 加速 繁殖,这可能对某些鱼类有利。

  • Zooplankton species richness and impact factors in a compound aquaculture system

    复合养殖系统中 浮游 动物种类丰度及其影响因素

  • 53 species of zooplankton belonging to 14 order and 7 class .

    浮游 动物有53种, 属7纲14目;