

[计] 移前

  • After access to the system the clients could receive the following services : the functions zoom-in and zoom-out map cruise hawk-eye guidance the functions of spots ' exact query and fuzzy query the functions of distance calculation and buffering area calculation .

    通过访问本系统,用户可以获得以下的服务:地图 缩放、地图漫游、鹰眼导航功能;景点的详细信息查询、模糊查询功能;

  • Digital Total Variation Model for Image Zoom-In with Arbitrary Accuracy

    基于 的数字全变差模型 及其 图像任意精度 放大

  • VB timer and API function programming methods can be used to get the result of dynamic zoom-in and zoom-out 、 fade-in and fade-out .

    用VB定时器和API函数编程方法 .实现文字和图形的动态 缩放和渐现渐隐效果。

  • Finally the free-scaling zoom-in font will be implemented between the 2 multiple of contour line and the 2j + 1 multiple . Simulation results show that this algorithm is a high quality simple and effective Chinese font zoom-in method .

    在轮廓线放大成2j与 2j+1倍之间,实现任意比例的无级 放大. 仿真结果来看,本算法具有放大质量高、算法简单等特点,不失为一种有效的汉字字形放大处理方法。

  • A combined method for the fast 3-D finite element modeling of defect responses in nondestructive testing of electromagnetics is presented . The method consists of three numerical techniques : zoom-in technique difference field technique and iterative solution technique .

    提出了一种基于三维有限元的电磁无损检测缺损响应快速模拟的组合方法,该方法由三项技术构成,分别是 局部计算技术、差场技术和迭代解技术。

  • In fact my camera also has zoom-in zoom-out functions .

    其实啊,我这个也有 拉的功能。

  • It also has the following functions : zoom-in zoom-out and roam of map buffer_zone analyzing measuring perimeter and area of certain zone on the map .

    可以实现地图的自由 放大、缩小、漫游及缓冲区分析,可以量测不同区域的周长、面积;

  • Gerstenmaier said zoom-in photos will be taken of the entire shuttle right before it docks with the space station Friday to ascertain whether it suffered any serious damage .

    Gerstenmaier称,在周五航天飞机与空间站对接前,将拍下整个航天服飞机 放大的图片,来确认是否航天飞机有任何严重损伤。