In short order the unseasoned British director of the film-within-the-film decides to leave the group in the jungle abandoning the script and film them instead with hidden cameras .
指导戏中戏的是位 经验不足的英国导演, 仓促之下,他决定把剧组丢在丛林中,扔掉剧本,用事先隐藏的摄像机对他们进行拍摄。
In a summery our national stock unseasoned issuance system change is featured with characteristics of compulsion slowness and partialness .
因此总结我国 新股发行制度变迁过程的普遍规律是一个具有鲜明强制性的缓慢渐进的局部制度变迁过程。
Unseasoned artillery volunteers ; still untested in battle ; an illustrator untried in mural painting .
没有 经验的志愿 炮兵;仍未经受战争的考验;没有尝试过壁画的插图画家。
Among variables of change way efficiency of stock unseasoned issuance it is the paramount external variable .
它是 决定 新股发行制度变迁效率的诸多变量因素中最重要的外生变量。
In this article we investigate the short run and long run performance of the initial public offerings using data compiled for 201 unseasoned new issues of common stock brought to Shanghai or Shenzhen Security Exchange in 1997.We empirically analyze the value of investment in new issues .
本文考察了沪深两市1997年新上市201只股票上市后的短、中、长期走势,并在此实证研究的基础上分析了 新股的投资价值。