


  • Is it true that talking about mental states is unscientific ?

    谈论心理状态真的是 科学的吗?

  • Chaoyang District to calculate the population is unscientific because there are many external .

    所以以朝阳区的人口来计算是 科学的,因为有很多外来的。

  • We conducted our own entirely unscientific survey to ascertain just how much chocolate Nobel laureates ate .

    我们开展了完全 没有 科学 依据的调查,来探知诺贝尔奖获得者们的巧克力消费量。

  • So I tested the commercial on an unscientific sample of typical TV viewers ( i.e. my wife ) .

    于是,我 这则商业广告对一些 关注 科技的普通电视观众进行了测试,例如我妻子。

  • The essence of this practice is forcing the people pay unscientific and irrational fees by using administrative power .

    其实质是借用行政权力来强迫人们交纳 科学不合理的交 费用。

  • Both approaches to the problem are subjective and one-sided or in a word unscientific .

    他们看问题的方法都是主观的和片面的,一句话, 科学的。

  • The management specialty the management is unscientific .

    经营 专业、管理不 科学

  • For a long time Marxist historical determinism has unreasonably been distorted as unscientific fatalism and mechanical economic determinism .

    马克思主义的历史决定论长期以来一直被人们歪曲为 科学的宿命论或是机械的经济决定论而横遭批判。

  • The unscientific norms of subject in civil law hinder the establishment of the theory of subject in economic law .

    民法主体规范的 科学 现状,对经济法主体理论的建立形成了障碍。

  • In the letter Zhang says that TCM has too many unscientific components high toxicity and uncertain therapeutic effects .

    在这封信中,张说中医存在很多 科学的成分,毒性很高,治疗效果不稳定。

  • Wei believes this is not caused by urbanization itself but by an unscientific approach to development .

    魏后凯相信,这些并非由城市化自身所导致的,而是由 科学的发展模式造成的。

  • No member of the team was medically qualified and its methods were considered totally unscientific .

    这支队伍中的成员没有一个具有行医资格,而且他们使用的方法也被认为根本 科学

  • Indeed Chile is no exception to this loose and unscientific rule .

    确实,智利也反映了这一不严谨 科学的规则。

  • This unscientific and tacit justification arises from the fact that forecast offices are usually understaffed .

    这个 科学和含糊的理由产生于预报部门普遍人手不足。

  • There are many irrational and unscientific consumer behaviors in current consumption sphere which caused great harm social development .

    当前我国消费领域存在诸多不合理、 科学的消费行为,这对社会发展造成了极大的危害。

  • To student online turn pale at the only mention of sth terrible this is unscientific .

    对学生上网谈虎色变,这是 科学的。

  • Therefore it is so unscientific and irrational that the provision should be modified appropriately .

    因此,它是不 科学、不合理的,应当对其进行适当修改。

  • The idea of focusing absolutely on the material production and economic input and output without considering ecological sustainability is a one-sided and unscientific concept of development .

    这种把物质文明的发展放在绝对的中心地位,只注重经济上的投入产出而不顾生态的可持续性的观念,是一种片面的、 科学的发展理念。

  • It is not out of modesty but because inclusion of these articles would be improper unjustifiable and unscientific .

    这不是谦虚,而是因为那样写不适当,不合理, 科学

  • Mine not of course deeply unscientific and highly personal if not slightly eccentric but they help .

    当然我的 标准并不是很深入,也 欠缺 科学 ,并且 带有强烈的个人 主义 色彩,但是只要不是特殊情况,它们 一般都是很准的。

  • Any unscientific assertions or assurances in terms of effectiveness ;

    含有 科学的表示功效的断言或者保证的;

  • This procedure is certainly unscientific in the regularity of periodical utilization .

    从期刊利用的 高峰期规律 来看,这种做法并不 科学

  • Unscientific legislation is the premise factor which results in the phenomena of failure to observe the law .


  • That notion is as unscientific as suggesting that water or oxygen is dangerous .

    这一观念如同说水或氧气是 安全的一样是 科学的。

  • Most writings on the subject are little more than unscientific compilations of traditional or folkloric material .

    大多数关于这一主题的作品多是不 科学汇编传统或民俗材料。

  • The ants had been quick to find an answer to my thoroughly unscientific methods !

    蚂蚁已很快找到了 相应的对策,来 对付我那 完全 科学的办法!

  • They argue that psychotherapy is unscientific .

    他们认为心理疗法是 科学的。

  • Ignoring the facts of dualism and radical free will is anti-empirical and unscientific .

    无视二元论和激进自由论的事实是和经验和 科学相悖的。

  • This of course is just an unscientific guess .

    当然,这只是一个 科学的推测。

  • An unscientific lack of objectivity .
