YH & the Structure Design of the Cylindrical Moisture Adding Dust Unloading Machine
YH&圆筒灰料加湿 卸灰 机结构设计
Composition : The whole production line consists of lifting plate loading and unloading plate sealed box-type furnace rinsing machine tempering furnace and electric control system etc.
组成:整条生产线由剪式升降台、置 料台、箱式炉、清洗 机、回火炉及电气控制系统等组成。
The Safety Reforming Techniques of Unloading Machine of Raw Materials and Fuels for Enterprises
厂矿企业大宗原、燃料 卸车 机械安全改造技术
At the beginning of the paper we analyzed the relative indexes of single loading and unloading machines in the container terminal and made it clear the main content of single machine costing namely depreciation of machine each month operation cost and maintenance cost .
论文首先通过对集装箱码头 装卸设备单机成本相关指标进行分析,明确了 单机成本核算的主要内容,包括设备月折旧费、运行成本和维修成本。
The Situ-Application ZMC-30 Side Unloading Coal Loading Machine
ZMC-30型侧 卸式装煤 机的应用分析
Problem and Improvement of Hanging Chain-struggle Unloading Coal Machine
悬链斗式 卸船 机常见故障和改进措施
Uniaxial cyclic loading and unloading experiments were performed on marble specimens with different grain sizes by use of servo-controlled testing machine to investigate the deformation and strength properties of rocks .
基于在伺服试验 机上对不同晶粒大理岩样进行单轴循环加 卸载试验,研究了岩石的变形与强度特征。
Preliminary Research of Unloading Machine on the Clip of Swimming Paint
夹体泳漆 卸 料 机的研究初探
Design for the unloading machine of convenient rice product line
方便米饭生产线 卸 料 机组设计
Convenient access for loading and unloading parts compatibility with the control system and accessibility to the machine tools are other necessary design features for the materials-handling system .
便于零件 装卸,与控制系统相兼容以及易于 机床加工等是材料处理系统的其它必要特点。
As the vital mechanism of spading transporting and unloading minerals the rationality of the work equipment of the mining anti-explosion loader will affect directly the performance of whole machine .
防爆装载机工作装置作为实现铲料、运料和 卸 料的重要机构,其合理性将直接影响着 整机性能。
Loading and Unloading Machine Performance and Its Layout at Railway Terminal
铁路集装箱中心站 装卸 机械性能与布局研究
Analyze the Movement of Blossom - form Unloading Wire Machine
梅花形 卸线的运动分析
Cold back to mine the ore concentrate into specialized chutes feeder by the disk will be returned to the ore unloading machine belt .
冷返矿集中到专门的矿槽,由圆盘给料机将返矿 卸到皮带 机上。
An ethernet smart camera platform based on CMOS and DSP is presented in this dissertation against the difficult in loading and unloading complex structure and larger size of the traditional PC machine vision systems .
针对传统PC 机器视觉系统的结构复杂,尺寸较大不 便于 装卸等问题,本文提出了一种基于CMOS与DSP的以太网智能相机平台。
The design of humidifying dust unloading machine for coal fly ash emission
用于粉煤灰排放的加湿 卸灰 设备
Development of the Hydraulic Unloading Circuit and Valve for Laser Leveling Machine
激光平地 机液压 卸载回路及阀的研制
Automatic double bucket-wheel ship unloading machine
自动双斗轮船 边 卸货 机
Analyze the law of movement of blossom-form unloading wire machine obtain the analytical solution of locus the results can be used for designing the construction of the unloaders .
分析了梅花形 卸线的运动规律;得出了轨迹的解析解,为卸线 机的结构设计提供了依据。
Tip unloading vehicles are an important large-scale material handling machine in special docks of a modern port . Applying large PLC as a control centre and monitoring the entire logistics equipment with a supervisory computer the system can operate in a secure and high efficient way .
翻车 卸 料机是现代港口专业码头重要的大型物料投运 机械,采用大型可编程控制器PLC作为整机的控制中枢,并应用上位计算机对整个物流系统实行监控管理,实现系统安全高效地作业。
R & D of port full-automated bulk loading / unloading machine
港口散货全自动 装卸 设备的研究与开发
With the development of ports the requirement of port machinery is higher and higher . So design calculation method of loading and unloading machine need to be renewed substantiated and consummated constantly to make port machinery more functional economic reliable and safe .
港口的发展对港口机械的要求也越来越高,因此港口 装卸 机械的设计计算方法需要不断地更新、充实和完善,使港口机械向更注重功能性、经济性、可靠性和安全性的方向发展。
Using the Unloading Beam of the Carriage Weight Improving the Working accuracy for the Machine Tool
利用刀架重量 卸 荷梁提高 机床工作精度
In order to adapt the need of loading and unloading drill rod of iron gate-opening machine for large-scale blast furnace the new change rock drill machine is designed .
为适应大型高炉开铁口 机 的 装卸钎杆需要,设计开发了新型换钎机。
Various loading and unloading paths are carried in servo-controlled testing machine to study the relationships among axial stress strain confining pressure and circumference deformation .
在伺服试验 机上对岩样进行了多种路径的加载、 卸载试验,分析岩样轴向应变、环向变形与轴向应力、围压之间的关系。
The utility model provides a ring-type workbench for assembling and manufacturing a coal plough disc or a coal unloading disc of a coal unloader and belongs to tooling for processing machine parts .
环式卸煤机犁煤盘、 卸煤盘的拼装制作工作台,属于 机械零部件加工的工装。
It is the first time in rock mechanics field to make real-time CT testing of the meso-damage evolution law of the whole failure process of rock in unloading condition using the specified loading equipment corresponding to the CT machine developed by the authors .
利用作者已研制成功的与CT 机配套的专用三轴加载试验设备,在国内外首次完成了岩石 卸 荷损伤断破裂坏全过程的实时CT试验。
For a long time the design method of loading and unloading machine of port mostly adopts the static design and has no valid method of dynamic emulation .
长期以来,港口 装卸 机械的设计方法多采用静态设计为主,并没有有效的动态仿真设计新方法。