unit pulse

[ˈjunɪt pʌls][ˈju:nit pʌls]


  • The Unit with Electrostatic High Voltage Pulse Charging in Advance

    新型静电高压 脉冲预荷电 装置的研究

  • The result of the shooting will be got when detecting the number of the photoelectric unit that receives the laser pulse .

    打靶的成绩由 激光所击中的光电 探测器的编号来判定。

  • The variation and its pattern for a quantization unit were considered when the pulse frequencies the working oil flowrate the working pressures and the numbers produced pulses each time operation were different .

    考察了在不同 脉冲频率时、工作油液流量大小不同时、油源供油压力不同时、每次产生脉冲个数多少不同等等情况下,量化 单位的变化及其规律;

  • The difference of two unit functions is used to represent a pulse voltage of abrupt rise and abrupt fall .

    代表过渡现象之算式,有一式可名曰单变函数,本文用二 变函数之较,以表骤上骤下之 脉压

  • Transfer function and response to unit pulse are derived by direct and inverse Laplace transforms respectively .

    由Laplace正变换和反变换分别得到桩土系统的传递函数和 单位 脉冲响应。

  • Indicated that the acoustic-optic Q-switched laser can be possible to remove diamond and bronze in effectively . The mathematical model of the unit crystal diamond pulse laser ablation has been established .

    表明声光调Q脉冲激光可有效去除金刚石和青铜,建立了 脉冲激光烧蚀 单晶金刚石颗粒的数学模型。

  • According to the theory of the collision analysis the article applies the unit pulse response function matrix derives the dynamical equations of multipoints impacts between the elastic system and reveals the important role of the system dynamical characteristics in the impacts process .

    根据振动分析原理,引用 单位 脉冲响应函数矩阵,导出了弹性系统之间发生多点碰撞的动力方程组,揭示了系统动态特性在碰撞过程中的重要作用。

  • The improved algorithms can reduce significantly the truncated error of the truncating unit pulse ( or step ) response time-sequence of the controlled process as the internal model .

    改进算法可有效减小截取被控对象时间响应( 单位单位响应)有限序列为内模的截断误差。

  • Combine with the direct digital synthesizer ( DDS ) technology use field programmable gate array ( FPGA ) chip as control unit directly generate the sine pulse width modulation ( SPWM ) .

    本文主要描述利用FPGA现场可编程门阵列器件作为控制 核心,结合DDS数字频率合成技术直接形成SPWM 脉宽调制波。

  • The transducer response of unit electric pulse is used as unit code of acoustic signal to constitute Barker code sequence .

    Barker码声信号采用了 单位脉冲的换能器响应作为单元码,并以此构成了编码序列。

  • In some sense and at not too high orders it can be better than Kaiser 's window which is taken as the unit pulse response of a non-recursive shift variant filter here .

    从一定意义上说,在阶数不太高时,可优于凯泽窗函数作为 单位 脉冲响应的非递归线性移变滤波。

  • This paper presents a method of using the windows function to design FIR digital filter . The finite length unit pulse series can be assured according to filter technical indexes to make sure the filter has the most narrow width main lobe and the smallest side lobe .

    介绍了利用窗函数设计FIR滤波器的方法,即根据给定的滤波器技术指标,确定有限长 单位 脉冲序列,通过选择滤波器的长度和窗函数,使其具有最窄宽度的主瓣和最小的旁瓣。

  • Two methods are used to determine the unit pulse value so the accuracy of calculation is better gained .

    用两种方法对 单位 脉冲值进行模拟,提高了水位响应系数的计算精度。

  • The device consists of pulse control circuit optical coupling isolation MOSFET driver waveform control unit pulse voltage regulator modules those are implemented based on CPLD and MOSFET .

    以CPLD、MOSFET等为主要芯片设计了脉冲控制电路、光耦隔离和MOSFET驱动电路、波形调节 单元脉冲电压调节单元等,获得了符合加工要求的输出脉冲波形。

  • Relay-contactor control unit is employed in pulse power supply to fulfill the function of charging discharging and fast charging which has the features of the strong ability against the violent electromagnetic interference and the high stability .

    脉冲电源的充电、泄放电和快速充电等 单元的控制采用抗干扰能力很强的继电器&接触器控制 单元来完成。

  • Taking the signal processing unit of an IR searching system as a pulse receiver and considering the effect of bandwidth of the pulse receiver on the output signal-to-noise ratio the range equation of IR searching system is derived .

    将红外搜索系统的信号处理 单元视为 脉冲接收系统,在考虑其带宽对输出信噪比的影响下,推导了红外搜索系统的作用距离方程。

  • Selection and Application of Power Supply Unit for Pulse Plating

    脉冲电镀 电源的选择和使用

  • Research on Shielding Effectiveness and Analysis of the Internal Magnetic Field Distribution of Control Unit in the Pulse Power Sourse

    脉冲功率源测控 单元屏蔽效能研究及内部磁场分布分析

  • The spectrometer in which the control / communication unit pulse generator RF waveform transmitter and digital receiver are integrated on one PCB card can works in two modes .

    此外,该谱仪控制台将控制/通讯 部分脉冲 序列控制部分、射频发射部分与信号接收部分集成于一块板卡之上,还可以实现两种工作模式。

  • This paper introduces a simple and reliable amplification and compression unit which has found application in a pulse compression radar . Its composition working principle and experimental results are given in this article .

    介绍一种简单可靠的应用于 脉冲压缩体制雷达中的放大压缩 单元,叙述其组成、工作原理及实验测试结果。

  • The power that transponder need is come from coupling unit like clock pulse and data .

    应答器工作所需的能量,如同时钟 脉冲和数据一样,是通过耦合 单元传输给应答器的。

  • The first part introduce the basic principle of Magnetic Resonance Imaging and the structure of MRI spectrometer which includes pulse sequence generator and compiler RF unit receiver unit and pulse field gradient unit .

    第一部分简单介绍了核磁共振成像的基本原理,以及MRI仪器的各个组成部分。其中包括 脉冲序列发生器、射频发射单元、接收机 单元和梯度发生单元。

  • In an electric system used for EDM the controling of servo unit looks more macroscopic than the pulse power about the occur time but its effect on discharging is fairly important .

    用于电火花成形 的伺服系统,与 脉冲电源相比,其控制从时间上来说相对更加宏观一些,但对放电的影响也是至为关键的。

  • A Study on Phasor Measurement Unit And its Application A PRECISION PULSE SMALL PHASE-ANGLE METER

    相角变送器的研究与应用精密 脉冲小相角测试

  • Analysis on Unit Pulse Equivalent Error of Step Motor Numerical Control System

    步进电机数控系统 单位 脉冲当量误差分析

  • This dissertation research electromagnetic interference of the monitoring and control unit in the module with pulse power modular technology as the background .

    本论文以模块化 脉冲功率技术为背景,研究模块内部测控 单元电磁干扰。

  • IIR digital filter is an kind of digital filter that its unit pulse response is unlimited long and is also an important research task in modern electronics 、 communication and signal processing many scholars did much research on the optimization design of IIR digital filter .

    ⅡR数字滤波器是 响应为无限长的一类数字滤波器,是电子、通信及信号处理领域的重要研究内容,国内外学者对ⅡR数字滤波器的优化设计进行了大量研究。

  • The weakness of ground-to-air fire unit under the threat of EPB ( electromagnetic pulse bomb ) is analyzed .

    分析了电磁 脉冲弹(EPB)威胁下地空导弹火力 单元的弱点。