unit sand

[ˈjunɪt sænd][ˈju:nit sænd]


  • A unit of volume ( as for sand or gravel ) .

    用于 测量沙石的体积 单位

  • Among three kinds of parent material the soil pH value of Quaternary red soil dropped one unit the soil pH value of Granite and Sand shale dropped 0.88 and 0.54 respectively .

    3种母质中,第四纪红土母质果园土壤pH值下降达1个 单位,花岗岩母质和 页岩母质果园土壤pH值依次为088和054个单位。

  • US Marines from the24th Marine Expeditionary Unit try to take shelter from a sand storm at forward operating base Dwyer in the Helmand province of southern Afghanistan Wednesday May7 .

    美国从24海军陆战队远征 部队海军陆战队试图采取的前沿作战基地德怀尔的住房,从 尘暴在阿富汗南部星期三,2008年5月7日赫尔曼德省。

  • Application of high-resolution sequence stratigraphy in division and correlation of flow unit of thick sand reservoir

    厚层 砂岩油藏流动 单元划分与对比

  • The result indicates that the discharge per unit width the sediment concentration the grain size of sand influences the depth of scour hole .

    试验结果表明:浑水水流的 宽流量大小、含沙量的多少以及 含沙粒径的变化都对冲刷坑深度有一定的影响。

  • The concept and calculation formula of irrigation unit for plant sand fixation on sand dune have been put forward in this paper by calculating intake rate measuring intake process and deep loss rate as well as making repeated experiment with different discharge and different irrigation area .

    在塔克拉玛干 沙漠腹地,通过计算沙丘地入渗率、测定入渗过程与深层损失率以及进行不同流量、不同灌溉面积的反复试验,提出了灌溉 单元的定义及计算公式。

  • And predicted its time unit single sand body parts etc.

    并对其所在时间 单元、单 体、部位等进行了预测。

  • Under the condition of controlling liquid production per unit thickness chemical sand control can satisfy the basic needs of conventional control casing in sand production reservoir of Pan 2 block .

    在控制采液强度的情况下,化学 基本能够满足盘二块出砂油藏常规套管防砂的需要。

  • Our company produces the mountains brand sea sand by magnetic separators is unit the iron ore into unit is passive mobile ground magnetic separation sand iron ore special-purpose machinery .

    是由铁砂磁选机组成,本 机组是被动移动式地面磁选 铁矿专用机械。

  • Using three levels hierarchy of flow unit and properties of single sand layer we have studied the vertical and planar distribution of flow unit and forecasted the distribution of residual oil .

    运用三层次的流动 单元划分方案,利用单 砂层物性参数,研究安棚深层系垂向上和平面上流动单元分布特征,实现对剩余油分布的预测。通过研究,主要取得以下认识和成果。

  • Not only the structure of the robot 、 the design of magnetic unit and the control system are discussed but some applications of the robot are presented including sand blasting spray painting operation and lacquer coat thickness measurement of tanks .

    阐述了该机器人的结构、磁 的设计以及控制系统的组成,并简要介绍了该机器人的一些应用,开发了 适于高层检测的涂层厚度自动检测系统。

  • The service life of the subsurface pumping unit will be lowered when operating in the medium of high water-cut and sand content and high degree of mineralization .

    针对原 油泵在高含水、高含 、高矿化度介质中工作,寿命降低的问题,对其结构和材质进行了改进,活塞在原 结构基础上增加了高硬度刮 环。

  • Water jet is a very thin spray but the processing energy on the unit area is very great . If corresponding abrasive is put in water jet to spray sand the effect of cut removing rock will be made more practical .

    水射流虽是很细的喷流,但是, 单位面积上的加工能量却是极大的,在水射流中加入相应的磨料,形成水 喷砂流,则喷砂切削碎岩的实用性就更强了。

  • The green sand ingredient and compactability fast testing unit made up of an automatic sampling machine and a testing slave is developed to prepare a standard sand specimen and test conductive parameters automatically .

    研制了由自动制样机构和测试下位机构成的湿型砂组分及紧实率快速测试 单元,可完成标准 砂样的制作和紧实率、导电参数的自动测量。

  • Since workspace is short of VSP material the stratum unit demarcation with synthetic seismic record is the presupposition of structure interpretation and sand body trace and reservior prediction and so on .

    由于工区范围内缺乏或没有VSP资料,利用合成地震记录进行地质 层位标定是进行构造解释、 体追踪及储层预测等工作的前提。

  • Using the sand-suites as the unit for mapping it shows areal distribution of the stratum thickness sandstone thickness and sedimentary facies of the three sand suites .

    以砂组为作图 单位,分别展示了本区3个 组的地层厚度、砂岩厚度以及沉积相的平面展布特征。

  • The better of flow unit the thicker of sand body the higher of porosity and permeability the higher of oil saturation .

    流动 单元越好则 体厚度越大,孔隙度和渗透率越高、含油饱和度也越高。

  • This project aims to develop an auto-control unit of a direct-control optimizing system of green sand quality for a sand mixer .

    本课题的目的在于研制一种用于 型砂质量直接优化控制系统的混砂机加料自动控制 单元

  • Followed the instructions from the master the auto-control unit as an essential part for the system controls the feeding of the returned sand new sand clay water and coal powder precisely .

    机加料自动控制 单元的功能在于接受上位机控制指令,向混 机准确加入 、新砂、粘土、水和煤粉等原料,是 型砂质量直接优化控制系统的重要组成单元。

  • Softsediment layer of load ballandpillow involves the fine sand unit and the overlying coarse sand unit .

    形成球&枕构造与负载构造的软沉积层包括细砂 单元与上覆 粗砂单元。

  • The effective coal dust content of molding sand should be determined according to the factors such as the quality of the coal dust casting size and thickness pouring temperature facing sand or unit sand and so on .

    决定型砂中的有效煤粉含量应根据煤粉质量的优劣、铸件大小和厚薄、浇注温度、面砂或 单一 等因素。