unitary operator

[ˈjunɪˌtɛri ˈɑpəˌretɚ][ˈju:nitəri ˈɔpəreitə]


  • Coherent-entangled state is a relatively unique one which is of coherence and entanglement characteristics . Making the representation transformation to the coherent-entangled state we have derived a new squeezing operator in a nature way and found this unitary operator can satisfy the group multiplication rule .

    相干纠缠态是一类比较特殊的表象,皆有相干和纠缠的特性,从相干纠缠态表象下的表象变换出发,我们导出了一个新的压缩算符,并且发现该 算符具有群乘的性质。

  • Unitary transformation and general linear transformation by the optical method (ⅳ) the pattern recognition and projection operator

    用光学方法实现 变换及一般线性变换(Ⅳ)图形识别及投影 算子

  • Five kinds of symmetry transformation operations and corresponding symmetry transformation operators in quantum mechanics are introduced and the proof of linearity and unitary of transformation operator as well as the deduction of its formula is also given .

    介绍了量子力学中的五种对称变换操作及相应的对称变换算符,并给出了变换 算符线性和 性的证明及其表示式的推导。

  • Coordinate exchange and unitary transformation of momentum operator

    角动量 算符 表象变换与坐标轮换

  • A Study on Unitary Part of A Contraction Operator

    压缩 算子 部的研究

  • Russell ( 17 w_4 ) has showed that a compact perturbation generated from unitary operator groups in infinite-dimensional linear Hilbert spaces is unable to make the perturbed semigroup exponentially stable .

    Russell(17w_37)曾指出,无限维Hilbert空间中的 算子群对生成的紧扰动不能使被扰动半群具有指数稳定性。

  • Properties of κ - photon unitary operator

    k光子 算符的性质

  • As it is well known in Hilbert space the representation transformation is realized by the unitary operator so it is more suitable to use the optical method for pattern recognition .

    由于表象变换是通过 变换实现的,用光学方法进行图形识别是比较合适的。

  • Therefore in this thesis with the fact that the joint unitary operation can generate quantum entanglement in mind we discuss the operator entanglement of the general joint unitary operation firstly .

    故此,在本论文中我们将以联合 操作可以实现量子纠缠为主线,探讨一般联合幺正操作 算符的纠缠特性。