While people pursue the cost-effective parallel super-computer system some dedicated computing components play their powerful parallel computing power in many special areas Graphics Processing Unit GPU is one of them for image processing and general purpose computation .
在人们追求高性价比的并行计算机系统的同时,在许多专用领域的专用计算部件也发挥着其强大的并行计算能力。图形处理器(GPU,graphicsprocessing unit)就是一种用于通用 计算的专用加速部件。
The control unit of dynamic balancing system is calibrated through theoretical computation and output simulation solving calibrating difficulty for lack of equipments .
其次,通过理论 计算,模拟传感器电量输出,对动平衡系统中测控 单元进行了标定,解决了缺少设备条件下对仪器进行标定的难题。
This article is written to explore how to make use of the consumption of the current norms at home to quickly perform the quantitative analysis and unit price computation of the labour materials and machines in international bidding for engineering projects .
此文探讨如何利用国内现有定额的消耗量,在国际工程投标中迅速进行工料机用量分析和 单价 计算。
With the efficient use of computation capacity and programmability provided by graphics processing unit ( GPU ) of underlying graphics hardware most of computation from CPU are isolated .
通过有效利用图形硬件的图形处理 单元(GPU)的运算能力和可编程性,将大量 计算从CPU分离出来。
Application of the C. O. Clark unit hydrography to the flux computation in a small scale basin of the Loess Plateau
C.O.Clark 单位线在黄土高原小流域汇水 演算中的应用
This article describes the feasibility and method of application of the plant chromatography in MTBE Unit in combination with the control system and it makes comparison between the two alfin ratio control schemes providing the real-time computation and control over the alfin ratio .
论述了将工业色谱同控制系统相结合应用于甲基叔丁基醚 装置中的可行性与方法,对比了两种醇烯比控制方案。实现了对醇烯比的实时 计算与控制。
That is to say quantum gate is a fundamental unit of quantum computation .
也就是说,量子逻辑门是量子 计算 过程中的基本 单元。
It used the unstructured tetrahedron unit to produce the computation grid on the geometric model of the dust extraction fan blade cascade and back flow passage flow field and increased density in the area of blade channel and gaps which flow changed fiercely .
在建立的除尘风机叶栅及后流道流场几何模型上,采用非结构四面体 单元分 块生成了 计算网格,在流动变化剧烈的叶片通道和间隙区域内适当加密网格。
For many years with the advancement of Graphics Processing Unit and the creation of its new feature of programmability scientists begin to use GPU to do general purpose computation .
随着图形处理器( GPU)性能的突飞猛进,以及GPU可编程特性的发展,人们开始将GPU应用到通用 计算领域(GPGPU)。
The quantum information represented the latest development of the quantum physics and the information ages have most the development direction of the potential Quantum logic gate is most basic logic unit of computation quantum .
量子信息代表了当代量子物理学的最新进展,代表着信息时代最具有潜力的发展方向,量子逻辑门是实现量子 计算的最基本的逻辑 单元。
DJS-6 data communication system is a system having DJS-6 computer as central unit connecting with all the terminals through various communication lines . The system can be used to fulfill the tasks of transmission computation and tabling of data from various users .
DJS-6数据传输系统是以 DJS-6计算机为中心,通过各种通信线路与诸终端相连,完成各类用户数据的传输、 计算、制表工作。
The software package features visual computing integration i.e. it incorporates the visual display unit with image computation function .
介绍了我们开发的条纹图象 处理软件系统的视&算一体化的图象 处理功能;
The four-unit model includes conformational entropy into residue and packing effect for the unit and makes a good compromise between computation consumption and spatial resolution .
四单元模型在 计算时间和模型分辨率之间做了比较恰当的折衷,在残基内部引入了构象熵和亚 单元的堆积效应。
The application of non-tensile unit in simulation computation of structural jointing
不抗拉 单元在结构分缝仿真 计算中的应用
Adopting the spring unit to simulate the support of main bearing so as to let the computation model be more close to the actual situation .
采用弹簧 单元模拟主轴承支承,使 计算模型更接近实际情况。
ACCUMULATOR ( NO.2 ) In a computer a special storage register associated with the arithmetic logic unit used for holding the results of a computation or data transfer .
存储器(NO.2),计算机中,一种与算术逻辑 组件有关系的特别存储寄存器,用来存放 运算结果或数据传输。
Finite element analysis computation part : Contains the rock the cement sheath the casing three dimensional finite element analysis model using the ANSYS senior modeling technology establishment and the establishment contact unit uses the sub-module technology to carry on the analysis computation .
有限元分析计算部分:利用ANSYS的高级建模技术建立包含岩石、水泥环、套管的三维有限元分析模型,并建立接触 单元及采用子模型技术进行分析 计算。
By the equilong unit finite element method based on the Wenkel model the computation is speeded up remarkably .
采用文克尔模型为基础的等长 单元有限元法,显著地提高了 计算速度。
For the target movement between two frames is in one range unit the number of track-before-detect transform states will be shorter which can reduce the computation of the algorithm .
由于目标在帧间的移动在一个距离 单元之内,因此检测前跟踪时的转移状态数少, 计算 量 小。
美[ˈjunɪt ˌkɑmpjʊˈteʃən]英[ˈju:nit ˌkɔmpjʊˈteɪʃən]