Oh I 'm sorry the yellow fever vaccination is no longer valid in your certificate .
哦,对不起,您的证书中 黄 热病接种一项已经失效了。
He explained the yellow fever epidemic as a providential act to discourage urban growth
他解释说 黄 热病的流行恰好减缓了城市的扩张。
Measles malaria pneumonia hepatitis B yellow fever .
麻疹、疟疾、肺炎、乙肝、 黄 热病。
There is no cure for yellow fever .
对 黄 热病没有治疗方法。
Intermediate yellow fever : In humid or semi-humid parts of Africa small-scale epidemics occur .
中间型 黄 热病:在非洲潮湿或半潮湿地区,时而发生小规模流行病。
This is the second Yellow fever event reported by the Central African Republic in2008 .
这是2008年期间中非共和国报告的第二起 黄 热病 病例。
Diseases such as malaria dengue fever yellow fever and Nile fever would also spread .
疟疾、登革热、 黄 热病与西尼罗热等疾病也将蔓延。
The case has been laboratory confirmed for Yellow fever by the Institut Pasteur Dakar .
达喀尔市巴斯德研究所实验室确认了该起 黄 热病病例。
Blood tests can detect yellow fever antibodies produced in response to the infection .
验血可检测出因感染产生的 黄 热病抗体。
After clinical epidemiological and laboratory investigation the GOARN mission confirmed two yellow fever cases .
在进行临床、流行病学和实验室调查之后,全球疫情警报与反应网络访问团证实了两例 黄 热病。
Both cases were reported by the Yellow fever surveillance system and presented with symptoms of fever and jaundice .
两起病例都是 黄 热病监督系统报告的,呈现了发烧和黄疸症状。
You also need proof of a Yellow Fever vaccine .
另外,你需要有 黄 热病疫苗的证明 喔。
Yellow fever is a viral disease transmitted by infected mosquitos that has caused large epidemics in Africa and the Americas .
黄 热病是一种由受感染蚊虫传播的病毒性疾病,已在非洲和美洲引起了多次大的流行。
None of the cases had a history of yellow fever vaccination .
两个病例均没有 黄 热病疫苗接种史。
Three cases were positive for yellow fever IgM at the National Laboratory in the Institute Pasteur of Bangui .
经位于班吉的巴斯德研究所国家实验室检测,3例为 黄 热病IgM阳性。
Those rules dealt with only four diseases : cholera plague yellow fever and smallpox .
这些法规只处理四类传染病:霍乱、瘟疫、 黄 热病、天花。
Doctor Mudd saved many prisoners and guards in a yellow fever outbreak .
马德医生在一场 黄 热病流行时治愈了许多囚犯和看守。
The yellow fever virus is constantly present in mosquitos and non-human primates in some tropical areas of Africa and the Americas .
黄 热病病毒持续存在于非洲和美洲某些热带地区的蚊子和非人灵长类动物中。
The Ministry of Health Liberia has reported one additional confirmed case of Yellow fever .
利比里亚卫生部报告了又一起 黄 热病确诊病例。
Mosquito that transmits yellow fever and dengue .
传播 黄 热病和登革热的蚊子。
Yellow fever is a viral disease found in tropical regions of Africa and the Americas .
黄 热病是一种病毒性疾病,见于非洲和美洲的热带地区。
The Federal Ministry of Health reported to WHO an outbreak of yellow fever in the South Kordofan State .
联邦卫生部向世卫组织报告了南科尔多凡州的 黄 热病暴发。
He could have a severe reaction to the yellow fever vaccine .
这样他就有可能对 黄 热病疫苗有反应。
As reported many countries have added yellow fever and hepatitis B vaccines to routine immunization programmes .
据报告,许多国家已将 黄 热病和乙肝疫苗加到了常规免疫规划之内。
There were also cases of hepatitis typhoid and yellow fever .
还出现了肝炎、伤寒和 黄 热病 病例。
Do I need a vaccination against yellow fever ?
我需要接种 黄 热病的疫苗吗?
Yellow fever is a viral haemorrhagic fever transmitted to people by infected mosquitoes .
黄 热病是一种病毒性出血热,通过受感染的蚊子传播给人。
Pictured above is a yellow fever quarantine station .
以上图片拍的是一个 黄 热病检疫站。
The case was detected by the national Yellow fever surveillance system .
此病例是该国 黄 热病监测系统发现的。
美[ˈjɛlo ˈfivɚ]英[ˈjeləu ˈfi:və]