yield stress

[jild strɛs][ji:ld stres]


  • This instrument can be used for measuring the yield stress of ER fluids MR fluids and EMR fluids .

    可以分别用于电流变液、磁流变液以及电磁 流变液的测试。

  • Elastic deformation occurs at stress below the yield stress the viscous flow appears after yield with thixotropy .

    验证了在剪切应力低于 屈服 时,变形基本上是弹性的,而屈服后粘流过程显示了触变特性。

  • The effect of the definition of yield stress on hardening rules .

    不同 屈服 定义对强化规律的影响;

  • The yield stress and shear-resistant properties of crosslinking polymer gel were studied by rheological measurement .

    采用控制 流变仪研究了交联聚合物凝胶的 屈服 与凝胶强度的关系,并考察了凝胶的抗剪切性能,尤其是与油藏渗流速度相当的剪切速率下的凝胶的粘度 保持

  • Results showed that both sweet potato slurry with and without pectinase treatment behaved as non-Newtonian pseudoplastic fluid with yield stress .

    结果表明:未经果胶酶处理和经过果胶酶处理的甘薯浆均为非牛顿性流体、呈现假塑性同时具有 屈服

  • Discussion on Prediction Accuracy of Yield Stress Model of Cold Rolling Mill

    冷连轧变形 抗力模型预报精度的探讨

  • Also the sensitivity of the temperature / loading rate and the constitutive equation related to yield stress versus temperature / strain rate both are made in the paper .

    计算了两种材料的温度敏感度和加载速率敏感度以及温度和应变率对两种树脂材料 屈服 影响的本构关系。

  • Especially this model can also explain the yield stress and wall slip phenomena for foam fracturing fluid .

    更为主要的是该模型还可以用于解释泡沫压裂液的 屈服 和壁面滑移现象。

  • Assay analysis of Casson viscosity . Casson yield stress etc 23 indices of Hemorheology of 113 patients with cardio-cerebral diseases in Yanan

    延安市113例心脑血管病患者卡森粘度卡森 屈服 等23项血流变指标测定与分析

  • The transverse stress of clad material was analyzed with the mixing rule and the results show that the yield stress tensile stress and the thickness ratio obey exponent function .

    研究了陶瓷 微粉含量对其介电性能的影响以及介电性能的频率和温度特性,并用介质混合法则对其介电常数进行拟合分析。

  • Artificial Neural Network Model to Predict Yield Stress of Waxy Crude Oil

    人工神经网络预测含蜡原油的 屈服

  • The material flow yield stress and flow stress were not apparently influenced by the deforming speed .

    变形速度对材料流动、 屈服 、流动应力没有明显影响。

  • Rotated rheometer was used to determine the yield stress of lithium lubricating grease .

    选用旋转流变仪测定了锂基润滑脂的 屈服

  • If an applied stress or pressure drop is not sufficient to break the gel or exceed the yield stress no flow will occur .

    如果施加的应力或压降不足以破坏凝胶或不足以超过 屈服 ,则不会有流动产生。

  • As the role between the sands is so complex the theoretical analysis of the Bingham yield stress has not been so perfect and the analyzed calculation was much multitudinous .

    宾汉极限切 是描述非牛顿体流变 特性的一个重要参数,由于流体中泥沙颗粒之间作用的复杂性,使得 宾汉 极限 的理论分析还不完善,其解析计算也较繁琐。

  • The effect of temperature on the yield stress is included in the numerical method .

    该格式同时也考虑了温度对 屈服 极限的影响。

  • The relationships of thickness ratio with yield stress and tensile stress of the clad were established .

    在传统的混合法则基础上,建立了 宽度方向 相对厚度比和拉伸应变之间的关系。

  • It is relatively simple to predict the elastic modulus yield stress and stress-strain response of the composites with different volume fraction of particles by the model .

    不但防水,还具有弹性。运用该模型可以很方便地预测不同颗粒体积含量复合材料的弹性模量、 、力-变塑性响应等。

  • Based on the test results empirical equations for predicting tensile strength elastic modulus and yield stress were fitted as a function of temperature strain rate and Sn content .

    本文根据拉伸试验结果,分别给出了拉伸强度、 屈服 和弹性模量与锡含量、温度和应变率关联的经验公式,预测的结果均在1.25倍的分散带内。

  • Temperature Field and Yield Stress Grads during Wire Die-Less Drawing of Tungsten Alloy

    钨合金丝材无模拉拔成形温度场及 流动 梯度

  • The variations of the yield stress with strain are considered in the model .

    随变形而变化的 屈服 也在模型中被考虑。

  • The magnitude of the yield stress of magnetorheological fluids is important for engineering applications .

    剪切 屈服 是磁流变流体固化强度的重要指标之一,具有重要的工程意义。

  • Calculation and Prediction of The Bingham Yield Stress Using BP Neural Network

    基于BP网络的 宾汉极限切 的计算和预测

  • Thus cubic particle model can predict the minimum current density of a certain ER fluids needed to obtain a shear yield stress .

    这样可使用立方体颗粒模型来计算某一电流变液剪切 屈服 所对应的最小电流密度。

  • Research of the Correlations of Casson viscosity 、 Casson yield stress and another indicies of 150 cases high viscosity syndrom in Yanan

    延安市150例高粘综合症患者卡森粘度、卡森 屈服 与其它指标相关性研究

  • Vessel burst pressure is the mean between maximum event ( explosion ) pressure and the yield stress of the vessel .

    容器爆破压力是容器 屈服 和最大事件(爆炸)压力之间的平均数。

  • Studies have shown that ( in the same units ) the hardness of a cold-worked metal is about three times its yield stress Y ;

    研究表明:(在相同的面积上)冷加工材料的硬度大约是它 屈服 强度的三倍;

  • A plastic constitutive model for concrete with zero value of initial yield stress under triaxial compressive loading condition

    屈服 下混凝土三轴受压塑性模型

  • Effect of Temperature on Dynamic Yield Stress and Microstructure of 2519A Aluminum Alloy at High Strain Rate

    温度对2519A铝合金高应变速率下动态 屈服 及显微组织的影响