yellow lead

[ˈjɛlo lid][ˈjeləu li:d]


  • Research on the new process of recovery of lead and producing yellow lead or red lead by recycling waste lead acid battery was proposed in the paper which can have higher reaction efficiency with some oxidant .

    就废铅蓄电池的回收利用,提出一种用废 蓄电池生产再生铅,同时生产 黄丹 红丹的湿法&火法联合冶金工艺,此工艺中加入氧化剂,反应效率高。

  • A wet-firing combined process has been developed for preparing yellow lead and red lead from scrap lead batteries .

    以废铅蓄电池为原料,采用湿法、火法联合冶炼技术制备 黄丹和红丹。

  • Effected by the key circulation system mentioned above the continuous serious arid occurred in the Yellow River Basin during flood season in 1997 which lead to the flow cut-off days and times in Lijin station during flood season is at most since data recorded .

    正是受上述主要环流系统的影响,1997年汛期 黄河流域出现了持续性严重干旱, 黄河下游 利津站出现了有资料记录以来主汛期最长断流时间和最多断流次数。

  • When the yellow power input lead is connected power will always be supplied to the memory circuit even when the ignition key is turned off .

    当连接 黄色电源 线时,即使点火钥匙关闭,也总是向记忆电路供电。

  • Any of several yellow pigments consisting of normal lead chromate and other lead compounds .

    任何由常态的铬酸 和其他铅化合物组成的 黄色颜料。

  • The Yellow River Delta wetland is an important estuary wetland which has international significance as affected by sea land and rivers it develops various types of wetland and special ecological environment which lead them to very important ecological service function value .


  • Cassel yellow ( lead oxychloride ) Methods for chemical analysis of aluminium oxide & The ferric thiocyanate photometric method for the determination of chlorine content

    氯化铝 (氯 氧化铅)GB/T6609.15-1986氧化铝化学分析方法硫氰酸铁光度法测定氯量

  • Treatment and resource recovery of spent lead battery & a new process of producing yellow lead and red lead

    废铅蓄电池的处理及资源化& 黄丹 红丹生产新工艺

  • Yellow sweat disease and toxicosis of lead mercury and arsenic

    汗与 汞砷中毒

  • Preparation of Yellow Lead and Red Lead from Used Lead Batteries

    用废铅蓄电池制备 黄丹和红丹

  • This time lead the Yellow Emperor to lead troops reached the Chiyou array .

    这次, 黄帝身先士卒, 带兵杀入蚩尤阵中。

  • The application of multivariable minimum variance selftuning regulator to the control for yellow lead making process in accumulator industry

    多变量最小方差自校正调节器在蓄电池厂 铅粉机控制中的应用

  • Wheat aphid is one of the most important pests in wheat region in Northwest China . It could reduce the wheat productions directly and transmit the Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus ( BYDV ) to lead considerable losing indirectly .

    小麦蚜虫是我国西北小麦产区的重要害虫,除直接为害小麦造成减产外,由它传播的小麦 矮病(BYDV),也给小麦生产 带来严重损失。

  • Studies on the Antagonistic Action of Yellow Wine on Lead Poisoning in the Mice Experiment

    黄酒对实验性 中毒的拮抗作用研究

  • I have no idea if the sparkling yellow paint on this toy car harbors lead or not-but now months later that sporty racer sits atop my desk .

    我买的这辆玩具车看上去 光彩夺目,我还不敢肯定所用的涂料是不是 含铅

  • The fundamental solving measure of Yellow river water source shortage is to lead water from South to North by canal but this can not put into execution in short time .

    西线南水北调工程是解决 黄河水资源短缺的根本措施,但不可能在短期内实施。

  • Because of increasingly river channel silting gradually shrunken channel decreased discharge capacity and markedly lowered flood plain storage the food of Yellow river caused by low flow can lead to high water stage and huge danger .

    黄河下游河道逐年淤积抬高,河道断面萎缩,过流能力降低,漫滩流量大幅度减小, 致使 黄河洪水出现小流量、高水位、大险情的特点。

  • The results were as follows : melanin can efficiently ( P < 0.05 ) improve mean longevity of yellow strain by 70.2 % and 54.9 % respectively under high concentration of lead ( 2 mg / mL ) .

    结果表明:乌鸡黑色素能显著提高果蝇的平均寿命(P<0.05),延寿率达 70.2%和54.9%。

  • Methods for chemical analysis of aluminium oxide & The lead diethyldithiocarbamate photometric method for the determination of cupric oxide content cassel yellow ( lead oxychloride )

    GB/T6609.9-1986氧化铝化学分析方法二乙基二硫代氨基甲酸铅光度法测定氧化铜量氯化铝 (氯 氧化铅

  • Secondly on the basis of the enviromental considers these green bismuth pigments were presented to substitute for some toxic inorganic pigments containing chromium lead cadmium and so on like chrome yellow zinc yellow and lead red .

    基于环保因素的考虑,以无公害、无污染、性能优良的Bi-V-O系颜料可在红、黄相领域取代有毒的含铅、铬、镉等元素的无机颜料,如锌 红丹等。

  • Gregg shields national spokesman for the scouts said the recalled plastic badges contained yellow and blue paints with levels of lead that exceeded federal safety limits .

    童子军全国发言人格雷格希尔兹(greggshields)表示,召回的塑料徽章含有 含量超过联邦安全限度的 黄色和蓝色油漆。

  • It is important of the Titanium yellow powder quality and saving the energy of the line to control the calcination temperature of the rotary kiln . Low or high temperature will affect on the quality of the product or lead to wasting of fuel .

    钛黄粉生产过程中,回转窑内焙烧温度的控制对钛 黄粉的质量及整个工艺流程的节能至关重要,温度过低或过高都会影响到产品的质量或 导致燃料的浪费。

  • In addition to the main content of phosphorus yellow phosphorus products also contain other impurities such as organic impurities arsenic lead sulfur and so on .

    黄磷产品中除了主含量磷以外,还含有其他杂质,如:有机杂质、砷、 、硫等。