Young's modulus


  • We dealt with Young 's modulus .

    我们对付的 杨氏 模量

  • In addition the decrease of Young 's modulus results in the decrease of the relative slip behavior between particles .

    此外, 弹性 模量的减小导致了炉料颗粒间的瞬态滑动行为减少。

  • The relationships between Young 's modulus shear modulus and Poission 's ratio of sintered materials and porosity were investigated for use as practical P / M machine parts .

    研究了粉末冶金机械零件使用的烧结材料的 杨氏 模量、切变模量及泊松比与孔隙度的关系。

  • The amplitudes of interlaminar transverse stresses were computed for different Young 's modulus and thickness of viscoelastic layer .

    针对不同 模量和厚度的粘 弹性材料,计算出层合圆柱壳 层间横向应力的幅值。

  • On the Measurement Of Young 's Modulus And Poisson 's Ratio For Solids Based On Optical Fiber Sensors

    基于光纤传感器的固体 杨氏 模量与泊松比测量方法研究

  • I think this whole portion would be fine so we could take this point as well as this point because anywhere on this straight line you will get the same value for Young 's modulus .

    我认为这个位置可以,所以我选择这个点,以及这个点,因为这条线的任意处,你都会得到相同的, 杨氏 模量

  • Exploration and practice of a new automatic measurement instrument for Young 's modulus

    新型 杨氏 模量自动测量仪的探索与实践

  • We measured its Young 's modulus by nanoindentation analyzed the dynamic performance of the film and compared the difference of these two methods .

    对它们的力学特性进行了分析,用纳米硬度计测量了薄膜 杨氏 模量

  • Results The Young 's modulus of is significantly decreased after treated with all cytoskeleton inhibitors .

    结果经过骨架蛋白抑制剂 处理,细胞 弹性 模量表现出显著的下降;

  • Lab Test of PCD 's Young 's Modulus and Poisson 's Ratio

    PCD 弹性 模量、泊松比 测试实验研究

  • Colourless optical glass test methods & Young 's modulus torsional rigidity modulus Poisson 's ratio

    GB/T7962.23-1987无色光学玻璃测试方法 杨氏 模量、剪切模量及泊松比测试方法

  • The flaws of a frequently-applied method used by overseas ( Japan ) measuring Young 's Modulus which is the method of vibration reed have been pointed out .

    指出了国外(本)量 杨氏 模量常用的一种方法&舌簧片振动法的一些不足之处。

  • And you have Young 's modulus there for various metals and I also have it down there for nylon and today we will work with that quite extensively .

    这里 各种金属的,杨氏 模量,还有尼龙的 杨氏 模量,今天我们将多次,用到它。

  • The simulation results suggest that there is no obvious size effect for Poisson 's ratio compressive strength and Young 's modulus and fracture toughness .

    结果表明:泊松比、单轴抗压强度、 弹性 模量以及断裂韧性 尺寸效应不明显, 弯曲 强度则随着模型尺寸的增大而减小。

  • So Young 's modulus itself * F / A equals F divided by A.

    所以 杨氏 模量本身。,等于。

  • If Young 's modulus is very high then the rod is extremely stiff .

    如果 杨氏 模量很大,表示这棒子非常硬。

  • And so we can now actually make an attempt to calculate Young 's modulus from the data .

    所以我们能试图,从这些数据中,得到 杨氏 模量

  • Oh this is by yeah the square root & And so the higher Young 's modulus is the higher the speed of sound is and that is intuitively sort of pleasing .

    对,它和-,所以 杨氏 模量越高,声速越大,非常的直观。

  • A comprehensive and researchful experiment project for the measurement of Young 's modulus

    杨氏 模量测量的研究性与综合性实验设计

  • But the variation of Young 's modulus would not change the characteristics of motion of burden in blast furnace that is composed of the steady motion and the transient motion of burden .

    弹性 模量的变化并没有改变高炉内炉料的运动特征,其运动仍然是由稳态下降运动与瞬态运动组成。

  • Rocks are different in their structure mineral particles and deforming history and the effect of confining pressure on Young 's modulus is not understood clearly .

    岩石种类繁多,变形历史复杂,围压对 杨氏 模量的影响规律尚缺乏明确的结论。

  • The slope of the linear relationship is young 's modulus E.

    线性关系的斜率是 弹性 模量

  • Diamond has the highest acoustic velocity high Young 's modulus and excellent mechanical and chemical properties so have broad application in the field of acoustic devices .

    金刚石具有最高的声传播速度和极高 杨氏 模量,以及优异的机械和化学性能,在声学方面具有广阔的应用前景。

  • If Young 's modulus is very low the material is more elastic .

    杨氏 模量很低,物质更有弹性。

  • The mechanical properties included the stress-strain curve peak stress Young 's modulus and poisson ratio of Gypsum Breccia .

    比较分析了烘干和天然条件下含水率对岩石应力应变曲线、峰值强度、 弹性 模量和泊松比变化情况。

  • Measuring Young 's Modulus Based on Measurement of Collision Time of Elastomer

    基于弹性体碰撞时间测定 杨氏 模量测量

  • So this is Young 's modulus .

    这是 杨氏 模量