


  • Construction of Engineered Saccharomyces cerevisiae for Steadily Metabolizing Glucose and Xylose to Ethanol

    稳定代谢葡萄糖和 木糖 乙醇的重组酿酒酵母工程菌初步构建

  • Effect of initial substrate concentrations and pH on hydrogen production from xylose with Clostridium butyricum T4

    初始底物浓度及pH对丁酸梭菌T4 发酵 木糖产氢的影响

  • Construction of Xylose Metabolic Genes in Yeast by Overlap Extension PCR

    利用重叠延伸PCR技术在酿酒酵母中构建 木糖代谢相关基因

  • The Study of High Performance Preparation of Xylose From Brewer Spent Grain by Microwave

    微波法高效制备啤酒糟中 木糖 关键技术研究

  • Study on the Ethanol Fermentation from Xylose by Wild Yeasts and Genetically Engineered Strains

    发酵 木糖 生产乙醇的野生菌和转基因菌的研究 进展

  • Isolation and hydrogen producing characters of thermophilic bacterium from xylose fermentation

    高温产氢菌的分离及其发酵 木糖产氢特性研究

  • Producing high red index caramel for sauce from xylose mother liquor ;

    在此 基础采用酿酒 酵母木糖 结晶母液进行 发酵 试验

  • Saccharide : Glucose mannose xylose and galactose and so on are included .

    糖类:包括葡萄糖、甘露糖、 木糖、半乳糖等。

  • Objective : Study on the influence of fructose and xylose in maillard reaction on the immunoactivity of shrimp allergen .

    目的研究果糖和 木糖在美拉德反应中对虾类过敏原活性的影响。

  • Conclusion : The maillard reaction of fructose xylose and shrimp allergen cannot reduce the immunoactivity effectively .

    结论果糖和 木糖在美拉德反应中不能有效降低虾过敏原的免疫活性。

  • But this waste product is actually full of a different knd of sugar ; it 's called C5 sugar or xylose .

    然而,事实上这种废料含有大量的另外一种糖,称为C5糖,或是 木糖

  • Names arising in this way for example are fructose maltose lactose xylose and cellulose .

    由此法产生的名称,有如:fructose(果糖)、maltose(麦芽糖)、lactose(乳糖)、 xylose 木糖)、cellulose 纤维素)等。

  • The objective of this research was to evaluate the effects of factors in heated xylose compound protective disposal methods on protein protection .

    本文用戊糖作为保护剂,以大 豆粕试验材料,研究了 戊糖加热复合保护处理方法中各因素对蛋白质保护效果的影响。

  • The functional characters and applications of xylose crystal & A non-calorie sweetener

    无热量甜味料&结晶 木糖的性质功能和应用前景

  • Optimation of Composition of Industrial Raw Material Medium on Bioconversion of Xylose to Xylitol by Yeast

    微生物转化 生产 木糖醇中工业化原料培养基组成的优化

  • The results can lay a foundation for application in industry of xylose isomerase .

    研究结果为嗜热 木糖异构酶的进一步工业应用奠定了基础。

  • Expression Purification and Enzymatic Characterization of Thermophilic Xylose Isomerase in Escherichia coli

    嗜热 木糖异构酶在大肠杆菌中的表达、纯化及性质研究

  • Studies on Decoloration of Xylose Solution by KOH-Modified Activated Carbon

    KOH改性活性炭对 木糖液脱色性能的研究

  • Degradation of Milled-wood Lignin and Its Condensation with Xylose during Kraft Cooking

    磨木木质素在硫酸盐法蒸煮过程中的降解及与 木糖的缩合

  • Active transport sugar-evoked potential comparative physiology xylose absorption test .

    活性转移;糖诱发电位;比较生理学; 木糖吸收试验。

  • Study on Fermentation of Xylose of Sweet Sorghum Stalk and Strain Breeding

    甜高粱秸秆中 木糖 酒精发酵及菌种选育研究

  • The production of xylose via hydrolysis of straw in a mixture of formic acid and hydrochloric acid was investigated .

    本文对甲酸-盐酸混合溶液水解麦草 木糖的工艺进行研究。

  • At given initial concentration of xylose and temperature furfural yield can firstly increase and then decrease with the increasing of the concentration of acetic acid .

    在反应温度和 木糖初始浓度相同时,糠醛收率随醋酸浓度增加呈 先增加后降低的变化趋势;

  • Acclimatization of strains for increasing ethanol yield from glucose and xylose

    提高 木糖和葡萄糖乙醇产率的菌种驯化

  • Process Conditions of Hydrogen Production Through Anaerobic Fermentation by Sludge From Xylose

    活性污泥以 木糖 产氢发酵的工艺条件

  • This study demonstrates the effect which the forward mutation of spt15 gene makes to the co-fermentation of xylose and glucose to ethanol by Saccharomyces cerevisiae .

    对其性状进行研究,结果表明该菌株能有效利用木糖并共发酵 木糖和葡萄糖。

  • The process would produce two useful by-products : unsulphonated lignin a commercially valuable polymer and xylose a type of wood sugar used in dyeing and in foods for diabetics .

    此生产过程将带出两种有用的副产品:一是具有商业价值的聚合物高活性无机酸木质素;另外是用在染色和糖尿病患者食物中的 木糖

  • A third approach that bypasses the redox imbalance issue is to replace the reductase and dehydrogenase with one enzyme xylose isomerase that can be expressed in yeast .

    第三种绕过氧化还原反应辅助因子的不平衡的方法是利用一种能够在酵母中表达的 木糖异构酶来替换还原酶和脱氢酶。

  • Production of 2 from Fermentation of Xylose by Klebsiella oxytoca ZU-03

    klebsiellaoxytoca发酵 木糖生产2丁二醇的研究

  • Central Composite Design Optimization of the Extraction of Xylose from Brewer 's Spent Grains by Ultrasonic Wave

    中心组合设计法优化超声波提取啤酒糟中 木糖的技术研究