

[化] 延胡索

  • ConclusionThe boiled fresh Yanhusuo is helpful to a large number of processing while the method of Yanhusuo processing in producing place need to be explored .

    结论 延胡索水煮后有利于 产地大量的加工生产,而延胡索产地加工方法有待于进一步探讨。

  • Antiproliferation effect of total alkaloid fraction of Yanhusuo on six human gastric cancer cell lines in vitro

    延胡索总碱对6种人 胃癌细胞株的体外增殖抑制作用

  • The Practical Research on the Treatment of protracted opioid Abstinence Syndrome by Corydalis yanhusuo Capsule

    复方 元胡胶囊治疗阿片类依赖稽延性戒断综合征的临床研究

  • Studies on Morphology and Histology of Medicinal Part of Corydalis yanhusuo


  • Objective : To evaluate the treatment of protracted opioid abstinence syndrome by corydalis yanhusuo capsule .

    前言:目的:中药复方 元胡治疗阿片类依赖稽延性戒断综合征。

  • Objective : To study the resource and the quality of wild Corydalis yanhusuo distributed in China .

    目的:研究我国野生 延胡索 种质资源的 现状及其质量。

  • Supercritical CO_2 Fluid Extraction of Tetrahydropalmatine from Corydalis yanhusuo W.T.Wang by Orthogonal Design

    超临界CO2流体萃取延胡索中 延胡索乙素的正交试验研究

  • A new method using single reflection Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy was proposed for direct and fast determination of Corydalis yanhusuo W. T.

    提出了用单次反射傅里叶变换红外光谱法直接测定 延胡索 及其 的新方法。

  • Determination of tetrahydropalmatine content in Corydalis yanhusuo W.T.Wang from different habitats by RP-HPLC

    RP-HPLC法测定不同产地 延胡索中延胡索乙素含量

  • In this paper the effects of rhizoma corydalis turtschaninovii f. yanhusuo ( large leaf type 5 LLYH ) on experimental myocardial ischemia and coronary blood flow are reported .

    本文报告大叶 延胡索对实验性心肌缺血和对冠状动脉血流量的作用。

  • OBJECTIVE To establish the techniques for the extraction of corydalis B from Rhizoma Corydalis Yanhusuo .

    目的建立测定白花 元胡药材中 延胡索甲素和乙素含量的方法。

  • Result : Morphological and histological characters and morphogenetic and developmental regulation of medicinal part of Corydalis yanhusuo are described with pictures .

    结果:结合图片描述 延胡索药用部位的形态发生和发育规律及其形态结构特征。

  • Study on the Preliminary Infections Source of Downy Mildew of Corydalis yanhusuo W. T. Wang


  • The abnormal glucose tolerance mice were randomly divided into model group and Yanhusuo group with each number of twenty .

    随机将葡萄糖耐量异常大鼠分成 延胡索组与模型组,同时 正常对照组喂以 基础 饲料

  • Effects of Step Magnetic Field on the Growth and Development of Corydalis yanhusuo

    梯度磁场对 元胡生长发育的影响

  • Determination of Trace Pb and Cd in Corydalis yanhusuo by Microwave Pressure Acid Digestion-Atomic Absorption Spectrometry

    微波增压溶样-原子吸收光谱法测定 延胡索 样品中微量铅镉

  • The yield and quality of yanhusuo were not only related to the N P and K amounts but also related to the nutrition proportion .


  • A preliminary study on tissue culture of Corydalis yanhusuo


  • The methods TLC identification for yanhusuo corydalis amabilis caulis sinomenii szechuan lovage rhizome ginseng and cinnamomum bark were simple and of high selectivity .

    采用薄层色谱法分别对 延胡索、夏天无、青风藤、川芎、人参和肉桂进行定性鉴别,方法简便,专属性强。

  • Comparison of Microwave-assisted and Conventional Extraction of Corydalis yanhusuo

    微波辅助提取与常规提取 延胡索的比较研究

  • Determination on the Content of Alkaloid in the Decoction Solutions of Two Differently Processed Products of Corydalis yanhusuo


  • Conclusion : Yanhusuo can efficiently reverse the resistance of MCF-7 / VCR .

    结论: 延胡索能够有效地逆转乳腺癌细胞MCF-7/VCR的耐药性。

  • A Study on Extraction of Corydalis B in Rhizoma Corydalis Yanhusuo with SFE and Other Methods

    SFE等方法提取 延胡索中延胡索乙素的研究

  • Direct identification of Corydalis yanhusuo from its confusable varieties by FTIR


  • Tuber Formation in Tissue Culture of Corydalis yanhusuo W.T.Wang


  • But so far there was no intact study on the development and planting technique of yanhusuo . Due to the field often was planted consecutively variety degeneration and plant diseases and insect pests all these made the yield of yanhusuo reduced and quality declined .

    但迄今为止,对 延胡索 生长发育和栽培技术缺乏 系统的研究, 加上产地连年种植,品种退化,病虫危害,致使延胡索产量降低,品质下降。

  • METHODS The TLC method was used to identify the Schisandra Yanhusuo and Coptis in the preparation .

    采用薄层色谱法对 降糖 胶囊中的五味子、 延胡索及黄连进行定性鉴别。

  • Conclusion : The alkaloids contents in wild populations of C. yanhusuo are diverse . The main kinds of alkaloids in some wild populations are higher than cultivated ones which are valuable for breeding .

    结论:野生 延胡索 种质在生物碱含量上 表现 较高 生物多样性,有些种质的主要生物碱含量很高,是延 索良种选育的材料;

  • We discuss the action mechanism of effect of Yanhusuo on Vascular complications of diabetes .

    实验 延胡索对血管病变的影响来探讨其作用机制。

  • This paper reports on the conditions suitable for the formation of tuber by callus and underground stem of Corydalis yanhusuo .

    本文报道了 素愈伤组织和地下茎形成块茎的适宜条件: 改良 H培养 附加 BA BA+GA