Yangtse River


  • Simulation and analysis of meso-b vortex over middle reaches of the Yangtse River on 22 July 1998

    1998年7月22日 长江中游中β低涡的数值模拟及分析

  • New steel box beam fabrication technology in the main bridge in the Yangtse River Bridge in Anqing

    安庆 长江公路大桥主桥钢箱梁制造新工艺

  • Study on Steel Deck Pavement Technology of Yichang Large Bridge over the Yangtse River

    用来简易铺装路面的碎石。宜昌 长江大桥钢桥面铺装技术的研究

  • Many are in established regions such as the Yangtse River Delta around Shanghai and the Pearl River Delta in the south .

    其中许多城市位于如上海周边的 长三角,以及华南的珠三角等经济发展已相对成熟的地区。

  • Approach to Making Pottery Technology of the New Stone Age on the Middle Reaches of the Yangtse River

    长江中游 流域新石器时代制陶工艺初探不同烧结工艺对 牙科 长石陶瓷 增强的研究

  • Financial crisis 's influence on Yangtse River Delta export oriented enterprise and its countermeasure

    金融危机对 长三角地区外向型企业的影响及应对策略

  • Genetic diversity of white goat population in Yangtse River Delta was examinated by using structural loci and microsatellite markers .

    座和微卫星标记检测 长江三角洲白山羊群体的遗传多样性。

  • China is traditionally divided by the north and south by the great Yangtse River .

    在传统上,中国 武术长江为界划分为南北两大

  • Study on Influence of Drainage for Open Caisson 's Construction on Levee Security of Yangtse River

    沉井施工降水对 江堤安全影响的研究

  • The aged community 's market requirement characteristics and inspiration research & take Yangtse River Delta as example

    老年社区的市场需求特征及启示研究&以 长三角地区为例

  • The Yangtse River widens out here as the land gets flatter .

    随着地势变得平坦, 长江在这里也变宽了。

  • The hill commands an overall view of the magnificent Nanjing Yangtse River Bridge .

    从山上可以清楚地看到雄伟的南京 长江大桥的全景。

  • Different answers to the development debate are on display in the tourist testbed in a number of watertowns south of the Yangtse River in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces .


  • It was reported that another bridge was to be built across the Yangtse River .

    据报道 长江 上将要再建一座大桥。

  • So we study how to develop a computer system to release the Yangtse River hydrologic information on the internet .

    针对实际 需求,研究开发了水文 泥沙信息网络发布系统。

  • Our company is in the Yangtse River delta where have developed economy 、 numerous port and abundant shiping resources .

    潜三角洲, 下三角洲本公司地处经济发达、港口众多、船舶资源丰富的 长江三角洲。

  • Knowing third party logistics 's contract risk & analysis of taking Yangtse River Delta as centre

    第三方物流合同风险的识别&以 长三角地区为中心的分析

  • Yangtse River mainstream Dongting Lake and Poyang Lake all ebb from warning water level today


  • The reach of Chongqing City is in the variable backwater region of Three Gorges Reservoir and it is also the reach as the Jialingjiang River flowing into the Yangtse River .

    重庆主城区河段处于三峡水库变动回水区,又是嘉陵江汇入 长江的河段,水流条件和泥沙运动十分复杂。

  • Study on Corporate Social Responsibility Orientation of Chinese Managers : An Empirical Analysis Based on Cities in Yangtse River Delta

    中国管理者企业社会责任导向研究&基于 长三角都市圈的实证分析

  • The Yangtse River is one of the main arteries of traffic in China .


  • Scholar normally deemed that ancient Shu civilization was subject to the influence of the Central Plains Civilization mainly through the middle reaches area of the Yangtse River and South Shaanxi area .

    学者们通常认为,古蜀文明接受中原文明的影响,主要是通过 长江中游地区和陕南等途径。

  • The new bridge across the Yangtse River is now opened to traffic .

    新建的 长江大桥现已通车。

  • Study on Third Party Logistics Development in Yangtse River Delta Economy Zone


  • This section of the Yangtse River is one the most famous natural wonders in the world .

    这一段就是举世闻名的 长江 三峡

  • Species Diversity of Soil Dematiaceous Hyphomycetes from Yangtse River and Yellow River Source Area of China


  • Contribution of Change in Industrial Structure to Economic Growth in Yangtse River Delta


  • The Yellow River is the longest in China next to the Yangtse River .

    在中国,黄河是仅次于 长江的最长的