



  • Observe the distribution of pleural effusion and pleural adhesions degree after the exposure of bilateral pleural by the way of cutting off the skin and the sternum from the xiphoid .

    剑突 沿胸骨剪开皮 和胸骨,暴露双侧胸腔。观察胸腔积液的分布及胸膜粘连程度。

  • Improved Cardiac Puncture at under the Xiphoid for Repeated Blood Sampling in the Rats

    大鼠心脏穿刺 采血方法的改进

  • Conclusion Three transplantation the bone flap of 6th single costal cartilage and the bone flap of 6th and 7th double costal cartilages and the bone flap of xiphoid with internal thoracic blood vessel were able to be used to repair defect of articular cartilages .

    结论设计以胸廓内血管蒂的第6肋软骨瓣(单根)、第6、7肋软骨瓣(双根)和 剑突瓣移植术3种,可用于关节软骨缺损修复。

  • Method Percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography was performed by puncturing the left hepatic duct below xiphoid under the guidance of ultrasound . The puncturing spot should be oppressed for 5 ~ 10 minutes after the needle was pulled out .

    方法在B超 定位下于 剑突 穿刺左肝管行 PTC检查,拔针后压迫穿刺点5~10分钟。

  • The tube length in group A was the actual length from the nose to the earlap and plus to the xiphoid .

    洗胃时A组置入胃管长度为鼻尖-耳垂- 剑突实测距离(实测长度);

  • Whenever we lift or open the chest we actually want to lift the manubrium ( bone above the sternum ) upward while we lower the xiphoid process ( bone below the sternum ) downward toward the navel .

    当我们提起并打开胸腔时,我们实际上要提起胸骨柄(胸骨上面的骨头)向上,同时 胸骨向肝脏的方向下沉。

  • I 'm guessing the bullet struck the xiphoid process .


  • And exited just below the xiphoid process of the sternum .

    刚好从胸骨的 剑突 穿出

  • The branches sent along the way up the branch of costal cartilage and the branch of xiphoid at intercostal anterior artery .

    以上分支沿途分出肋间前动脉的肋软骨支和 剑突支。

  • The better way to find the free side of intraperitoneal lig teres hepatis was to incise at location of 2 . 7 cm right to the middle point of the line from xiphoid process to umbilicus .

    若行腹壁切开寻找肝圆韧带腹膜内位段的游离缘,则以在 剑突与脐连线中点的右侧2.7cm 附近 切口为佳。

  • Objective To report the clinical experience of cholangiography by puncturing below xiphoid .

    目的报告 剑突下穿刺胆管造影术的临床应用经验。

  • Methods : The skin incision was from rib no. 3 ~ 5 to 1 ~ 2 cm below the xiphoid process .

    方法: 68 患者 皮肤切口起自3~5肋间, 剑突下1~2cm。

  • Case of high-performance fighter pilots ' xiphoid damage caused by low-altitude parachuting

    高性能战斗机飞行员低高度跳伞致 剑突损伤一例

  • Observation on the Position of the Xiphoid Process and the Umbilicus by X & ray


  • Methods . Cholangiography by Puncturing below Xiphoid


  • The chest and abdomen of hyperviscosity rabbits were packed by a wadding with Tourmaline or without Tourmaline ( control ) . Then the cutaneous microcirculation perfusion on fixed area of xiphoid upper extremity and lower extremity was measured using a Laser Doppler Flowmeter .

    用含与不含Tourmaline(对照)纤维的棉絮包裹家兔胸腹部后测 61224h剑突区、左上肢、左下肢固定点皮下血液灌注量变化(用激光多普勒血流仪

  • The phrenic nerve was stimulated electrically at the midpoint of the posterior border of the sternomastoid muscle and the diaphragmatic compound muscle action potential ( dCMAP ) was recorded between the 7th and 8th intercostal space and xiphoid process .

    PNC检测是在胸锁乳突肌后缘中点用电刺激膈神经,于第7~8肋间和 剑突 记录膈肌复合动作电位(dCMAP)。

  • Objective The clinical application of ad opt the sternum Xiphoid with periosteum transfers to rebuild the thyroid cartilage of external injury .

    目的:采用 剑突带胸骨骨膜 逆行转移重建外伤性甲状软骨的临床应用。

  • Methods The model of hepatic impact injury was established in rabbits with a steel ball falling down to the xiphoid process of the animals . Static and dynamic imagings were conducted with ECT using nuclide as the tracer .

    方法采用钢球自由 落体复制家兔肝脏撞击伤模型,ECT静态和动态采集观察核素显像。

  • Materials and methods : CDGF was extracted from chicken xiphoid in our laboratory .

    材料和方法:本实验所用软骨生长因子由本实验室由鸡 剑突软骨中提取。

  • For the older child measure from earlobe to bridge of nose to xiphoid .

    较大的儿童 量耳垂到鼻梁 剑突 长度

  • A 10.5 cm ( ranged 8 to 13 cm ) midline incision was made from the third rib to the base of xiphoid process . A transverse half sternotomy was made in the second intercostal space from the right border to the center of the sternum .

    切口自第3胸肋 关节 水平 剑突长度8~13cm,平均10.5cm, 自下而上 纵行劈开胸骨至第2肋间处向右侧横断。