


  • His face seemed to have been unwashed for days so that no one could see the colour of his flesh except on his ears which were frozen bright red like ripe fruit ready to drop .

    脸似乎有 许多日子 ,看不出肉色,只有两个耳朵冻得通红,红得像要落下来的果子。

  • He was unwashed and uncombed with his clothes buttoned wild unkempt hair .

    他扣着衣服,没有洗澡也没有头;野性的 蓬乱的头发。

  • Once Duck had caught a glimpse of a hull that he insisted belonged to Urho the Unwashed .

    有一次鸭子看到一条船于是他坚持那属于不洁的 Urho

  • This will become clearer and clearer in years to come . The woman looked about forty disheveled and unwashed .

    在未来岁月中,这将变得越来越清楚。妇人有四十来岁,蓬着头,还 洗脸

  • The smell of sweat of blood of unwashed bodies of excrement rose up in waves of blistering heat until the fetid stench almost nauseated her .

    血腥,汗渍, 没有 的身体和粪便的臭味在一阵阵人的热雾中升起,思嘉忍不住要作呕了。

  • I spent a whole month in that miserable place doing my lessons in the dirty empty classroom which smelt of old food and unwashed boys .

    我在这个糟糕的地方呆了整整一个月,在肮脏不堪的空教室里做功课,闻着食物霉烂的气味和 那种 干净的孩子 上的 臭味

  • They looked pale and unhealthy with unwashed hair and sunken cheeks

    他们脸色苍白, 精神不振,头发脏乱,两颊深陷。

  • He was unwashed and uncombed with his clothes half buttoned ; wild unkempt hair . The cause of the recent chaos on the railways has been laid at the door of the trade unions who insist on working to rule .

    他半扣着衣服,没有洗澡也没有梳头;野性的 蓬乱的头发。铁路上近来的混乱状况应归咎于工会,因为他们死扣规章而降低工作效率。

  • A sink full of unwashed dishes .

    一满水槽 没有 的盘子。

  • The smell of the pus that hits your nose and of unwashed bodies in a closed room .

    刺鼻的脓的味道, 清洗的尸体 充满了拥挤的房间。

  • The common people in those days suffered greatly ; behavior that branded him as common ; his square plebeian nose ; a vulgar and objectionable person ; the unwashed masses .

    在那个时代平民大众非常受罪;为他留下平民烙印的行为;他扁平而普通的鼻子;一个粗俗而讨厌的人; 乌合之众

  • Dirty waste water from sinks baths etc There is a coating of slime on the unwashed sink .

    (洗涤槽、浴缸等的)污水. 刷洗的水 槽上有一层污垢。

  • 2saw some of his disciples eating food with hands that were unclean that is unwashed .

    他们曾看见他的门徒中有人用俗手,就是 没有 的手吃饭。

  • He was unwashed uncombed with his clothes half buttoned .


  • They were at their Sunday-worst sans make-up slovenly dressed faces unwashed and unkempt hair in stark contrast with their carefully made-up appearances at the club the previous evening .

    她们完全是一副最糟糕的周日装扮不施粉黛,衣着邋遢,脸也 ,头发蓬乱这与她们前一晚在夜店里那副精心装扮的外表形成了鲜明的对比。

  • It 's possible that those who washed their hands won 't enjoy the CD as much as their unwashed counterparts will he says .

    里说,有可能那些洗过手的学生不会像 那些 洗手 学生一样如此喜爱他们 选择的CD了。

  • Apple leads because people buy its products to feel superior to the unwashed masses who use Android ( GOOG ) he says .

    他说,苹果之所以 保持领先,是因为其购买者希望自己能比使用谷歌安卓(GoogleAndroid)的 下层民众更有优越感。

  • This means that people should never touch food with dirty hands or put food on unwashed surfaces .

    这就是说他们不应该用脏手触摸食物或者把食物放 不干净的地方。

  • Leftover food and unwashed dishes cover the dirty counters .

    台面上又脏又 尽是残羹剩菜和 的盘子。

  • The rinsing of an unwashed glass


  • In fact after just three hours the short-sleeved docs were already hosting half of the bacteria as the docs wearing unwashed coats .

    实际上,仅工作了3小时,身着崭新 短袖的医生们身上携带的细菌就已经是另一组的一半了。

  • I rinsed the clothes I had washed . the rinsing of an unwashed glass

    漂清洗过的衣服。 的玻璃杯中的

  • An unwashed vegetable can become a deadly weapon .

    一个 清洗的蔬菜可以成为致命武器。

  • During the 18th and early 19th centuries many Americans were known as the great unwashed .

    在18世纪和19世纪早期,人人知道美国人是 洗澡 习惯的人。

  • But bug-infested rooms and a month 's worth of food-encrusted unwashed dishes indicate more serious problems .

    但是小虫子滋生的房间,摆放了一个月而结垢的食物还有 的盘子则显示了更严重的问题。

  • A scowling man briskly led the Queen 's husband away from the great unwashed .

    一名面色阴沉的男子迅速地把王夫带离了 那些 草根

  • There was a coating of slime on the unwashed sink .


  • Mary 's hair was uncombed and her face unwashed as she hurried to the hospital this morning .
