We then show how to create custom fields by creating property sheet types and document types how to create a document with custom fields and how to update the values in the custom fields .
然后我们演示如何通过创建属性表类型和文档类型来创建定制字段,如何创建带定制字段的文档,以及如何 更新定制 字段中的值。
If you set security on specific fields and you want to update the security settings later you must click through the model namespace to find the fields you secured .
如果对特定字段设置了安全性,而在以后需要 更新安全设置,则必须浏览模型命名空间来查找您所保护的 字段。
From the timesheet a team member can update hours task percent complete or any field that can be edited including custom fields for any task .
工作组成员可以利用时间表 更新工作时间、完成任务的比例以及任何可以编辑的域,包括任何任务的自定义 域。
On the click event it calls the update function and passes on the employee object which is bondable to the form fields name and identifier .
在出现单击事件时,它将调用 update函数并传递可以绑定到表单 字段name和identifier的employee对象。
The extracted tree rows and hedges can be used to update the GIS database to derive wind erosion risk fields for soil monitoring and preservation .
所提取的行树与篱笆信息可以应用于GIS数据 更新、土壤监测与保护、风侵蚀的危害计算 等。
Access helps you avoid this problem by supporting the cascade update related fields option .
access通过支持“级联 更新相关 字段”选项避免了这一问题。
Even though they are not leveraged in our example it is important to highlight the last two fields on the application form : the Status update form name and the Custom agent fields .
尽管我们的示例并未用到最后两个 字段(Status updateformname和Customagent),但它们很重要,因此需要解释一下。
The insert and update methods are a bit more complex because they need to format the SQL statements with additional fields for the input data .
insert和 update方法要复杂一些,因为它们需要使用用于输入数据的额外 字段格式化SQL语句。
Besides the proposed transceiver module is transparent to the optical wavelength and protocols which is with wide compatibility and easy to update . The integrated transceiver module will be applied widely in various fields since its simple stable and etc.
新型光载收发模块的提出对波长透明并且对协议透明,具有广泛兼容性和易 升级性,装置简单而且集成度高,在各个 领域应该具有广阔的应用前景。
In order for your Domino application to retrieve and update information from DB2 you have to map those fields that you have created to the corresponding columns in the DB2 table .
为了让Domino应用程序检索并 更新DB2中的信息,必须将您创建的那些 字段映射到DB2表中相应的列。
Select either the cascade update related fields or cascade delete related records check box or select both .
选中“级联 更新相关 字段”或“级联删除相关字段”复选框,或同时选中两者。
This is not a refactoring though because it does not update references to the fields to use the new methods ; you 'll need to that yourself if necessary .
不过因为这种方式没有用新方法 更新对这些 属性的引用,所以并不算是重构;必要的时候,您必须自己 完成 更新引用的 工作。
MLC-FDTD not only removes the instability of the original locally conformal FDTD algorithm but also improves the computational accuracy by partly modifying E-filed update equations according to the complexity of the slot fringe fields .
MLCFDTD不仅解决了局部网格共形技术的不稳定性因素,还针对缝隙边缘 场的复杂性,部分修改电场的 更新迭代方程,以提高计算精度。
When you enforce referential integrity and choose the cascade update related fields option and you then update a primary key access automatically updates all fields that reference the primary key .
如果您实施了参照完整性并选择“级联 更新相关 字段”选项,在您更新主键时,access将自动更新参照主键的所有字段。
The structure and properties of gas hydrate were described here . And the update and future research and application of gas hydrate were reviewed from three fields that were preventing the formation of gas hydrate searching and extracting natural gas hydrate resources and hydrate technology .
概述了气体水合物的结构与性能特点,从抑制和防止水合物的形成、安全有效地探测与开采应用天然气水合物资源和水合物技术与应用三个 方面综述了气体水合物的研究与应用 现状和未来。
It 's compulsory to further liberate thoughts update ideas taking optimizing development environment and widening admission fields as a breakthrough combining ownership structure adjustment with regime conversion ;
应进一步解放思想, 更新观念,以优化发展环境、放宽进入 领域为突破口,把所有制结构调整与体制转换结合起来;
The keys dictionary contains the names and values of fields that uniquely identify the record to update or delete and always contains the original values of the key fields .
keys字典包含字段的名称和值,通过它们唯一标识将要 更新或删除的记录,并始终包含键 字段的原始值。
Here we get an existing document 's entry with custom fields and then update the fields .
现在我们有一个带有定制字段的文档条目,接下来要 更新它的 字段。
To guarantee and update the quality of commodities involves various fields of manufacturing circulation and consumption among which circulation as a bridge and joint between the production and consumption is an important process in the supervision of the commodity quality .
商品质量的保证和 提高涉及生产、流通到消费的各个 领域。其中流通作为生产和消费间的桥梁与纽带,是社会商品质量监管的重要环节。
It can update form fields on the fly giving that immediate feeling to your application & users are getting new data without their form being submitted or refreshed .
它可以 迅速 更新 表单 数据,让人感觉应用程序是立即完成的,表单没有提交或刷新而用户得到了新数据。
If you don 't update those ID fields access does not display them in the results .
如果不 更新这些id 字段,则access在结果中不显示这些 字段。
P equation is used to update the existing pressure and density fields and the P equation is used to correct the velocity field to ensure continuity of mass .
p方程用来 更新现有压力场和密度 场,p方程用来修正速度场以保证质量守恒。
As with any database UPDATE query you must pass the YQL query a list of fields to be updated together with their new values and a WHERE clause that restricts the update to a set of records .
与任何数据库 UPDATE查询一样,您必须向YQL查询传递要更新的 字段列表,以及其新值和将更新限制为一组记录的一个WHERE子句。
Afore law system reform and law ideal update behind ideal fields struggle sharply etc.
法律制度变革在前,法律观念 更新在后,思想 领域斗争激烈等等。
Update & The update method takes an integer ID to specify the row to update as well as a hash table of fields to update with the specified values .
update&update方法接受一个整数ID,以指定要 更新的行;或者接受一个 字段哈希表,使用指定的值更新 字段。
There is usually an Update button that recalculates totals tax and shipping cost based on the quantities that the user entered in the input fields .
总有一个根据用户 输入的数量来 更新的按钮,用以重新计算总量、税和价格。
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