His steps were slow as he went up the path .
他 沿着 小路走去时脚步很慢。
She look out of the window and see the postman come up the path .
她向窗外望去,看见邮递员正从 小道上 过来。
A piece of rock had fallen and blocked up the path .
一块岩石掉了下来, 堵住 了 路。
His steps were slow as he went up the path to his front door .
他 顺着那 条 小径走向前门时,脚步很缓慢。
The Research of Quicken Up Shortest Path Finding Algorithm Based on ITS
基于ITS的 加速最短 路径搜索算法研究
Soon she walked slowly up the path swinging her striped bag the flushed naked arm dangling beside her .
不久她慢慢地从 小路上 走 上来,条纹的提包来回摆动着,那红红的裸露的胳膊垂在身后。
In some spots old stone stairways ease the way up the path lined with bamboo and other vegetation that is often more than head high .
有些地方还保留有旧的石阶,走 起来容易多了。 路两边种着竹子和其他动辄超过一人高的植物。
He continued rapidly up the path not pausing until he neared the Chapter House .
他匆匆地继续 沿着 这 条 路 走,一直快到牧师会礼堂时才停下来。
As he went up the path and saw that the house was dark he felt an added sense of injury .
当他走 上 小路发现屋里黑洞洞的,这就更加刺伤了他的自尊心。
There was a tribe of schoolchildren coming up the path .
有一群小学生 沿着 小路走来。
When the hole was ready Durbeyfield and his wife tied a rope round the horse and dragged him up the path towards it the children following in funeral train .
就和他妻子用一根绳子把王子套上,向 坟坑拖 去,孩子们跟在后面为死马送葬。
Amy walked up the path to the house .
艾米 沿着 小径向屋子走去。
We crept through a broken hedge groped our way up the path and planted ourselves on a flower plot under the drawing-room window .
我们爬过一个破篱笆,摸索 上路, 爬到客厅窗子下面的一个花坛上站在那儿。
We walked up the path to the front door .
我们 沿着 小道走到正门。
The gravel scrunched under our feet as we walked up the path .
当我们 沿著 小路走时,脚下的砾石西西索索作响。
The old trampshambled wearily up the path .
这个年老的流浪汉疲惫不堪,步履蹒跚地 走上 小路。
Lala accelerated her walk up the path to the caves fearing that there might be wild animals lying in wait for her .
拉拉在回山洞的路上 加快 了 脚步,因为害怕里面会有野兽躺着等她。
To use a specific Java version you have set up the PATH environment variable .
要使用特定的Java版本,需要对 PATH环境变量进行 设置。
I glanced up the path which did look steep and rather rough .
我 朝 小道上面望去,它确实陡峭崎岖。
In the black and yellow garden there was only a single man but this man was as strong as a statue and this man was walking up the path and he was Captain Richard Madden .
黄黑二色的花园里只有一个人,但是那个人像塑像似的强大,在 小径上 走来,他就是理查德·马登上尉。
I saw Jill chasing up the path waving a letter .
我看见吉尔 沿路赶来,手里挥着一封信。
We made our way up the path .
我们 沿着 小路攀登 上去。
Forgiveness opens up the path toward true joy and healing .
宽恕可以 开拓一 条通往欢乐和化解忧伤的 道路。
Reform and opening-up opened up a path of socialism with Chinese characteristics .
改革开放, 开辟了一条中国特色社会主义 道路。
She pulled her dress quickly away from his spurs and ran up the path and into her house .
她迅速把裙子从马刺上拉开, 沿着 路跑回 了屋里。
You have opened up a path for us to approach the treasure house of knowledge .
您为我们拓开 了一条 通向知识宝库之路。
Through the window he saw a figure coming up the path .
透过窗户他看见 路上 走 过来一个人。
Away she skimmed over the lawn up the path up the steps across the veranda and into the porch .
她转身蹦着跳着地跑了,越过草地, 跑 上 小径,跨上台阶,穿过凉台,进了门廊。
Heathcliff bade me be quiet and preceding us up the path hastened to open the door .
希刺克厉夫叫我别吭气,他 走 到我们前面,连忙去开门。
美[ʌp pæθ]英[ʌp pɑ:θ]
[计] 上行路径