valid argument

[ˈvælɪd ˈɑrɡjəmənt][ˈvælid ˈɑ:ɡju:mənt]


  • And as soon as you understand that and as soon as you stop thinking of a valid argument having true premises and true conclusion you will see what 's going on here .

    只要你们明白,只要停止思考 有效 论点有,真前提和真结论,你们就明白了。

  • So you see that isn 't a valid argument the reason because is that the premise-it doesn 't matter how true the premise is it 's completely irrelevant to the conclusion isn 't it ?

    所以你们看到这不是 有效 论点,因为前提,没关系,前提有多真,完全与结论无关,不是吗?

  • So if you negate that conclusion and took away the therefore if you negated that conclusion the set would be inconsistent wouldn 't it ? and that shows you that that 's a valid argument .

    如果你否认结论,把所以拿掉,那么,如果你否认结论,这就不一致了,不是吗?这显示这是一个 有效 论点

  • If we can show the conclusion of a valid argument-put your hand up-if we can show the conclusion of a valid argument is false what do we know ?

    如果我们可以展示有效论点的结论-,举手,如果我们可以展示, 有效 论点的结论为假,我们知道什么?

  • And I am saying actually the discovery that the valid argument Is that the conclusion in which is false can be hugely important .

    我说实际上发现那是 有效 论点,结论为假,可能很重要。

  • How can we get a valid argument form from talk of morality ?

    我们怎样从道德的谈论中得到一个 有效 论点形式呢?

  • So what do we know ? This is a valid argument isn 't it ? yes ?

    我们知道什么呢?这是个 有效 论点,不是吗?

  • This is a valid argument but it is very much a matter of degree .

    这个 论据 成立的,但这是程度问题。

  • But if we put this together for a valid argument we get that is known to be false so we know either one of these got to be false .

    但是如果我们一起放出这个,作为 有效 论点,我们知道的就为假,所以我们知道两者中的一个为假。

  • You you give me the definition of a valid argument .

    你们给我一个 有效 论点的定义。

  • The only valid argument I can see for the iPhone not being the best is the AT & T requirement .

    就我所知,iPhone唯一不能称为最好的 有效 论据,是AT&T的条件。

  • Student : Or do you mean if it 's a valid argument ?

    学生:或者你的意思是如果是一个 有效 论点

  • The one valid argument against egalitarian policies rests on a denial that all income and wealth originally belong to the state .

    唯一 令人 信服的反对平等主义政策的观点,其 出发 是否认所有收入和财富最初都归国家所有。

  • So again we have a deductively valid argument but it 's not deductively valid in actually we 're a lot further on in modal logical then we are in deontic logic .

    所以我们有一个演绎的 有效 论点,但是这不是演绎有效的,实际上我们模态逻辑有很多要讲的,然后我们再讲道义逻辑。

  • And that 's what tells you whether the argument is valid or not So this is a deductively valid argument and this is a fallacy .

    这是他告诉你结论是否有效,这是演绎 有效 论点,这是一个谬论。

  • Actually a valid argument doesn 't have true premises and true conclusion what is a valid argument ?

    实际上一个 有效 论点没有真前提和真结论,什么是有效论点呢?

  • And valid argument with true premises Student : yes Prof : yep well done .

    有效 论点有真前提,学生:好,教授:很好。

  • What you gave me wasn 't a valid argument do you have another one ?

    你给我的不是一个 有效 论点,你们还有吗?

  • Student : That it 's an valid argument .

    学生:这是个 有效 论点

  • A valid inference ; a valid argument ; a valid contract ; a valid license .

    合理的立论; 合理 论点;有效的合同;有效的执照。

  • So if we see the conclusion of a valid argument is false what do you know ? A little bit longer .

    如果我们看到 有效 论点的结论为假,你们知道什么?有一点长。

  • Do you see how that is-if that 's a deductively valid argument it in the virtue of the meaning of the word wrong . Isn 't it ?

    你们明白,如果那是一个演绎 有效 论点,它是通过错误这个词的意思,不是吗?

  • This is a deductively valid argument and its truth preserving and therefore it is very very useful .

    这是个演绎的 有效 论点,保留了真理,所以非常有用。

  • That is not a valid argument or excuse .

    那是一个不能令人 信服 理由或托辞。

  • Once you have got an valid argument you can add anything you like and it will still be valid .

    一旦你有一个 有效 论点,你可以加任何东西,他依然有效。

  • You could have a valid argument in which the premises are false .

    前提为假, 论点可能为真。

  • You are rational animals so somebody gets on politics and gives a circular argument that is long and combolluted and so on it is a valid argument and you hear that .

    你们是理性动物,所以学政治的人,给出长而复杂的循环论点,这是个 有效 论点,你们听到了。

  • Now that looks like a deductively valid argument doesn 't it ?

    这看起来像演绎 有效 论点,不是吗?

  • Okay does everyone see why this is a valid argument ?

    大家都明白为什么这是 有效 论点了吧?

  • It 's only sound if it 's a valid argument and it has true premises .

    如果是 有效 论点才会完好,他有真前提。