


  • The economic situation has led to rising unemployment and increased vagrancy .

    经济状况不好,已经引起了越来越多的失业和 流浪 现象

  • Most European countrise have abandoned laws tht make vagrancy a crime .

    大多数欧洲国家已经废除了将 流浪视为犯罪的法律。

  • I don 't want you to be picked up for vagrancy .

    我不想让你 流浪 被捕

  • These measures coping with vagrancy and panhandling of American cities will have potential implications for reforming China administration of relief for vagrants and beggars .

    本文分析了美国城市限制 流浪乞讨行为的举措及其对我国流浪乞讨人员救助管理制度改革的启示。

  • Thirdly the covert social unconsciousness or Ethnic Vagrancy experienced by a rootless community or ethnic group due to assimilation or the loss of spiritual root .

    三是群体或种族在失根状态下,因被同化及精神本源的 失却 凝积为一种隐蔽的社会无意识状态,我 之为种族 流浪

  • Sometimes perhaps vagrancy has become a habit .

    有的时候,或许 流浪已经成为一种习惯。

  • The study of the causes of the vagrancy of the wandering children and their motive mechanism is a popular focus in the study of the vagrant children as a group .

    流浪儿童 流浪的原因与动力机制是流浪儿童群体研究的一个主要领域。

  • Vagrancy and begging has become commonplace in London .


  • It is believed that Bible tradition has remained the most religious sources of and has influenced the most directly on vagrancy motive in the western literature .

    在西方文学中 绵延至今的 流浪母题,其宗教源头存留最多、影响最直接的当属圣经传统。

  • About half of the city councils in America have enacted regulations to control strictly vagrancy and panhandling in the past twenty years .

    近二十年来,近半数美国城市对 流浪乞讨行为进行了相当严厉的立法管制。

  • To bewitch you for lifelong vagrancy .

    令你一生 痴迷 一生 流浪

  • He is charged with vagrancy .

    被指控 流浪

  • This thesis consists of four chapters . The first chapter mainly analyzes the composing elements of vagrancy motive .

    论文共有四章,第一章主要分析了 流浪母题的构成要素。

  • Poems Poet and Vagrancy

    诗,诗人与 流浪

  • The so-called homeless were people who were not registered as citizens of any commune and who were generally forced into a life of vagrancy .

    所谓的“无家可归者”指的是那些没有在地方登记的公民,且被迫 流浪的生活。

  • Although the problems exist in families schools and society all would lead children to vagrancy and delinquency these are superficial reasons .

    家庭、学校、 社区 社会中存在的问题和 贫困 现象以及不良少年儿童 群体都会导致少年儿童 外出 流浪、违法,这些原因是表面原因。

  • The Causes of the Vagrancy of the Wandering Children in the Perspective of Institutional Changes

    制度变迁视角下流浪儿童 流浪的原因

  • Thus it is essential for tracing back to the origin of the Old Testament to study the topic The Big vagrancy in the context of returning to the ancient time in modern literature .

    突现代文学的返古思潮语境中“大 流浪”主题,对《旧约》渊源的追溯显然十分必要。

  • The Soul of Loneliness and Vagrancy

    孤独 漂泊之魂 & 高长虹

  • The third part is a discussion of the vagrancy of people in ex-colonial countries .

    第三部分是对勒克莱齐奥小说中的殖民 流浪主题的分析。

  • He got deported for vagrancy .

    他因为 流浪 被驱逐。

  • Two men were arrested and charged with vagrancy .

    有两个人被指控犯有 流浪 而遭逮捕。

  • The vagrancy of three generations as represented by Wilhelm the hero of the novella his father Doctor Adler and his grandfather metaphorically mourns the diaspora of the European Jews since modern times .

    小说主人公威尔赫姆、其父艾德勒医生和他的爷爷三代人的 流浪隐喻地哀悼了欧洲犹太人近现代以来的流散。

  • Art Vagrancy : Rebellion Return and Integration

    艺术 流浪:反叛·回归·整合 & 张艺谋 电影 创作 走向 探析

  • Spiritual Homestead of Soul Vagrancy

    灵魂 漂泊的精神家园

  • In Hemingway 's novels vagrancy and returning both are literary symbols .

    在海明威的小说中, 流浪与回归都是文学上的一种 寓意和象征。

  • The Theme of Vagrancy and 20th Century Western Literature

    流浪 母题与20世纪西方文学

  • The last one demonstrates the cultural implications of vagrancy motive contained in films of the new period including individual expression of consciousness presentation of the tragic consciousness and the transmission of human cultural .

    第四章阐述了 流浪母题在新时期电影中的文化意蕴,包括个体意识的表达、悲剧色彩的呈现以及人类文化的传递。