


  • Update : The117S comes with3D vectoring and the engines appear widely enough spaced for that to work .

    更新:117S发动机具有三维 矢量能力,引擎的尺寸看上去也足够胜任这个工作。

  • A modern aircraft model with Thrust Vectoring ( TV ) technique and the post stall ( PST ) capacity and the control law are given .

    建立起一种具有推力 矢量技术和过失速机动能力的现代飞机模型,并给出了控制律的解算方法。

  • A Method for Calculating the Effective Vectoring Angle and Flow Coefficient of an Axisymmetric Thrust-Vectoring Nozzle

    轴对称矢量喷管气 矢量角和流量系数计算方法研究

  • Radar vectoring is terminated resume own navigation direct to KC .

    雷达 引导结束,恢复自己领航直飞KC。

  • This thesis proved the accuracy and effectiveness of this method by vectoring the actual isoline map in the isoline drawing system .

    本文在等值线绘图系统中实现了实际等值线图纸的 矢量 处理,说明了该方法的准确性和有效性。

  • Mechanism of axisymmetric vectoring exhaust nozzle ( AVEN ) is analyzed in the view of elastodynamic capabilities .

    对轴对称 矢量喷管机构进行了弹性动力学分析。

  • Request radar vectoring for an ILS approach .

    请求雷达 引导盲降进近。

  • When the vectoring angle increases The thrust ratio decreases and the thrust loss increases .


  • Effect of geometric parameters on performance of counterflow thrust vectoring nozzle

    几何参数对逆流 矢量 喷管性能的影响研究

  • Multi-objective Optimization for the Driving Mechanism of an Axial-symmetric Vectoring Exhaust Nozzle

    轴对称 推力 矢量喷管驱动机构的多目标优化设计研究

  • Computational investigation of slot geometric structure effects on the flow-field of shock-induced fluidic vectoring nozzle

    射流缝对激波诱导 矢量喷管三维流场影响的数值模拟

  • A case of a self-repairing flight control system is studied which use thrust vectoring control to replace damaged rudder .

    以自修复飞控系统为例,利用推力 矢量进行了方向舵全损故障下的重构研究。

  • Controller partitioning method for integrated flight / vectoring propulsion control

    综合飞行/ 矢量推进系统控制器分离方法

  • This paper describes a separated communicative indication system developed for aeroengine vectoring exhaust nozzle research .

    介绍了针对航空发动机 矢量喷管研究课题,开发的一套独立通讯显示系统。

  • Computation of three-dimensional flow field in secondary gas injection for thrust vectoring nozzle

    气体二次喷射 矢量 喷管三维流场计算

  • Singularity analysis of axisymmetric vectoring exhaust nozzle

    轴对称 推力 矢量喷管运动奇异性分析

  • Attitude control of thrust vectoring unmanned aerial vehicle based on brain emotional learning

    基于大脑情感学习的推力 矢量无人机姿态控制

  • Identified on handover turn right heading 035 radar vectoring to ILS runway 03 .

    指挥交接已识别,右转航向35雷达 引导到ILS,向03号跑道降落。

  • As thrust vectoring nozzle is the feature of advanced fighters the difficulties in implementing thrust vectoring are summarized .

    矢量 喷管是先进战斗机的特征,本文讨论了实现推力矢量存在的技术难点。

  • Flow-induced Unsteady Phenomena in Counterflow Vectoring Nozzles

    逆流 矢量喷管流动自身导致的非定常现象

  • Lastly the results of unsteady flow point out counterflow thrust vectoring nozzle is a efficiency fluidic vectoring nozzle .

    最后,非定常流的结果进一步表明,逆流 喷管是一种较高效率的射流式矢量喷管。

  • RACID 's are successfully employed in star tracking and celestial navigation applications where only designated stars within the canopy of space are read and processed for positional vectoring .

    RACID已经成功的应用于恒星追踪,天体导航应用,此时,指定的星体可以定位 引导的读取和处理。

  • ( Callsign ) vectoring for ( position in the circuit ) runway ( number ) .

    1(呼号),雷达 引导到(起落航线的位置),跑道(数值)。

  • Unsteady internal performance study of counterflow vectoring thrust nozzle

    逆流推力 矢量喷管的非定常内流性能研究

  • The vectoring angle increases with the decreasing of the nozzle pressure ratio .

    减小喷管落压比可以提高 矢量 偏转角度。

  • The spherical convergent flap nozzle ( SCFN ) is an advanced hybrid axisymmetric / nonaxisymmetric thrust - vectoring nozzle .

    球形收敛调节片喷管(CFN)一种正在研制中的先进的轴对称/轴对称混合式推力 矢量喷管。

  • The six-degree-of-freedom dynamic equation of a kind of mass / thrust vectoring composite-controlled saucer-like air vehicle was derived .

    推导了基于质量/推力 矢量复合控制的一类碟型飞行器空间六自由度运动动力学方程。

  • The thrust vectoring of the rectangular injection orifice is better than that of the circular injection orifice .

    矩形喷射口的推力 矢量性能优于圆形喷射口;