usury laws


  • Therefore in order to solve the optimization problem of coordinating financing pricing and production decisions under the constraint of usury laws a model with uncertain demand is formulated .

    因此,为解决MCA模式下有 高利贷 约束的企业融资生产定价联合优化问题,本文在不确定需求下建立了中小企业融资定价生产联合决策模型。

  • The first part involved analysis on key terms in the usury laws by clarifying the relationship between the concepts .

    第一部分首先对 民间 借贷 利率 管制中涉及的关键词汇 予以解释分析, 理清各概念之间的关系。

  • The industry thrives in large part because it operates mostly outside state usury laws that prohibit excessive interest rates .

    这个行业尚能存活的很大一部分原因在于,他们运作于州 高利贷 法规之外, 后者禁止 收取过高的利息率。

  • During the research we note that usury laws may have an important impact on the profits of both parties .

    通过研究发现,在这些 法律 法规中, 高利贷 会对 融资双方的最终利润产生重要影响。

  • Without fee caps or usury laws we 're in the bankers'hands .

    没有收费最高限额或针对放 高利贷的相关 法律保护,我们就只能任由银行家宰割了。