use of name

[juz ʌv nem][ju:z ɔv neim]

[计] 名字用法

  • South Korea has long protested the use of the name Sea of Japan and calls the waters the East Sea .

    韩国长期以来一直抗议 这一水域 为“日本海”,而称之为“东海”。

  • The exclusive use of domain name is the right of its use in technical sense by its holder .

    域名的专有 使用权就是 域名持有人 域名进行技术意义上的使用的权利。

  • Louis made unauthorized use of my name .

    路易斯擅自 利用我的 名义

  • Use of the name and acronym is restricted to functions authorised by and for the benefit of the Organisation and its members .

    名称及简称的 使用仅限于该组织及其成员授权,并为该组织及其成员利益服务。

  • At the meanwhile I agree that Organizing Committee has the right to conduct propaganda by making use of my name and portrait .

    同时,我同意组委会有权利 使用本人的 姓名和肖像进行各项宣传活动。

  • DETROIT-A dozen nieces and nephews of civil rights icon Rosa Parks have filed an objection to her will in hopes of gaining control of the use of her name and image .

    底特律,密歇根州&民权偶像罗莎·帕克斯的一打侄子、侄女已就其遗嘱提出了法律异议以冀望控制其 姓名权和肖像权的 使用

  • The Use of Policy Domain Name Resolving and Reverse NAT Technology for CASHL System to Provide Multi-network Service

    利用策略 域名解析和反向NAT技术使CASHL系统提供多网服务

  • Most frameworks also allow you to change the names of the fields to use customerName instead of name and first rather than firstName for example .

    大多数框架还允许您更改字段的名称,例如 使用customerName来替代 name,以及使用first来替代firstName。

  • Notice the long namespace and the use of the alias name of Control .

    注意,名称空间比较长,所以 使用 别名Control。

  • Watching the Cultural Characteristics of Urban Development from the Use of Trade Name

    店名 使用看天津的城市文化特点

  • The repeated use of the name Michael Jackson highlights the way his name has been objectified & it is simply a media construct a boogieman that the real Michael feels detached from .

    反复 使用 名字“迈克尔·杰克逊”,突出了他的名字是如何被具象化的&那仅仅是媒体的构造,一个“鬼怪”,跟真正的迈克尔是脱离的。

  • Name of Action fraudulent use of fraudulent use of the name of another person without their consent and to conduct litigation on behalf of others .

    冒用 姓名诉讼即冒用他人之 ,未经他人同意,而以他人名义进行诉讼。

  • A brisk market in postcards and Christmas cards making liberal use of the name have also managed to spread its fame .

    一家善于把握商机的明信片和圣诞贺卡商店借 使用该镇 之机提高了其知名度。

  • And thirdly casualness in the use of the name .

    第三,随随便便地 使用神的

  • God 's revelation of himself to men often involved the use of his name .

    上帝向人启示祂自己时,往往启示祂的 名字

  • 11 you must not make use of the name of the LORD your God for worthless purposes for the Lord will not exonerate anyone who abuses his name that way .

    11你们一定不可以 神主子你们的神之 用于无意义的意图,神主子将不会赦免任何滥用神之名的人。

  • Reflections on the Use of Real Name Deposit System

    关于储蓄 实名制引发的思考

  • An irreverent or blasphemous use of the name of God or something held sacred .

    渎神语妄用或亵渎上帝或圣物之 用法

  • Fraudulent use of the name begins with the first lawsuit describes a typical case then action on the causes of fraudulent use of the name elements types analyzed .

    开篇先描述了 冒用 姓名诉讼的典型案例,继而就冒用姓名诉讼产生的原因、构成要件、类型进行了分析。

  • The domain name dispute mainly arises from the conflict of the registry and the use of domain name with the trade marks .

    域名争议主要因 域名的注册和 使用 受知识产权法律制度保护的传统商业标志之间的冲突而产生。

  • The license and services agreement allows for the use of Madonna 's name and personality in connection with apparel footwear and other products .

    根据许可及服务协议,合资公司可以在衣服、鞋子和其他产品中 麦当娜的 姓名和个性特点加以 利用

  • Considering the complexity of the object carousel protocol this solution innovatively modifies the data carousel protocol so that the hierarchical ( directory ) structure can be transmitted by use of name descriptor and parent group descriptor .

    该方案考虑到对象轮播协议的复杂性,在DVB数据轮播协议的基础上, 通过 名字描述符和父组描述符重建文件系统。

  • A VPN tunnel facilitates secure connections and the use of a single name and password to access an array of cloud assets .

    VPN隧道有助于实现安全连接,以及 使用一个 名称和密码来访问大量云资产。

  • Through the reporting found that : the existing law fraudulent use of the name of our company to foreign and domestic sales counterfeiting of our products and shipping is not a receivable .

    经举报发现,现有不法人员 冒用我公司 名义向外商及国内客户销售仿冒我公司产品,并出现收款不发货现象。

  • You shall not make wrong use of the name of the Lord your God ;

    你们不可 擅用你们天主上帝的 名字

  • Use of data elements as metadata instead of using tags ( indirection through use of name / value pairings )

    将数据元素用作元数据而不是使用标记(通过 使用 名称/值配对的间接方式)

  • Even the use of the name exchange in Chinese will be strictly regulated from now on and must be approved by provincial level authorities following consultations with the securities regulator .

    今后,就连中文交易所这个 使用,也将受到严格规范,必须由省级政府在征求证券监管机构意见后予以批准。