uses of funds

[经] 基金用途

  • Managers at three other pawnshops in Shanghai confirmed that business was now dominated by loans against apartments and that buying stocks was one of the main uses of the funds .

    上海另外三家典当行的经理证实,目前其业务主要是以住房抵押贷款为主,而购买股票是这些 资金的主要 用途之一。

  • Inefficient uses of funds in schools of higher learning are mainly as follows : high personnel 's occupying rates of funds ;

    高校 经费 使用效益不高主要表现在:人员经费占用率过高;

  • Statement of the sources and uses of funds ;

    资源来和 用途表;

  • It analyzes the flow of funds between various economic sectors with special focus on the sources and uses of funds in banking securities and insurance industries of the financial sector aiming to discover the functions and efficiency of those sub-sectors in financial areas .

    文中运用资金流量分析法研究各经济部门之间的资金流动情况,并侧重于金融部门中银行、证券和保险三业的 资金来源以及 资金 运用,以期揭示各金融子部门的作用和效率。

  • Lowering entry barriers widens the sources and uses of loanable funds ; and by reducing costs improves the terms offered to users .

    进入门槛的降低扩大了可贷 资金的来源和 用途;通过降低成本,可以改善提供给用户的服务条款。

  • This part USES the method of comparison analysis to the United States the UK legal system of limited partnership private equity funds .

    这部分 运用比较的分析方法对美国、英国有限合伙制私募股权 投资 基金法律制度进行比较。

  • In this way to maximize the inventory to avoid a large number of enterprises with limited funds diverted for other uses making slow flow of funds cash flow difficulties and even lead to financial stress affecting the normal operation of the enterprise .

    这样,最大程度地避免了大量的库存 挤占企业的有限资金,使得 资金流速减缓,现金流发生困难,甚至导致资金紧张,影响企业的正常运作的情况。

  • The uses of insurance funds become a key factor of stable development of the insurance company for long time .

    一直以来,保险 资金 运用成为保险公司稳定发展的关键性因素。

  • It uses the ways of individual contributions collective supporting and government-funded to raise funds .

    采取个人缴费、集体扶持和政府资助的方式筹集 资金

  • Besides uses of the special funds lack of efficiency reflecting shortage of funds in the rural compulsory education transfer payments diverted or withheld and so on .

    此外,不少专项 资金的分配 使用缺乏效率,体现在农村义务教育转移支付资金短缺、有不少被挪用、截留、不能充分调动地方政府增加义务教育经费等现象。

  • Vertical farming uses urban land vertical space of city city funds and technical advantages and resources urban organic waste to provide farming products .

    垂直农业可以高效 利用城市土地和城市垂直空间,借助城市中 资金和技术的优势,资源化处理城市有机废水废物并生产农产品。

  • At last this paper creatively uses of the method of Grey Correlation Analysis for an empirical analysis which is an effective solution to the problem of private equity funds ' inaccurate statistics pointing out the direction of quantitative analysis for this field .

    最后,本文创新性地 采用了灰色关联法进行实证分析,有效解决了私募股权 投资领域统计数据不准确的问题,为该领域定量分析指明了方向。

  • The effective uses of insurance funds as well as the development of insurance industry in the modern time are of great significance .

    保险 资金的有效 运用,在现代保险业乃至金融业的发展上,都具有重要的意义。

  • Not for profit organizations will be published in the press at any time uses of the funds !

    绝非赢利机构,随时会在报刊上刊登 资金 使用情况!

  • There are two methods that are the source and uses of funds approach and structure of funds .

    末日意识流动性需求的预测主要有两种方法,即 资金来源及 运用法和资金结构法。

  • This paper uses domestic and international research results for reference in the selection of multivariate statistical indices for a comprehensive representation of mutual funds performance evaluation .

    借鉴国内外学者的研究成果的基础上,选取了能全面反映基金绩效信息的多项分析指标,建立我国开放式 基金绩效评价的综合体系。