abbr.Ultrasonic Test 超声试验

  • This result not only obscures the distinction between science and policy decisions b ut it can also impede the agency 's decision making process .

    这一结果不仅模糊了科学和政策决定之间的 界限,也阻碍了行政机构的决策过程。

  • The government will give preferential policies to increase financial I ut to the western region .

    中央政府将给予优惠政策,增加对西部的财政 投入

  • Ut the text-books on your desk please .

    请把你的课本放在 书桌上。

  • UT attracts top students from Canada and all over the world due to its size reputation and influence .

    由于其规模、声望以及影响力, 多伦多 大学吸引了世界各地及加拿大国内的顶尖学生。

  • The Application of UT Simulation Technique in the Ultrasonic Testing of Reactor Pressure Vessel


  • The tests also prove that the nondestructive UT Test cannot determine if the there is an abnormal fusion under the condition of foreign matter and electrode fuse .

    试验中证 实在异物完全与焊条融熔下,非破坏 UT检测无法有效判断出 焊道是否有不正常融 行为

  • We 're mid-pacific . there 's not many reiay dishes ut here .

    我们在中 太平洋,这里没有一点信号的。

  • Ut / p / kcxml but not the entire URL so the correlation for this string must be broken .


  • A uniform structure of school education the10 + 2 system has been adopted by all the States and Union Territories ( UT ) of India .

    学校有统一的10+2制度结构,印度的所有省份和联邦地区( UT)都采用这种制度。

  • All ut his wife know his illness .

    除了他的妻子, 其它人都知道他的病。

  • Selling Channel Management Strategy of UT Starcom Handset


  • Research on Sampling Strategies of UT Transformation for Node localization in Wireless Sensor Networks

    WSN节点定位中 UT变换采样策略研究

  • UT they hired you because you 're qualified .


  • Paula : more I ut on the technical side would help .

    波拉: 在技术方面多些 投入会更好。

  • Always wanted to write a novel ut until now no write .

    一直都想写一篇小说, 一直到现在都没写!

  • Infectious disease specialists at UT Southwestern Medical Center have found a new method for identifying suspect viruses and bacteria that cause some of the most common acute infections in children .

    犹他 西南医学中心的感染病专家门发现了一种确定引起日常儿童急性感染的可疑病毒和细菌的新方法。

  • Ut the signals don 't make it to the brain .


  • Ut I never invited you !


  • For the sake of our discu ion we a ume that the I ut binary is unencrypted .

    出于我们的讨论目的,我们假设输入的 二进制代码没有加密。

  • Ut I want to see you not your kids .


  • So a test that presumes a particular network device for example or System z toolset memory speed of would not be valid on Rational Developer for System z UT .

    所以一个假设特定网络设备的测试,例如,或者Systemz工具集内存速度在RationalDeveloperforSystemz UT上可能无效。

  • UT : Shut up what nonsense tell him the belt back to us the right one !

    吕秀才 翻译人家叫你闭嘴, 什么话,叫你 赶紧把腰带还给他们就是了!

  • Peter Roland chairman of otolaryngology at UT Southwestern and one of the study 's authors .

    PeterRoland博士这样说道,他是 德州 大学西南 医学 中心耳鼻喉学主席,也是此项研究的作者之一。

  • The type of research activities I undertake is partly determined by the library resources available at UT .

    我所进行的研究活动部分取决于 UT图书馆所拥有的资源。

  • UT I 'm handling his deliveries .


  • Ut it could be a month or a year .


  • I don 't really have any other medical problems that I 'm aware of other than the congestion thing so the effectiveness of UT might not become immediately obvious to me .

    我没有感觉到有什么其他药物问题,我知道除了充血问题,还有 尿疗的效力对我不是立即明显。