And let none try to fight on - not even one stroke after I have given the retreat : such false valour has spoiled many notable plans in the wars .
我发出退却 命令后,谁也别试图打下去哪怕是打一下也别打在战争中,这种虚假的 勇敢破坏了许多宏大的 作战计划。
Farewell to the highlands farewell to the north the birth place of valour the country of worth wherever I wander wherever I rove the hills of the Highlands for ever I love .
再见了高地,再见了北方, 那 勇敢 的 故里, 那 高贵的家乡;不管在哪里漂泊,不管在哪里流浪,高地上的群山,是我永远热爱的地方。
Valour is born with us not acquired .
Colonel van Cortlandt was promoted to brigadier general following acts of valour at the Siege of Yorktown .
约克敦之围中的 英勇表现使得 范·科特兰上校晋升为准将。
How easily God can dispirit those nations that have been most celebrated for valour !
上帝是多麽轻易地就能使那些因 勇猛而著称的变得沮丧啊!
Strength or valour is not a thing to be cultivated as you would cultivate a plant or a new breed .
力量或者 英勇不是可以培养的东西,就像培养一株植物或者一个新品种那样。
The true contempt of an invader is shown by deeds of valour in the field-hermocrates of syracuse .
侵略者真正的蔑视表现在战场上 勇猛的行为。
His wounds bear witness to his valour .
他的伤证明了他的 勇敢。
Valour will fight but discretion will run away .
英勇 善战斗,谨慎会脱逃。
Considers that you have fought with valour beyond words .
想想你那战争中 那 英勇的长剑。
So that all which fell that day of Benjamin were twenty and five thousand men that drew the sword ; all these were men of valour .
那日便雅悯死了的共有二万五千人,都是拿刀的 勇士。
Frustrated by the valour of the men they tried to break the spirit of our women .
受挫于男人的 勇气,他们企图摧毁我们妇女的意志。
At no time in his life has he shown more valour than in that case .
他一生中从来没有象那一 回 那样 勇敢。
It held out with incredible valour .
它令人难以置信地 英勇 坚守。
He was himself decorated for valour in the war .
他自己因在战争中的 英勇 表现 而 获得了勋章。
At the summit the stamina and valour of our fighter pilots remained unconquerable and supreme .
最突出的是,我们的战斗机驾驶员们始终保持着不屈不挠的最大的毅力和 勇气。
And the angel of the Lord appeared unto him and said unto him the Lord is with thee thou mighty man of valour .
耶和华的使者向基甸显现,对他说,大能的 勇士阿,耶和华与你同在。
The island stood in for Congo in Outbreak for Australia in The Thorn Birds for the Caribbean in The Man With The Golden Gun and Vietnam in Uncommon Valour .
考爱岛在 影片《 恐怖 地带》里充当了刚果,在 影片《荆棘鸟》中 充当了澳大利亚,在 影片《金枪人》中 充当了加勒比海,在 影片《 长驱直入》里则充当了越南的背景。
The Taiping army lay on its arms in the field which its valour had won .
太平军在它 英勇 夺取 的 阵地上 枕戈待敌。
The national struggle could only be sustained by the innate valour of the common people .
这一民族斗争只能靠 着普通人民的固有的 英勇 精神 支撑 下去。
Ride out with force and valour in memory forever .
永远在对 勇气和力量的驾驭中来回忆 过去。
In the course of the battle he was promoted to the rank of general in recognition of his valour .
在那次战役中,他 因为 作战 英勇被晋升为将军。
For novelists compassion may be the greater part of valour .
在小说家的 字典 里, 英勇 无畏更 意味 着关怀 他人。
There is tears for his love ; joy for his fortune ; honour for his valour ; and death for his ambition .
用眼泪 回报他的爱;用欢乐庆祝他的幸运;用尊崇纪念他的 英勇;而用死 制止他的野心。
Restores his heart : when valour preys on reason .
恢复了他的勇气:当 勇猛掠夺了理智。
Much may indeed have changed these past sixty years but the valour of those who risk their lives for the defence and freedom of us all remains undimmed .
在过去的六十年里,许多已经改变,但是为了守护国家和我们的自由而献身的 勇气会永存。
The Taiping army lay on its arms in the field which its valour had won . They seized the land and distributed it among the peasants .
太平军在它 英勇 夺取 的 阵地上 枕戈待敌。他们夺回土地,分给了农民。
And in times of difficulty when we true men feel we can stand no more she will be calm and good-humoured and relying on her valour I will take an-other deep breath and dash ahead .
她会在我们男子汉觉得无法忍受的艰难时刻表现得心平气和,而我则会靠着她 这强大的 韧性,喘口气再冲上去。
He served the Redel cause with conspicuous valour for many years .
他以非凡的 勇气为反抗事业奋斗多年。