


  • Water plugging agent CSAM is a strong gel forming aqueous solution of starch-graft-polyacrylamide S-g-PAM resorcine and urotropine ( hexamethylenetetramine ) .

    水基凝胶CSAM由淀粉接枝聚丙烯酰胺(SgPAM)、 间苯二酚(R)和 次甲基四胺(U)水溶液生成。

  • Study on Influence of Urotropine on Carbon Stell


  • Different yields of Keto-RDX resulted from different methods to feed urotropine and urea ( or nitrourea ) .

    采用不同的脲或硝基脲的 加料方式时产物RDX酮的得率是不同的。

  • At 130 ℃ the reaction was carried out in a sealed Teflon-lined autoclave employed Urotropine (( CH_2 ) _6N_4 ) and ferric chloride ( Fe_2O_3 ? 6H_2O ) as the reactants .

    在130℃,以三氯化铁(Fe2O3·6H2O)和 乌洛托品((CH2)6N4)为基本原料在高压反应釜(聚四氟乙烯内衬)中进行反应。

  • The scaling rate and acid fog inhibiting effect for carbon steel in HC1 solution were studied with several additives as urotropine sodium dodecyl sulfate sodium glucoheptonate OP-10 1 glycol and so on .

    在盐酸酸洗液中添加 乌洛托品、十二烷基硫酸钠、葡萄糖酸钠、OP-10、1丁炔二醇等试剂对除去碳钢氧化膜速度的影响及其 蚀抑雾效果进行了研究;

  • A heat resistant and salt tolerant water controlling agent is prepared by combination of polymer / phenolic resin and polymer / Cr ~ ( 3 + ) gels and by using phenol + urotropine instead of phenolic resin .

    将聚合物/酚醛冻胶和聚合物/铬 结合在一起,用共聚 原料苯酚+ 乌洛托品代替酚醛树脂, 制成了耐温抗盐的 堵剂。

  • The experiment of combining the increasing autumn temperature and decreasing the proportion of urotropine and nitric acid is studied at the same time .

    同时将 确定 最佳 成熟期温度与降低 乌洛托品与硝酸的 比进行了综合实验研究。

  • BET and SEM techniques were used to study the influence of pore expanding agents ( urotropine and urea ) on properties of the carriers for automotive catalysts .

    本文采用BET和SEM等方法研究了 乌洛托品和尿素 种扩孔剂对汽车 尾气 净化催化剂载体性能的影响。

  • The compound ion polymer in-depth profile adjusting and water plugging agent had been developed by compound ion polymer urotropine resorcin ammonium chloride as mostly material .

    以复合离子聚合物、 甲基 、间苯二酚为主要原料,制取复合离子聚合物调剖堵水剂。

  • Results demonstrate that sodium dodecyl sulfate oxalic acid OP-10 additive and phosphoric acid except urotropine are beneficial to the increase of scaling rate . The scaling rate based the optimal formula is about three times as high as that of hydrochloric acid pickling .

    结果表明,除 乌洛托品外,十二烷基硫酸钠、草酸、OP-10、添加剂、磷酸均有利于酸洗速度的增加,且优化出的最佳配方的 氧化清除速度约是盐酸酸洗的3倍。

  • The results showed that after phytic acid combined with sodium molybdate sodium benzoate and urotropine the corrosion rate is improved .

    结果表明,植酸在与尿素、苯甲酸钠、 乌洛托品 进行 复配后,缓蚀率得到提高。

  • In this paper anodic polarization curves of carbon steel in saturated solution of ammonium carbonate have been determined with potentiodynamic scanning method . Influence of urotropine ( corrosion inhibitor ) and sodium sulfide ( corrosive ) on anodic process of carbon sted are discussed .

    该实验采用动电势扫描法测定了碳钢在饱和碳酸铵溶液中的阳极极化曲线,讨论了在饱和碳酸铵溶液中 不同 乌洛托品和硫化钠对碳钢阳极行为的影响。

  • The reaction condition has been optimized through experiments for the oxidation of wastewater containing urotropine by Fenton reagent .

    通过实验优化了Fenton试剂法氧化处理含 乌洛托品废水的反应条件。

  • The aniline and urotropine being taken as raw materials a series of aniline condensation polymers is synthesized with various ingredient ratio under different reactional conditions .

    以苯胺、 乌洛托品为原料,在不同的反应条件下,以不同的配比合成了一系列的苯胺缩聚物。

  • BLB or BLY composited with formaldehyde or urotropine presents well synergistic effects .

    BLB、BLY与甲醛、 乌洛托品 具有较好的协同效应。

  • And the antibacterial activity against escherichia coli staphylococcus aureus and bacillus subtilis of neodymium iodide urotropine hydriodide and the complex was studied .

    首次测定了配体碘化钕、氢碘酸 乌洛托品和配合物对枯草芽孢杆菌、大肠杆菌和葡萄球菌的抗菌活性。