


  • The ideal mode that combine induced uresis with intermittent catheterization of uresis function training in the patients with spinal cord injury ( SCI ) is expatiated .

    本文阐述脊髓损伤后排尿功能训练的理想模式 & 自行诱导 排尿和间歇 清洁导尿相结合。

  • Results The incidence of HFRS complicated by MOF was 8.8 % and the fatality rate was 39.1 % the prime inducement was hemorrhage the phase was in no uresis and the kidney was prone to lesion .

    结果肾综合征出血热并多器官功能衰竭的发生率为8.8%,病死率为 39.1%,主要诱因为出血,最易发生的 期为 尿 ,最易受损的 脏器为肾脏。

  • It was found that 7 out of 23 cases without heart disease were related to the attack of uresis syncope ; 9 cases were related to menstrual cycle ; 7 cases to unknown mechanism .

    无心脏疾患23例中7例与 排尿性晕厥 伴随发生,9例与月经周期有关,7例原因不明,发生于 壮年,有 自动 性的特点,可反复 多年

  • Anti-cholinesterase could improve the compliance and uresis rhythm of the neurogenic bladder .

    抗胆碱能药物能提高膀胱顺应性和 排尿节制功能。

  • The use of induced uresis and intermittent catheterization in the training of uresis function in the patients with spinal cord injury

    诱导 排尿和间歇导尿在脊髓损伤后排尿功能训练中的应用

  • The frequency of uresis in the former patients is higher while bone malformation and growth stasis are more observed in the latter ones .

    前者 出现 尿更明显,后者骨骼畸形和生长发育落后更多。