ureteral obstruction


  • Effects of Kangxian Ling Decoction on Renal Interstitial Fibrosis Induced by Unilateral Ureteral Obstruction in Rats

    抗纤灵方对大鼠单侧 输尿管 梗阻所致肾纤维化的防治作用

  • Protection Mechanisms of Rhein on Rat Kidney Fibrosis with Unilateral Ureteral Obstruction

    大黄酸对 输尿管 梗阻大鼠肾组织纤维化的保护机制

  • Methods Percutaneous nephrostomy and stenting were done in 14 cases of malignant ureteral obstruction .

    方法对14例恶性肿瘤 输尿管 狭窄的患者行经皮顺行植入输尿管金属内支架治疗。

  • Expression and Significance of COX-2 in Renal Interstitium of Rats with Unilateral Ureteral Obstruction

    环氧化酶-2在实验 肾间质 纤维化大鼠肾组织中的表达及意义

  • Expression of Rock - ⅱ Kinase in Ureter Smooth Muscle and Its Significance after Rabbit Partial Unilateral Ureteral Obstruction

    输尿管部分 梗阻家兔Rock-Ⅱ激酶在输尿管平滑肌组织中表达及意义

  • Purpose : To clarify the effectiveness of retrocatherization of double J tube indwelling in the treatment of ureteral obstruction induced by rectal carcinoma .

    目的:探讨应用双J管内引流治疗晚期直肠癌并发 输尿管 梗阻的临床疗效。

  • During a ten year period 82 patients with ureteral obstruction secondary to metastatic disease were seen .

    在十年中我们诊治了82例继发于转移性肿瘤的 输尿管 梗阻患者。

  • Conclusions Ureteroscopy can clarify the etiology of ureteral obstruction and offer corresponding treatment .

    结论输尿管镜术能明确 输尿管 梗阻的病因,并能采取相应治疗。

  • Antioxidative effects of Rosmarinic acid on mouse kidney with unilateral ureteral obstruction

    迷迭香酸对单侧 输尿管 梗阻小鼠肾脏的抗氧化保护作用

  • Effect of valsartan and safflower on cell proliferation in SD rat induced with unilateral ureteral obstruction

    缬沙坦及红花对单侧 输尿管 结扎大鼠肾脏细胞增殖的影响

  • Effects of ureteral obstruction on intrapelvic pressure and renal function

    输尿管 梗阻对肾盂内压和肾功能的影响

  • Objective To study the management of ureteral obstruction in radical resection of cervical carcinoma after radiotherapy .

    目的探讨经术前放疗后宫颈癌根治术中 输尿管 梗阻的处理。

  • Ureterolysis and wrapping up with the omentum was performed in 21 cases of ureteral obstruction .

    21例 合并 输尿管 梗阻,行输尿管松解、大网膜包裹移位术;

  • Postoperative Pelvic Abscess Ureteral Obstruction Caused by in a Cases with Cervical Cancer

    宫颈癌术后盆腔脓肿 输尿管 梗阻1例

  • Effects of oxidative stress on expressions of TGF - β 1 and TGF - β R ⅰ in rat kidney after unilateral ureteral obstruction

    氧化应激对 输尿管 梗阻大鼠肾脏TGF-β1及其受体表达的影响

  • Objective : To improve the accuracy of localization and etiologic diagnosis of ureteral obstruction by MSCT .

    目的:应用多层螺旋CT(MSCT)对 输尿管 梗阻进行病因分析,提高定位和定性诊断准确率。

  • The flowers and the vessels for the lights and the instruments used for them were all of gold ; it was the best gold . Protective effects of breviscapine on renal interstitial fibrosis induced by unilateral ureteral obstruction in rats

    灯台上的花和灯盏,并蜡剪都是金的,且是纯金的。灯盏花素对单侧 输尿管 梗阻大鼠肾间质纤维化的保护作用

  • Objective To evaluate the diagnosis and micro-invasive treatment of ureteral obstruction after complete cystectomy .

    目的总结全膀胱切除术后 输尿管 梗阻的诊断和微创处理方法。

  • Clinical management for renal function failure secondary to malignant ureteral obstruction

    肿瘤 转移 浸润 输尿管 梗阻 肾功能衰竭的临床处理

  • The long-standing ureteral obstruction was seen to induce an increase in the number of apoptotic renal tubular cells .

    长期的 输尿管 阻塞可以看到诱发了肾小管细胞凋亡的增加。

  • The Effect of Astragalus and Safflower Mixture on Expression of Connective Tissue Growth Factor in Renal Tubulointerstitial Fibrosis in Rats with Unilateral Ureteral Obstruction

    中药芪红合剂对肾间质纤维化模型大鼠肾组织中 CTGF表达的影响

  • Conclusions : The accurate diagnostic rate of the transplanted kidney ureteral obstruction can be improved through MRU scanning .

    结论:MRU可提高移植肾 输尿管 梗阻的正确诊断率。

  • Expression of OPN and CD44 in rat kidney with unilateral ureteral obstruction

    OPN和CD44在单侧 输尿管 梗阻大鼠肾脏中的表达

  • Conclusion Perinephric edema is a important CT finding of ureteral obstruction in patients with acute ureterolithiasis .

    结论肾周水肿是急性输尿管 结石 梗阻的重要CT征象。

  • AIM : To observe the roles of rosiglitazone ( RSG ) in unilateral ureteral obstruction ( UUO ) rats renal interstitial fibrosis .

    目的:探讨罗格列酮(RSG)对单侧 输尿管 梗阻(UUO)大鼠肾间质纤维化的保护作用及其机制。

  • This abdominal CT scan with contrast demonstrates right hydronephrosis and hydroureter as a consequence of ureteral obstruction .

    腹部增强CT显示 输尿管 阻塞导致右(图左侧)肾盂和输尿管积水。

  • Conclusions Oxalate crystal deposition in the tubular lumen results from hyperoxaluria which is enhanced by ureteral obstruction ;

    结论高草酸尿可致肾小管草酸盐结晶沉着, 合并 输尿管 梗阻时沉着加重;高草酸尿和草酸盐结晶可造成肾小管上皮细胞凋亡;

  • Effects of Ginkgo biloba tablet combination enalapril in renal interstitial fibrosis rats with unilateral ureteral obstruction

    银杏叶联合依那普利对单侧 输尿管 梗阻肾间质纤维化的影响

  • Conclusion Indwelling single-J stent is necessary for reducing ureteral obstruction and leak in kidney transplantation .

    结论肾移植术中放置单J管可以明显减少术后 输尿管 梗阻和尿漏等 输尿管并发症的发生。

  • Clinical data of170 patients because of acute ureteral obstruction and treated by trans-urethral ureteroscoscope ( URS ) was analysed respectively .

    方法回顾性分析170例经尿道输尿管镜(URS)术诊治急性 输尿管 梗阻的临床资料。