


  • X-Ray Manifestation of Morphological Urethremphraxis ( 33-Cases )

    尿道 梗阻X线分析(附33例报告)

  • Conclusion : Urethritis urethra tumor urethra damage and urethra deformity were the common causes of urethremphraxis with their own clinical and radiological characteristics .

    结论:尿道炎性 病变、尿道肿瘤、尿道损伤及尿道畸形是 引起 尿道 自身 梗阻 常见的原因, 一定的X线特征。

  • Patients mostly had immune hypofunction or functional or organic urethremphraxis because of other diseases such as diabetes 、 lithangiuria 、 tumor and so on .

    大多数患者合并糖尿病、尿路结石、肿瘤等其它疾病,导致 机体抵抗 下降或 尿 功能性或器质 梗阻

  • Conclusion Predisposing factors of UTI in old female patients were concerned with insufficiency of estrin other diseases that lead to immune hypofunction and functional or organic urethremphraxis .

    结论老年女性容易发生尿路感染与雌激素不足、合并疾病较多及 尿 功能性或器质 梗阻等有关。

  • Result : TUVP could relieve urethremphraxis effectively and safely urination of patients recover quickly .

    结果:均能安全有效的解除 前列腺 尿道 梗阻,排尿 功能均恢复良好。

  • Evaluation of Imaging Diagnosis of Urethremphraxis on Upper Urinary Tract

    上尿路 梗阻的影像学诊断评价