


  • The diagnosis and treatment of non - specific ureteritis

    非特 异性 输尿管 诊断和治疗

  • Diagnosis of 16 Cases of Non-specific Ureteritis

    非特异性 输尿管 16例诊治分析

  • Among the diagnoses in 90 cases there were 76 cases found abnormality including tumor in 8 cases stone in 40 polyps in 12 strictures in 12 and glandularis ureteritis in 4 . Twelve cases were not succeeded .

    用于诊断的90例患者中,发现肿瘤8例、 阴性结石40例、息肉12例、腺性 输尿管 4例、输尿管狭窄12例、无阳性发现13例。 手术失败12例。

  • Pathogenicity comparison among the Shanghai strain M_ ( 41 ) and the standard strain showed that M_ ( 41 ) strain resulted in degeneration of renal parenchyma and could not cause interstitial nephritis and ureteritis .

    将M41标准毒株与上海株IBV的致病力进行比较,发现2个毒株引起的 呼吸 器官病变 基本 相同M41 毒株对肾的致病力较轻,未见间质性肾炎和 输尿管 病理变化。

  • Conclusions Glandularis ureteritis is not frequently seen and the etiopathogenesis is not yet clear .

    结论腺性 输尿管 少见,发病机理尚不清楚。

  • Glandularis ureteritis ( report of 4 cases )

    腺性 输尿管 (附四例报告)

  • Results : 72 patients had ureteral stricture induced by injury 22 ureteric cancer 18 ureterocyst 13 ureteric tuberculosis 8 congential UPJ stricture 7 none specific ureteritis 6 ureteric polyp .

    结果:损伤性输尿管狭窄72例,输尿管癌22例,输尿管囊肿18例,输尿管结核13例,先天性肾盂输尿管连接处狭窄8例,非特 异性 输尿管 7例,输尿管息肉6例。

  • Non-specific ureteritis ( report of 11 cases )

    非特异性 输尿管 (附11例报告)

  • Strains of IB virus were isolated from naturally affected flocks . One of them ( GZ910 ) Could cause nephrosis and ureteritis with 22 . 1 % mortality .

    从自然发病鸡群中分离出2株IB病毒,一株(GZ910)能导致肾和 输尿管病变,致死率达22.l%;

  • A total of 12 cases of STIs were reported between 1985 and 2002 of which percentage of gonorrhea decreased year by year ( 24.26 % ) while percentage of non-gonorrhea ureteritis ( 55.50 % ) and syphilis ( 12.49 % ) increased gradually in the recent years .

    1985~2002年共报告STI12880例,其中非淋菌性尿道炎( 5550%)和梅毒(1249%)所占比例逐年上升,而淋病(2426%)呈逐年下降趋势;

  • The diagnosis URL diagnoses respectively that ureteritis is narrow and tubercle and the polyp and the soft stone and tumor totally 15 cases all through the corresponding handle of pathology check and doing .

    诊断 URS分别诊断 输尿管 狭窄、结核、息肉、软性结石、肿瘤共15例,均经病理检查并做相应处理。

  • CONCLUSION Non specific ureteritis is a rare disease .

    结论非特异性 输尿管 是一种少见病, 误诊

  • Methods The clinical data of 11 cases of non-specific ureteritis ( 6 men and 5 women ) were retrospectively analyzed .

    方法回顾性分析11例非特异 输尿管 临床资料。男6例,女5例。