


  • He has a valid passport .

    他有 有效护照。

  • He recognized the valid points that both sides were making .

    他认可双方观点中的 合理之处。

  • Customer logs in with a valid user ID and password .

    客户使用 有效用户ID和密码登录。

  • Error message : This is not a valid model definition .

    错误信息:这不是一个 有效的模型定义。

  • Are we 100 % guaranteed that this will be a valid e-mail address ?

    我们能100%保证这是一个 有效的电子邮件地址么?

  • We can be fairly confident of our ability to create tests that are valid and reliable .

    我们可以相信我们有能力编写 合理可信的测试题。

  • Most designers share the unspoken belief that fashion is a valid form of visual art .

    绝大多数设计师都默认这样一种观点,即时装是视觉艺术的一种 有效形式。

  • He did not accept this reply as valid .

    他认为这个回答没有 根据

  • For foreign holidays you will need a valid passport

    出国度假需持 有效护照。

  • Therefore as shown in Figure 7 a valid username and password need to be provided .

    因此需要提供一个 有效的用户名和密码,如图7所示。

  • The linearized analysis given in the preceding dissussion will not be valid for all types of injection pattern .

    以上讨论中提出的线性化分析并非对所有喷射型式都是 有效的。

  • Do you have valid reasons for your absence ?

    你的缺席有 正当理由吗?

  • The court ruled that laws passed by the assembly remained valid

    法院裁定议会通过的法律仍然 有效

  • A valid new order has been stored .

    存储了 有效的新订单。

  • This is Because you do not have a valid Security Certificate .

    这是因为您没有一个 有效的安全性证书。

  • They put forward many valid reasons for not exporting

    他们提出了很多不出口的 正当理由。

  • This principle which is taken to be valid throughout space and time is said to underlie the method of physics .

    这个原理被看作是在整个空间和时间内 有效,据说它是物理学方法的基础。

  • All tickets are valid for two months .

    所有的票在两个月内 有效

  • Quantifiers and dates are likely to have a valid range .

    量词和日期很可能有一个 有效范围。

  • His claim to own the house is valid .

    他主张对此屋的所有权 有效

  • This is a valid will .

    这是一份具有 法律 效力的遗嘱。

  • A new valid order must have been placed .

    必须下了新的 有效订单。

  • Fewer than forty per cent voted — the threshold for results to be valid .

    投票的人不到40%——投票结果 无效

  • You should now have a valid process WSDL file that you can deploy and run .

    现在,您应该拥有了一个可以部署和运行的、 有效的流程WSDL文件。

  • This train ticket is valid for three days .

    这张车票3日内 有效

  • The judge ruled that his testimony was valid .

    法官裁定他的证词 有效

  • It is valid to consider memory the oldest mental skill from which all others derive

    我们有 理由认为记忆是最原始的心智技能,所有其他技能都在此基础上衍生出来。

  • This time you can use a valid Kerberos username and password pair as defined in your Active Directory Server .

    这一次,可以使用ActiveDirectoryServer中定义的 有效的Kerberos用户名和密码对。

  • If a part of an economic contract is confirmed to be void without affecting the validity of the remainder the remainder shall still be valid .

    确认经济合同部分无效的,如果不影响其余部分的效力,其余部分仍然 有效

  • A pharmacist can fill any prescription if in his or her judgment the prescription is valid .

    只要药剂师认定处方 有效就可按方配药。