People regards me as being xenocentric which vexes me a lot but my life is influenced by this used-to-be colony deeply from their TV magazines to their culture .
不喜欢被别人说我 崇洋媚外,但自己的成长却偏偏跟那个 曾经的殖民地的电视、杂志文化所影响。
I 'm only left with used-to-be 's and once upon a song .
我 被 遗弃在我们曾经 唱过的歌里。
It is especially significant for the used-to-be periphery cultures as opportunities have been created for equal dialogue and reconstruction of a balanced structure of the East and the West .
对于 处于边缘的文化来说,文化 融合 的 意义尤为显著,因为它提供了平等对话,建立平衡框架的机会。