used heat

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  • The most widely early solar energy application that is used to heat water and now the world millions of solar water heating device .

    早期最广泛的太阳能应用即 用于将水 加热,现今全世界已有数百万太阳能热水装置。

  • The term passive means no additional mechanical equipment is used to heat the air other than the building elements and that minimal use is made of pumps or fans to distribute heat .

    所谓“被动”是指除基本的建设设备以外,没有 额外的机械设备 加热空气,而且极少使用的电泵或风机散发热量。

  • Brass seamless tube can be used in heat exchanger and condenser low temperature pipe underwater transportation pipe .

    黄铜无缝管可 用于 交换器和冷凝器、低温管路、海底运输管。

  • Analysis on Leakage Reason of Stainless Steel U-tube Used as Heat Exchanger

    交换器 不锈钢U型管泄漏原因分析

  • A vacuum heat insulating plate relates to a heat insulating material used in heat preservation places and belongs to the technical fields of heat insulating and preservation .

    一种真空绝热板,涉及一种 用于 保温场所的绝热材料,属绝热保温技术领域。

  • Energy Conservation and Used heat Utilization of Vapour Heating System

    蒸汽加热系统节能及 余热利用

  • The concentrated sunlight is used to heat water generating steam which is used to turn a traditional turbine and generator to produce electricity .

    集中后的光线可 用于给水 加热,产生用于传统涡轮和发电机的蒸汽并进行发电。

  • The furnace used to heat a large storage room filled with potatoes suddenly failed .

    一间储藏马铃薯的仓库里, 加热 突然失效。

  • Steam is used to heat houses .

    蒸汽 以使屋内 温暖

  • The miniature flat heat loop pipe ( LHP ) used for heat dissipation of electronic apparatus at high heat fluxes is presented and its operational principle and advantages are analyzed .

    提出了微小型平板LHP来 实现高热流密度电子器件的 散热,分析了LHP的工作原理以及 运用于电子器件散热的优点。

  • However both types of coal are used for heat power and industrial purpose .

    然而两种煤都被 用于制造 热能、电能以及其它工业用途。

  • The protector of electromotor have used heat relay for a long time but heat relay not only has a dead area in the light over-loading area but also can 't protect open phase under so much circumstances .

    电动机保护装置 采用 继电器已有很长的历史,但热继电器在电机的轻过载区存在着保护死区,而且对断相保护在许多情况下起不到保护作用。

  • Experimental Studies on Compound Phase Change Material Composed of Butyl Stearate and Paraffin Used as Heat Storage in Greenhouses

    日光温室 复合相变储 材料的实验研究硬脂酸正丁酯和石蜡复合 相变材料的 性能测试

  • Roasting system used heat conduction oil in STEAM-BREAD slices producing and structural analyze of roaster

    干生产 线 导热油烘烤系统及其结构分析

  • Such cells should not be confused with solar collectors the devices used to heat buildings and produce steam to generate electricity .

    这种电池与太阳捕集器 用于建筑物 采暖并生产蒸汽来发电的装置是不同的。

  • Moreover the smoke from charcoal used to heat the tobacco contains toxins .

    此外, 用于 加热烟草木炭释放的烟雾也含有毒素。

  • Used for heat dissipation support gold bonding and current circuit short .

    用于 散热、支撑器件、金丝键合、电流短路。

  • Battery used to heat the filaments of a vacuum tube .

    能够把真空管的细丝 加热的电池。

  • The utility model can be used as heat insulation pipelines of a heat force pipe network .

    可作为热力管网的 保温管道 使用

  • In its simplest form a small tabletop or lab size machine can be used to heat small cut sections of plastic sheet and stretch it over a mold using vacuum .

    最简单的形式,一个小桌上或实验室大小的机器可以 用来 加热塑料板材小切口部分和延伸超过使用真空模它。

  • The performance of heat insulation materials currently used for heat insulation ring is analyzed and compared .

    对目前 隔热采用的绝热材料性能进行了分析比较。

  • The measurement of coating within the microcapsules proves the heat insulation property and the microcapsules can be used as heat insulation additive .

    涂膜隔热性能测试结果表明,该种微胶囊具有明显吸热性能,可作为 隔热添加剂 使用

  • The gas is used to heat the feed tank . The liquid is fed into a digester that produces enough methane to power the entire system-and some to spare .

    气体 用来 加热最初的供给容器,而液体则加入蒸炼器中产生的沼气除了足够为整个系统供能外,还有剩余。

  • The pusher kiln is widely used to heat the electronic material with high temperature as a sintering device .

    推板窑作为 热工烧结设备,广泛 应用于电子材料高温处理。

  • Special heat insulation shell should be used for heat insulation of air conditioning refrigerant pipe system according to the special requirements of the air conditioner .

    空调冷媒管系统的保温均根据空调系统的特殊要求 选用专用 保温管壳。

  • Gas oil and electric furnaces are commonly used for heat treating metals .

    金属 处理 常用煤气炉、油炉和电炉。

  • Indeed I 'm pretty sure my college dorm room never used traditional heat .

    实际上,我确定无疑我们大学的宿舍从不 使用传统 加热方法。

  • It used high-property heat preservation material which improved hose heat preservation performance .

    采用高性能 保温材料,增加了喉管的保温性能。

  • The utility model can be used in heat and mass transfer devices of the departments of petrochemical engineering metallurgy electric power etc.

    广泛 应用 石化,冶金,电力等部门的 传热传质设备中。

  • This steam is used to heat the condensate in the LP heaters and the feed-water in the HP heaters which are of a surface type .

    这部分蒸汽 用来 加热低压加热器中的凝结水,和高压加热器的给水,这是表面 类型。