The valley is inhabited by the Dani tribe .
山谷 里居住着达尼部落。
A broken blue line means the course of a waterless valley .
蓝色虚线代表无水流过的 山谷。
I set off for the valley trusting to luck
我动身去 山谷了,一切全凭运气。
A milky mist filled the valley .
白蒙蒙的薄雾弥漫 山谷。
The floods surged over the valley .
洪水奔腾澎湃漫过 溪谷。
A narrow steep path leads down into a valley and up the far side .
一条狭窄陡峭的小径向下伸进 山谷,又从 山谷的那一边向上延伸。
The village is situated in a valley .
这个村子处于一 山谷中。
The winds came from the north across the plains funnelling down the valley
风从北方吹来,刮过平原,穿过 山谷。
The Nile Valley keeps a temperate climate throughout the year .
尼罗河 流域一年四季气候温和。
The Valley of Vinales is a lush and fertile valley and one of Cuba 's finest beauty spots .
比尼 亚莱斯谷草木繁茂,土地富饶,是古巴最美的风景胜地之一。
I ran straight up to Columbia County then turned East came down the Harlem Valley and thence home
我一直跑到哥伦比亚县,然后向东转,沿着哈勒姆 山谷,从那里回到家。
Because the town sits in a valley air pollution is not easily dispersed .
因为小镇坐落在 山谷中,空气污染不太容易散去。
I 'll take you back down to the valley .
我会带你返回下面的 山谷 里。
The hills above the valley are bare rock
A rural single railway track meanders through the valley
一条乡间的单轨铁路从 山谷间曲折地穿过。
A broad valley opened up leading to a high flat plateau of cultivated land .
一条宽阔的 山谷展现在眼前,通往一处平整的开垦地高原。
The mountains are studded with dams any one of which could wreak destruction in the valley below .
山区到处都是大坝,其中任何一个都可能给下面的 山谷带来灭顶之灾。
We shouted in the valley and in an instant the echo came from the hillside with great distinctness .
我们在 山谷中高呼,回声霎时间就从山腰上清晰地返回。
We pitched camp in a river valley .
我们在 河谷安营。
Way down in the valley to the west is the town of Freiburg
从这里往西远远的 山谷中是弗赖堡镇。
The horses thundered across the valley floor
马群轰隆隆地从 谷底奔跑而过。
Please enclose your remittance making cheques payable to Thames Valley Technology .
请附上汇款,支票收款人为泰晤士 河谷科技公司。
Tourists can visit outlying areas like the Napa Valley Wine Country
游客可以前往像纳帕 谷酒乡这样远离城市喧嚣的地方游览。
The wind sighed through the valley .
风在 山谷 里呼啸而过。
We drove up a steep-sided valley .
我们沿着陡峭的 峡谷向上开。
A gust of wind drove down the valley
一阵狂风刮过 山谷。
We had to wade the river Genal and then climb out of the valley to get to Juzcar .
我们必须蹚过赫纳尔河,爬出 山谷,才能到达朱斯卡。
There is not in the valley a tree or a stone I don 't know .
这 山谷 里的一草一木我无不熟悉。
These Severn Valley woods have been exploited for timber since Saxon times .
从撒克逊时代起就开始采伐塞文 山谷的这些树林获取木料。