


  • This article starts with the result file of processing by GPR software reads and displays datas sets the output parameters exports to DXF files thus realizes the CAD vectorgraph to come true ;

    本文从探地雷达软件处理后的文件为出发点,经过读取显示,输出参数设置,导出DXF文件,从而实现CAD的 矢量

  • Research and apply the technology of intelligent estimate for vectorgraph

    矢量 图形智能判断技术的研究与应用

  • Then it interpolates the contour character point with the third power cycle non-uniform B-spline to make slice contour into vectorgraph .

    接着,用周期三次非均匀B样条拟合轮廓特征点,完成了轮廓的 矢量 处理

  • Another image is the vectorgraph that is used a series of straight lines and curves to describe the graphics .

    另一种图像是 矢量 ,表示方法是用一系列的直线和曲线来描述图形。

  • Realized sort and pick-up for basic information of element for vectorgraph can do intelligent estimate and assess for pick-up information and normal solution .

    实现了对 矢量 图形 元素信息的分类和提取,能够对所提取的的信息与标准答案进行智能判断与评定。

  • Design and application of vectorgraph based on object-oriented technology

    面向对象技术的 矢量 图形系统开发及其扩展

  • The greatest advantage of vectorgraph is it will not be anamorphic whether enlarge reduce or revolve .

    矢量 图形最大的优点是无论放大、缩小或旋转都不会失真。

  • The paper puts up a method for replacing the bitmap by vectorgraph thus overcoming the troubles such as the GPR bitmap distortion and the difficulty in quoting .

    提出一种用 矢量 来代替位图方法,克服了探地雷达成果位图失真和不便引用等问题。

  • The study proves that the method from gray picture to black and white picture vectorgraph and at last rebuilding the 3D mold is feasible and practicable in the reverse engineering field .

    研究证明从灰度 位图图像到黑白位图图像、 矢量 图像,最后实现三维重建的方法在反求工程上的可行性和实用性。

  • This paper presents correctly the air flow filed in the slag cooler and presents the vectorgraph of velocity magnitude distribution of velocity and distribution of pressure in the flow field at the same time and analyses the characteristics of the air flow field .

    同时也给出了冷渣器内流场的速度 矢量分布、速度大小分布及压力分布规律,并对流场内的空气流动特性进行了分析。

  • This article introduces that how to use OOA & OODmethod to design vectorgraph object Model and gives the graphic objects base property and base function .

    介绍了如何运用面向对象的思想和方法,设计 矢量 图形软件中的主要 图形对象模型,给出图形对象的基本属性和行为特征。

  • Make Ground Penetrating Radar Digital CAD Vectorgraph with VC

    用VC做探地雷达数据CAD 矢量

  • The inner flow field of modified Perspex impeller of a centrifugal pump was measured by advanced PIV system and the absolute speed vectorgraph and original data of the axial eddy were acquired .

    采用先进的粒子图像测速(PIV)系统对普通叶轮改型设计后的有机玻璃叶轮内部流场进行无接触测量,获得轴向旋涡流绝对速度 矢量 及原始数据。

  • The relations among variables by vectorgraph is illustrated .

    通过 矢量 分析得到 各个变量之间的关系。

  • Implementation of Undo and Redo Operation in Vectorgraph Editing System

    矢量 图形编辑系统中Undo与Redo操作的实现

  • A platform of vectorgraph designed for network courses is introduced in this paper . PLATFORM net platform .

    探讨了 如何实现一个适用于网络课程的矢量 平台, 矢量 平台 包括 基于 浏览器运行的 客户端绘图环境,运行在网络服务器上的平台服务器。

  • Mid-ware of SVG Dynamic Statistical Vectorgraph Research

    SVG动态 矢量统计 中间件研究

  • DWG graph is a sort of normal vectorgraph file format . The research on the vectorgraph recognition is the basis of system establishing test paper reading automatically and computer assistant teaching in engineering drawing .

    DWG图形是一种标准的 矢量 图形文件格式。研究矢量图形识别是建立工程制图自动阅卷与计算机辅助教学系统的基础。

  • Operating Vectorgraph of Well Logging in Java and XML

    基于Java与XML的测井 矢量 图形 处理 技术

  • The graphic transform software lets the display use the vectorgraph produced by popular plotting software such as AutoCAD .

    图形转换部分令该系统能 直接使用AutoCAD等流行制图软件制作的 矢量 图形

  • Development and Application of Oilfield Geological Vectorgraph Database System Integrated Platform

    油田地质 矢量 图形库集成平台的研制与应用

  • SVG technique properly resolves the problem that the client displays the vectorgraph data .

    SVG技术很好的解决了客户端显示 矢量 图形数据的问题。

  • An algorithm about implementation of Undo and Redo operation in vectorgraph editing system is proposed in this paper . The detail data structure is also described .

    提出了一种在 矢量 图形编辑系统中实现Undo/Redo操作的算法,并给出了详细的数据结构定义。

  • It mainly introduces the data system the method that transforms grid-graph into vectorgraph and the ways that founds system database .

    主要研究地理信息系统中的数据体系、 矢量化成图方法以及系统数据库的实现技术等。

  • This paper deals with the error estimate in the data conversion offers calculating formulas and validate the estimate by GIS vectorgraph at Guizhou Power Company .

    探讨了 转化过程中 图像 质量的两种误差估计方法,给出了计算公式,同时用贵州电力地理信息系统中的 矢量 进行验证。

  • But PLT vectorgraph relys on CorelDRAW software to drawn the generated graph is simple with long time drawing the process of complex drawing to give outline is too complicated .

    但是PLT 矢量 图形依靠CorelDRAW等软件绘制,生成的图形简单,绘制时间长,而复杂的图形进行轮廓勾画的过程很繁琐。