use procedure

[juz prəˈsidʒɚ][ju:z prəˈsi:dʒə]

[计] 使用过程

  • A committee is a deliberative assembly an organization comprising members who use parliamentary procedure for making decisions .

    “委员会”是一个协商会议,一个由代表组成, 议事 程序讨论议题并做出决策的有序组织。

  • You can use the procedure described in this article to build your own projects from scratch .

    您可以 使用本文描述的 过程从头构建您自己的项目。

  • Here we use this procedure to set the client workload information .

    下面我们会 使用这个 过程来设置客户端的工作负载信息。

  • Lets walk through an example on how to use this procedure to generate section explain information .

    让我们通过一个例子介绍如何 使用这个 过程来生成片段解释信息。

  • Standardize the mechanism of management perfect course control set up radiate source management system radiate to use procedure wade security training system accident source of staff member meet an urgent need the system source to perfect .

    规范管理机制,完善过程控制,建立和完善放射源管理制度、放射源的 使用 程序、涉源工作人员的安全培训制度、事故应急制度;

  • When you 've found the incompatible login item use the procedure above to remove just the problem item .

    找到不兼容的登录项目后, 使用如上所述的 过程来移去发生问题的那个项目。

  • Use this procedure to complete the steps that follow .

    按照以下 过程完成后续步骤。

  • Use compiled procedure to bring limit location protective device through shake structure analysis Cheng at carrying on non-linear power .

    运用所编的 程序对带限位防护装置的隔震结构进行非线性动力时程分析。

  • Finally the numerical simulation is provided to show the use procedure and its efficiency . 2 .

    最后,通过数值仿真说明 使用 过程及其新的优化模型的有效性。

  • You should be able to use this procedure as a guide and adapt it for other distributions of the Linux operating system .

    对于Linux操作系统的其他发行版, 参照这里的 过程并稍加调整即可。

  • Then create a job and use a procedure node that will issue system commands to generate and run a batch file .

    然后,创建一个工作,并 使用发布系统命令的 程序节点,以生成并运行一个批文件。

  • You may use the procedure you wish on the basis of available equipment or personal preference .

    你们 可以根据个人想法和手头的器材决定实验 步骤

  • In this case either do not use stored procedure or execute part of the logic in the client side and execute the rest in a stored procedure .

    在这种情况下,要么不 使用存储 过程,要么在客户机端执行一部分逻辑,而在存储过程中执行其余的逻辑。

  • New York Uniform Land Use Review Procedure

    纽约市 土地统一审查 程序

  • Do not use this procedure to grant trust to assemblies or directories if you are not certain that they are safe and secure .

    如果您不能确定程序集或目录是安全的,请不要 使用过程向其授予信任。

  • Use this procedure to insert a blank line before a table that is on the first line of the first page in a document .


  • To use this procedure you must have full access permissions for the mailbox that you want to open .

    若要 使用步骤,您必须拥有对要打开邮箱的完全控制访问权限。

  • Your application will have to run in full trust to use this procedure .


  • Note Do not use this procedure in a production environment to allow unauthorized access to user data in violation of corporate policies regarding privacy and security .

    小心请不要在生产环境中 使用过程允许未经授权的用户访问用户数据。这样做可能会违反贵公司的隐私和安全政策。

  • The code will check this property automatically at various times and use a procedure to repair and fix problems if the property isn 't met .

    上述程序在不同的时间自动检查此特性,并在此特性未能得到满足时 启用 程序进行修理并纠正此问题。

  • Use this procedure if the entire cooling system is to be drained such as for engine removal .

    如果整个冷却系统要被排放则 使用程序,例如为了拆卸引擎。

  • Use the procedure and special tools shown in the service procedures section for the wheel mounting studs when replacing the wheel attaching studs .

    更换车轮固定螺桩时,依照维修程序所述车轮固定螺桩的 程序使用特殊工具。

  • In the Supreme court the plurality opinion strongly criticized the nlrb 's failure to use rulemaking procedure to establish the excelsior list requirement .

    在最高法院,多数法官意见强烈批评了劳资关系委员会未能 利用规则制定 程序来确立“精益内衣”案的名单要求。

  • To automate this processing you must use the procedure node from the previous step and add to it the statements outlined below .

    为了自动化这个处理过程,您必须 使用前面步骤中的 程序节点,并将其添加到下面划出的声明中。

  • If the population is normally or symmetrically distributed the mean and median will coincide and we use this procedure for setting confidence limits for means .

    如果总体是正态分布或对称分布时,平均数和中位数将重合,我们 使用这个 方法来建立平均数的置信区间。

  • Participating clinics were promised anonymity and seven major PGD programs contacted by The Associated Press all said they had never been asked to use the procedure for that purpose .

    参与调查的医疗机构被联合新闻承诺匿名后,有7家主要的PGD项目声称没有人向他们提出过这样的要求,以 利用PGD 程序实现选择有缺陷宝宝。

  • In order to use the procedure it must be registered in the database with the following SQL statement .

    为了 使用这个 存储 过程,必须用下面的SQL语句将该过程注册到数据库中。

  • You cannot use this procedure to convert a user mailbox to a linked mailbox or a linked mailbox to a user mailbox .

    您无法 使用以下 步骤将用户邮箱转换为链接邮箱,或将链接邮箱转换为用户邮箱。

  • Use SET_ROUTINE_OPTS procedure call before the creation of SQL PL procedures creation to associate the profile name with the specific SQL PL for DB2 V8 FP13 + or DB2 V9 FP1 + .

    在创建SQLPL过程之前, 使用SETROUTINEOPTS 过程调用将概要文件的名称与DB2V8FP13+或DB2V9FP1+中特定的SQLPL相关联。