used oil

[juzd ɔɪl][ju:zd ɔil]


  • The composition of used oil from engine test and road test of methanol fuelled engine is rather complicated .

    甲醇燃料发动机台架试验和行车试验的在 用油组成十分复杂。

  • It is widely used on oil pipeline .

    广泛 应用燃油管路中。

  • Corrosion protection must comply with used oil .

    使用 废油进行防锈处理。

  • In this paper the characters of the Baosteel2030mm cold rolling used oil are presented .

    介绍了宝钢2030冷轧 乳化 的特点。

  • Most homes in the northeastern United States where winters are typically cold have traditionally used oil as their major fuel for heating .

    在冬季非常寒冷的美国东北部的房屋,一直都 使用传统的 油料作为采暖的主要燃料。

  • Study on the composition of used oil from methanol Fuelled Engine

    醇类燃料发动机在 用油的分析研究

  • To recover used oil most efficiently the focus of the bus-collection service is to promote citizen involvement .

    公车收集废油点子主要是鼓励全民的热情,以 回收地沟 的目的。

  • The dark structure : great drum of used oil the high corrosion resistance of domestic and imported wood meticulously produced excellent anti-corrosion properties of insulation .

    鼓体结构:鼓体 采用 油性极大,耐腐蚀度高的国产和进口木精心制做,防腐保温性能极佳。

  • Members of the royal family have used their oil and gas wealth to buy several masterpieces in recent years .

    近年来,不少卡塔尔皇室家族成员 使用本国的 石油和天然气财富购买了名作。

  • In an intradermal test sarnowiec ( 1934 ) used castor oil .

    在皮内试验中,sarnowiec(1934) 使用了蓖麻

  • Buy a wrench for the oil filter a case of engine oil and a pan for the used oil .

    买一个滤油器扳手,一箱机油,再买一个接 油盆

  • With China 's size and the heavy reliance on oil for many popular dishes proper disposal of used oil is a big problem .

    由于中国严重依赖食用油制作各种流行菜式的实情,合理地处理 使用 食用 是个大难题。

  • Traditional systems have used oil diffusion pumps .

    常规的系统 使用 扩散泵。

  • Through the characteristic analysis of the used oil and the study on the lubrication mechanism the plan that combinate oil drip lubrication oil steeping lubrication with recovery circulation and reuse was used . The dryer operation cost was largely reduced .

    经过对所 使用 油品特性分析及润滑机理的研究,采用滴油润滑,浸油润滑和回收循环再利用相结合方案,大大降低干燥机操作费用。

  • The utility model relates to an oil squirt can which is an improvement of the existing oil squirt can and has the advantage that the amount of the used oil can be controlled when in use .

    喷油壶涉及一种喷油壶结构的改进。本实用新型就是提供一种在使用过程中对 用油多少可进行控制的喷油壶。

  • Our restaurant 's waste oil is usually produced in two ways : the used oil after frying many foods and the waste oil from the water after washing dishes and pots .

    我们大酒楼产生的废油通常有两种:多次炸食品之后的 二手 和洗锅、洗碗碟排放掉的污水废油。

  • For long periods very large crude carriers the biggest commonly used oil tankers have been earning less than $ 10000 for every day they operate against operating costs typically above $ 20000 .

    有很长时期,吨位最大的 常用 油轮超大型油轮(vlcc)每日进账不到1万美元,而运营成本一般超过2万美元。

  • It removes color and impure bits from used oil which is then used for up to10 more days .

    其将 去除颜色及不纯颗粒,然后该 使用达10多天。

  • Used oil is stored in bins people will pay to collect them not stored waste oil is dumped into the sewers and this waste oil is also fished out later .

    二手 是存在一个桶里的,会有人出钱来收,没存的,排放到下水道,那些污油也有人来捞。

  • The overseas distribution channel for porcelain granule which can be used oil and gas field to improve the output .

    关于提高 气田产量的陶粒支撑 的海外销售渠道。

  • Used oil and the floating oil fished up from the sewers are now all called drainage oil .

    二手 和从地沟捞上来的浮油,现在都被称为地沟油。

  • It can be used in oil refining chemical industry chemical fertilizer cold storage etc.

    广泛 应用炼油厂、化工厂、乙烯、化肥、冷库及冰箱和建筑业保温隔热。

  • And the academic view was unequivocal : the most talented artists used oil .

    而学院派的看法也是不可动摇的:画 油画的艺术家才是最有才华的。

  • An educational video that explains how to prepare used cooking oil for biodiesel .

    这段教育性视频解释了怎样 使用 废旧食用 制作生物柴油。

  • Research on the Rheological Change of Railroad Used Oil

    铁路 柴油 润滑 的流变学衰变研究

  • Like Mr Shuman before the company used parabolic troughs to focus sunlight on to liquid-filled tubes but instead of water they used oil as the heat-transfer fluid .

    跟以前的舒曼先生一样,该公司使用抛物槽式镜面将阳光聚集在装满液体的管子里,但是他们 使用的传热液体不是水,而是

  • Steel with lamellar tear resistance is used in oil drilling ships and crude oil production platforms .

    耐层状撕裂钢 用于 石油钻井船和原油生产平台。

  • There are legitimate uses of used cooking oil including as biodiesel .

    也有合法利用 使用 的食用 ,包括生物柴油。

  • Study on Recycling Key Technique of Spent Mushroom Substrate of Special Edible Fungi in Xinjiang Technical guides for collection and re-refining of used oil

    新疆特有食用菌菌糖再利用关键技术研究GB/T17145-1997 润滑 回收与再生 利用技术导则

  • Now it was already exposed on CCTV the relevant departments have been keeping a tight grip so the cases of fishing sewer waste oil are fewer now however purchasing used oil is still very common .

    现在被央视曝光了,有关部门查得紧,直接捞下水道污油的现象少了,但收购 二手 现象仍普遍存在。