usage method

[ˈjusɪdʒ ˈmɛθəd][ˈju:zidʒ ˈmeθəd]

[计] 使用方法

  • The property usage and synthetic method of caprolactam were introduced in this paper the coke oven gas pressure swing adsorption technology and crude benzol hydro-refining process were described .

    介绍了己内酰胺的性质、 用途及合成 方法,阐述了焦炉煤气变压吸附制氢技术和粗苯精制工艺。

  • This paper introduces four choices about usage method and matters needing attention in PMC diagnosis of CNC in order to diagnose quickly and troubleshoot efficiently .

    阐述了数控机床PMC诊断中 常见的四种途径的 实施 方法、注意事项,以期达到对于故障的快速诊断、高效排除的目的。

  • Discussion on Usage Method of S-316 Recovery Instrument

    S-316回收装置 使用 方法探讨

  • The author makes a complete introduction of the machines materials and usage method of adhesive binding by the years'practical experience .

    本文作者根据多年从业经验,对无线胶订工艺的设备、材料和 使用 方法进行了详细介绍。

  • Over the analysis of machine shell parts die-casting die design process and the critical design points of hydraulic pressure core-drawing die are introduced and the usage method of this die is briefly stated .

    通过对机壳零件的分析,介绍了压铸模设计过程及液压抽芯模具的设计要点,并且对该模具的 使用 进行简要介绍。

  • The Type of Annotation of Position Tolerance and Its Usage Method

    位置度公差的标注类型及 使用 方法

  • The class hierarchy of the design standard are described and the usage method is illustrated by some examples .

    文中描述了规范库类等级关系的设计并结合示例说明了规范库的 使用 方法

  • It introduces the basic principle basic structure of radiation thermometer and selection and usage method of radiation thermometer in accordance with the characteristic of welding temperature measurement for welded pipe .

    介绍了辐射温度计的基本原理、基本结构,以及根据焊管焊接温度测量的特点,如何选择和 使用辐射温度计的 方法

  • Please give full particulars of the goods such as usage method of manufacture material used and where appropriate proper chemical or technical name .

    请填写货物的详细资料,如 用途,制造 方法,原料和正确的化学或专有名称。

  • The permeability usage method and the antimildew effects of the sodium diacetate were studied .

    并对双乙酸钠药效在谷物中的渗透性及药物的 使用 方法与防霉效果进行了研究。

  • Integrating with traits of three-link energy analysis model and three-box energy usage method a new energy usage evaluation analysis method three-link and three-box combinative analysis method was established which combined the merits of three-link and three-box models .

    结合三环节和三箱 能分析方法的特点,建立了一种新的用能分析 方法,即三环节-三箱组合分析法。

  • Next the key technologies of the Continuous Beam Bridge CAD System including the definition and usage method of various geometrical / physical models the definition and procedure of data structure and the optimization of pre-stressed tightwire are described .

    接着,作为连续梁计算机辅助设计系统的关键技术,详细分析了各种几何和物理单元的定义和 使用 方法、数据结构的定义与处理、预应力钢束的束数优化方法。

  • Discussion of Excel Functions Usage Method

    Excel中 和函数的 用法

  • It was basic of non-spot fountain investigate that we anatomized affiliation of ground usage method and contamination .

    剖析土地 利用 方式与污染物的内在联系是非点源污染研究基本出发点。

  • This be make use of the designer to the objective fulfillment formation of experience and culture of organ the function property of the exaltation product the usage operation method and body now product and person with particular relation between environment .

    这就是运用设计师对客观实践形成的经验,以及文化了的器官,提高产品的功能性质, 使用操作 方法,以及体现产品与人,与环境之间的特定关系。

  • Usage the method of the background update make segmented the foreground .

    软件的进一步 开发视频处理的功能,即视频分割, 使用背景更新 方法把选手的前景图像从背景中分离出来。

  • The principle of inoculation was described briefly and the composition specifications and usage method of the brick-shaped inoculants produced .

    简要叙述孕育的基本原理,介绍砖块式孕育剂的化学成分、规格及 使用 方法

  • Firstly the theory model and forecast step of the Land Usage Method was introduced .

    第一部分研究配电网空间负荷预测中用地 仿真 的实现过程。首先详细介绍了用地 仿真 的理论和模型以及预测步骤;

  • AIM : To summarize and analyze the clinical curative effect and usage method of chitosan biological fluid dressing ( CBFD ) in recant years .

    目的:总结与分析近年来壳聚糖生物流体敷料膜在临床领域中的疗效及 使用 方法

  • However it plays a positive role in normalized usage and method guidance in the outer space law and the maritime international law and it will bring significant influences and benefits to the future development of the International Law .

    但其在海洋 和外空法中起到了良好的规范 作用和指导作用,并将对未来国际法的发展产生深远而积极的影响。

  • Then a system based on Land Usage Method was designed and realized by using Fuzzy rule at the same time a representative databank was set to save typical models to get good adaptability .

    然后设计并实现了一个用地 仿真 系统,采用了动态产生模糊规则库的 方法同时建立典型库来保存常用的模型,使得其具有更好的适应性。

  • Design and Usage Method for Integration System On Aero-plane 's Interactive Maintenance Information

    航空装备交互式综合维修信息集成系统设计与 使用 模式

  • Through introducing the image processing IC SAA7113 and its usage method of image acquiring the results of image processing by the system were presented .

    介绍了图像采集芯片 SAA7113和实现图像采集的 方法,并给出上述系统的处理结果。

  • This article discusses the modern education technique effect to teacher professional train to teacher usage to method teaching technique with every subject .

    就现代教育技术 应用于教学对教师职业的影响、教师的培训、 教学 方法的选择、现代教育技术与各学科的整合等几个应着重思考与研究的问题进行了讨论。

  • The chapter 6 states the usage method of Mongolian editor control in Internet and application programs .

    第六章给出蒙文编辑控件在网页编辑器和应用程序中 使用 方法

  • The thesis introduces data structures used in the system and flow charts of algorithms show the usage method of the system by synthetic datasets .

    介绍了子系统主要的数据结构、算法实现流程,利用真实数据集展示了子系统的 使用 方法

  • Therefore usage various method transfer their study interest make it happy to learn efficiently control the contents learn then become thought educator of urgent matter of the moment .

    因此, 运用各种 方法调动他们的学习兴趣,使之乐学,高效掌握所学内容,便成为思想教育工作者的当务之急。