usability data

[计] 可用性数据

  • You have new usability legal policy and data quality issues to deal with and that 's just dealing with users who come in good faith .

    您需要处理新的 可用 、法律、政策和 数据质量问题,并且这仅限于处理信任的用户。

  • The usage of fire wall system privilege management and data backup improved the safty of the Information Management System database ; high usability design is realized by Oracle Data Guard ;

    防火墙的使用、系统权限管理以及数据的备份和恢复等有利于提高GPS车辆监控信息管理系统数据库的安全性,ORACLE DATAGUARD的使用有利于提高系统的 可用

  • The evaluation targets set which constructed by questionnaires and the fuzzy evaluation method proposed according to the principle of reliability usability and low requirement for data and both of them are significance regardless of practical application or intensive study .

    本文结合问卷调查所构建的 物流 园区委托 运营 评价指标体系;基于可靠性、 数据要求低的原则构建的模糊评价方法;无论对实际应用还是对相关主题的深入研究都有重要意义。

  • In the maintenance process on the trusted computing platform the integrity security and usability of the protected data must be ensured .

    在可信计算平台的维护过程中,需要保证保护 数据的完整性,安全 可用

  • After many years ' development data warehouse technology is being perfected but it still exists some problems for example it is necessary to improve the content of database to improve its usability and to improve the quality of operating data warehouse .

    经过多年的发展,数据仓库技术已经逐渐完善,但仍存在一些问题,如需改进数据库内容,改进 使用 ,在 数据仓库操作质量上的提高等。

  • Hydrochemical classification and identification of groundwater in mining region using multivariate statistical analysis The usability of system is proved by the sample data .

    矿区地下水系统水质分类判别的多元统计分析通过对样本 数据的判断识别,证明系统的 可用

  • During the testing the study combinated observation interviews and user software questionnaire survey collected individual forest owners ' assessment to the original interface usability issues and analysed data .

    在测试过程中,结合观察法和访谈法和用户软件使用问卷的调查,收集林农对原始界面 可用 问题的评估意见,并对 可用 测试所得到的 数据进行分析。

  • However constrained by the privacy protection requirements even if the optimal k-anonymity algorithm can not produce completely accurate data k-anonymity privacy protection model has led to the reduction of the data usability . The recipient rejects the data as junk data .

    然而,受隐私保护要求的制约,即使最优化的k-匿名算法,也不能产生完全精确的数据,正因为这种不精确性导致了数据 可用 的降低, 数据接受者当作垃圾数据而拒之门外。

  • The paper gives a safety model of software operating and data control and validates software usability and methods feasibility by instance testing with existing data .

    构建了一套软件操作和数据控制的安全模式,并结合既有 数据,进行软件实例测试,验证了软件的 可用 和方法的可行性。

  • The system has adopted SQL Server 2005 as its backstage database since SQL Server is a good relational database . It has the special advantage in its usability scalability reliability data warehousing and other aspects with exceptional performances .

    由于SqlServer是良好的关系型数据库,在 、伸缩性、可靠性和 数据仓库等方面都具有优良的性能,所以本系统采用SqlServer2005作为后台数据库。

  • Finally the data exchange system is build up . Through the example of the integration of purchase sales inventory system the usability of the data exchange system is tested .

    最后实现数据交换系统,并通过对于进销存系统的集成,验证 数据交换系统的 可用

  • In order to insure the usability of enterprise network system the integrality of data and the secrecy of key information we will strengthen the security of network mainly at two aspects technology and management respectively .

    为了保证企业网络系统的 可用 数据的完整性和关键信息的保密性,主要从技术和管理两个方面加强网络的安全性。

  • According to the principle of reliability usability and low requirement for data the Two-Stage method using fuzzy AHP method to calculate the targets weight and using fuzzy TOPSIS method for final evaluation . ( 3 ) Yibin Zhicheng logistics park commission operator selection research .

    按照可靠性、 和对 数据要求低的原则,采用模糊AHP法计算指标权重,采用模糊TOPSIS法作最终评价。(3)宜宾市志诚物流园区委托运营商选择研究。

  • Other usability features include hover information to provide data values range names and values and targets .

    其他 可用 功能包括悬停信息,可提供 数据值、范围名称以及值和目标。

  • Last the usability of this algorithm is proved by test data with good result .

    最后用实验 数据说明此算法 用于 三峡 船闸的一般 编排,而且效果不错。

  • As indicated from the result the tool can help usability experts find the probable web usability problems more effectively and can provide most convictive data .

    研究结果表明,作者开发的工具原型可以辅助可用性分析人员高效地发现网站中存在的 可用 问题,并且可以提供最有说服力的 数据

  • By physical model test we observed water depth and other factors and the usability of test data affected by sault shock wave and other factors were analyzed to optimize the side wall .

    通过物模试验,对水深等要素进行了观测,分析急流冲击波等因素作用下的试验 数据 可用 ,并对边墙进行了优化。

  • Research of Data Usability Based on Data Warehouse

    基于 数据仓库环境下的数据 可用 研究

  • The peer-to-peer network usability relies on to the data highly effective search and withdraws the method to the network in how does the highly effective localization and search in the P2P network the resources is the P2P network realization most essential question .

    对等网络的 可用 依赖于对网络上 数据的高效的查找和提取方法,如何高效的定位和搜索P2P网络上的资源是P2P网络实现的最为关键的问题。

  • The strategy better resolves the question of a mass of history data usability in data warehouse through simulating former hardware platform .

    该策略通过模拟历史的硬件平台环境,较好地解决了 数据仓库中大量历史数据的 长期 可用性问题。

  • However choosing the different way to exchange the CAD data would affect the data stability usability and the performance of the data interface .

    而采用不同的CAD 数据接口方法,对于CAD数据交换的数据稳定性、 可用 以及接口的性能都有重要影响。

  • At present one of the best effective ways to find website usability problem is to collect remote user behavior data while they are browsing and then analyze .

    目前,有效的发现网站 可用 问题的方法之一就是通过远程测试从客户端收集用户在浏览网站时的行为 数据,然后加以分析。

  • I emphasize usability and meaningfulness because it 's important that you don 't select data just because it 's there and ready to be used & it may be bad data .

    我强调 和有意义的,是因为您需要记住一件重要的事情,您不应该只是因为 数据已经在那了并且是可以使用的就选择它&因为它可能是坏数据。

  • Code recovery technology was adopted to ensure the integrality and usability of archiving data in organizing historical data .

    在组织归档的历史数据时,主要采用代码回替技术来保证归档 数据的完整性和 可用

  • The usability of system is proved by the sample data .

    通过对样本 数据的判断识别,证明系统的 可用