


  • Applicable for stones in kidney renal pelvis urinary bladder and ureter .

    用于肾结石,肾盂结石,膀胱 结石输尿管 结石

  • Diagnosis and treatment of ectopic ureter with kidney abnormality

    输尿管异位 开口 合并肾发育畸形的诊治分析

  • Treatment of multiple stones in homolateral ureter by ESWL

    体外冲击波碎石术治疗同侧 输尿管内多发结石

  • It is proper to choose open operation on the patients with deformity of renal pelvis or obstruction of ureter .

    伴肾盂明显畸形或 输尿管连接部严重狭窄者以选择开放手术为宜。

  • Clear yellow fluid squirted out against our instruments as we tried to suture the ureter to the bladder .

    澄清的黄色液体在我们准备将 输尿管缝合到膀胱时喷射而出。

  • Sacrum-Hip bones buttocks rectum sex organs genitalia urinary bladder ureter prostate .

    臀部骨胳,臀部,直肠,性器官,生殖器,膀胱, 输尿管,前列腺。

  • Objective To investigate the etiology clinical presentation diagnosis and treatment of inverted papilloma of the ureter .

    目的探讨 输尿管内翻性乳头状瘤的病因、临床表现、诊断与治疗。

  • No perioperative severe complications such as pneumatothorax hemorrhoea perforation of ureter trauma of abdominal organ occurred .

    无气胸、大出血、 输尿管穿孔、腹腔脏器损伤等严重并发症发生。

  • Tissue Nuclear Protein Human Tumor Ureter .

    组织,核蛋白,人肿瘤, 输尿管

  • CT Evaluation of the Abnormalities Duplex Kidney and Ureter in Children

    积水型重复肾和 重复 输尿管畸形的CT诊断

  • Diagnosis of duplication of renal pelvis and ureter with ultrasonography and X-ray

    肾盂 输尿管重复畸形超声显像与X线诊断

  • Radiographic Analysis of Congenital Deformity of Kidney and Ureter

    肾脏及 输尿管先天性畸形的X线分析

  • A technical innovation of a novel ureter implantation technique on rat kidney allograft transplantation is described .

    本文叙述了一种在大鼠同种异体肾移植中 输尿管植入技术的革新。

  • Objective : To discuss the therapy of ureter obstruction combined with acute pyelitis .

    前言:目的:探讨 输尿管梗阻合并急性肾盂肾炎的治疗方案。

  • The bilateral renal pelvis and ureter were markedly dilated the prostate gland was lifted up .

    双肾盂、肾盏及 输尿管扩张明显,前列腺位置抬高。

  • Objective : Observation after urethra holmium laser lithotrity treatment ureter upside stone clinical curative effect and security .

    目的:观察经尿道钬激光碎石术治疗 输尿管上段结石的临床疗效及安全性。

  • Results Ultrasonic examination can clearly reveal the size shape and structure of kidney ureter alignment bladder entrance micturition hydronephrosis and hydroureterosis .

    结果超声检查能清晰显示肾脏的形态、大小、结构, 输尿管个数、走行、膀胱入口及排尿和肾盂、输尿管是否积水等情况。

  • Objective To study the diagnosis and treatment of congenital ectopic kidney with ectopic opening of ureter .

    目的探讨先天性异位肾伴 输尿管开口异位的诊断和外科治疗。

  • Objective : explore in the post-peritoneum pathway laparoscope ureter incision to take stone of methods .

    目的:探索腹膜后途径腹腔镜 输尿管切开取石的方法。

  • The experimental research of MSCT perfusion imaging for renal injuries after unilateral complete ureter obstruction

    MSCT灌注成像评价单侧 输尿管完全梗阻后肾损伤的实验研究

  • The Study of Biodegradable Ureteral Stent in Ureter Traumatic Injury

    生物可降解输尿管支架在 输尿管 创伤中的应用研究

  • The utility model relates to a urethra and ureter anastomat used for opened and laparoscopic operations .

    本实用新型是一种用于开放和腹腔镜手术的尿道、 输尿管吻合器。

  • Children with kidney stones can experience severe pain in their side or stomach when a stone is passing through the narrow ureter through which urine travels from the kidneys to the bladder .

    患有肾结石的儿童在尿液从肾通过狭窄的 尿管流向膀胱的过程中会在肚子的一边或胃部感觉到剧烈的疼痛。

  • Fibrosis of the bladder and ureter and kidney damage are common findings in advanced cases .

    膀胱和 输尿管纤维化以及肾脏受损是晚期病例的常见症状。

  • Severe lesions may be induced to heal with chemotherapy often leaving sequelae such as strictures of the ureter and contraction of the bladder .

    严重病变经用化学疗法可以治愈,但常留有如 输尿管狭窄和膀胱挛缩等后遗症。

  • Diagnosis of Congenital Anomaly of Lower Ureter with MRI and MSCT


  • Durative angina person see at ureter calculous bowel is wrung more narrow etc ;

    持续性绞痛者,多见于 输尿管结石、肠绞窄等;

  • This is the first known case of ectopic prostatic tissue in the ureter .

    这是异位性摄护腺组织位于 远端 输尿管 首例 报告