


  • Germany ` s pavilion is named Balancity which is described as a balance between innovation and tradition urbanity and nature society and its individuals work and recreation .

    德国馆名为和谐都市,被描述为一座在创新与传统、 城市 与自然 、集体主义与个人主义、工作与休闲之间争取平衡、求得和谐的 城市

  • It also analyzes the academic discussions about reflections on urbanity identity of urban culture cross-cultural space homeland of new arts under the theme of Urban Creation .

    最后还分析了在都市营造的主题下引发的关于 都市 审视,都市的文化身份,跨文化的空间,新艺术的家园等学术问题的探讨。

  • I had always been aware of a frame of malevolence under his urbanity .

    我常常觉察到,在他 温文尔雅 下面 掩藏 一种恶意。

  • He is your urbanity consideration and hard working .

    他很 文雅、体贴并且工作很努力。

  • The research in urbanity is an important aspect for the socialist to research the city .

    城市 的研究是 社会学家 城市研究的重要方面。

  • This is housing on the scale and density that architects and planners have been demanding for decades : a single developer ensuring a coherent intelligent and compact urbanity .

    建筑师与规划师几十年来孜孜以求的就是这样的在建规模与密度:一次性开发以确保 造出紧凑、连贯以及智能型的 都市 风格

  • John crow was surprised at the urbanity and good-temper of Mr Owen evans .

    约翰克劳对于欧文埃文斯先生的 文质彬彬和和蔼温顺惊讶不已。

  • The chairman presided over the meeting with his usual tact and urbanity .

    主席以他惯有的机智和 文雅主持会议。

  • The heterogeneity of the rurality and urbanity is clear-cutly presented in the great fission of knowledge status between the rural and the urban due to the reformation of educational system .

    两者之间的异质在近代由于教育体制的变革而导致的乡村与城市间知识状况的巨大裂变而得以清晰地 突显出来。

  • Reconcile the mobility with urbanity in splintering cities

    离散城市中机动性和 城市 整合

  • His sheer urbanity as the remarkable writer that he is in those years when he wrote under Tina Brown for The New Yorker was just a remarkable achievement and his career is still going strong .

    温文尔雅,作为一名出色的作家,在《纽约客》的 蒂娜·布朗 手下写文章的时候,成就斐然,他的事业蒸蒸日上。

  • Analysis on urbanity development differentiations of county areas in Jiangsu Province Based on BP neural network

    江苏省县域 城市 发展差异的BP神经网络测定

  • Elegance grace polish urbanity the central meaning shared by these nouns is refined and tasteful beauty of manner form or style

    这些名词所共 有的中心意思是“举止,形式或文体的 高雅及优美”

  • 2002 Shanghai Biennale highlights contemporary art and urbanity and stimulates originality in experimental architectural practice in China .

    2002上海双年展提出了当代艺术与 都市化问题,在 如何 看待中国当代实验性建筑的艺术独创性方面引发 人们 思考

  • Outside New England a comparable urbanity could be found .

    新英格兰以外的地区也有相当 典雅 作品

  • His urbanity made it easy to forget his early career as a revolutionary .

    看上去 文质彬彬,这很容易使人忘记他早年的革命生涯。

  • That removal of commercial street life might cause this to become an Alphaville with the appearance but not the vitality of genuine urbanity .

    剔除掉商业街的韵味或许会让整个区域成为一座阿尔法城(alphaville)徒有其表,却无真正的 都市活力。

  • Chapter three explores the sonata synthesis of the contradictions as pastoral versus urbanity tradition versus innovation and Cubism images versus musical measures . It studies the enormous tension and aesthetic value of this sonata synthesis revealed in Spring and All .

    第三章从田园与 都市、传统与革新、立体绘画和音乐形式等三对矛盾 入手,研究 多元 文化 框架下矛盾冲突的奏鸣合成,揭示由此而产生的 诗歌张力和美学效果。

  • Urban literature by writers of the new generation is characterized by its criticism of pastoral nostalgia by its descriptions of the complicated and ambivalent urbanity and by its adoption of the apartment and the big East End for its representation .

    台湾新世代都市文学表现对田园怀旧主义的批判,描绘复杂暧昧的 都市 感性,又以亲睐公寓与大东区这一 都市 空间为自己的一个重要的表现特征。

  • Speed urbanity and urban planning

    速度· 城市 ·城市规划