


  • An Empirical Analysis on Urbanite 's Minimum Living Guarantee Standard in China

    我国 城市 居民最低生活保障标准实证研究

  • BITT 'S made the best exquisite craft to build the new life quality of contemporary urbanite add the new atmosphere and urban tide for the fast pace of urban life add lively and beautiful colour .

    以精湛的工艺全力打造现代 都市 的新生活品质,增添城市潮流新氛围,并为快节奏的城市生活增添明快而靓丽的色彩。

  • An Empirical Analysis on Urbanite 's Minimum Living Guarantee Standard & Jiangsu Province for Example

    基于计量模型的 城市 居民最低生活保障标准研究&以江苏省为例

  • The urbanite lowest-life-security system is getting more and more important in securing the basic rights and interests of urbanite .

    城市 居民低保制度在保障城市居民基本生活权益方面正发挥越来越大的作用。

  • Engineering citizens of young peasants refer to they obtain urbanite the same course of legal identity and social right at identity the most obvious sign is registered permanent residence of city that has obtained site and corresponding social right .

    青年农民工市民化,是指他们在身份上获得 城市 居民相同的合法身份和社会权利的过程,最明显的标志是获得所在地的城市户口及相应的社会权利。

  • Urban Public Transport as the essential economic element always influence the social economic activity in the city and the urbanite 's living standard directly .

    城市公共交通是城市经济结构中重要的组成部分,直接影响着城市的社会经济活动和城市 居民的生活水平,是整个城市的基本构件。

  • More important is a verve have intention provide culture provide temperament be Chinese old culture is successive with continuance it is contemporary urbanite turns over uncut jade to put in true concept 's charge also be the pursuit of modern opposite vivid grade .

    更重要的是具神韵,具内涵,具文化,具气质,是中国古老文化的继续与延续,是现代 都市 反璞归真理念,也是现代人对生活品位的追求。

  • Trip time consume is one of important urbanite trip characteristic indexes .

    出行时耗是 城市 居民出行特征中的重要指标之一。

  • The price of urban housing concerns every urbanite 's vital interests especially in reality .

    而在现实中城市住房价格更是关系到每一个 城市 居民的切身利益。

  • Young people in the city today recognize the importance of having good manners believing them a must-have skill for every urbanite because they reflect on one 's personality .

    城市里的年青人现在认识到了文明举止的重要性,他们认为由于文明举止反映了一个人的个人修养,所以这应该是每个 城市 居民所必须具有的素质。

  • With economic development the urbanite 's recreation time increases .

    随着经济发展,城市 居民的休闲时间增多;

  • The benefits of being a Chongqing urbanite still cannot be transferred to any other part of the country .

    重庆市 居民 享有 优惠 政策还无法在中国的其他 城市复制。

  • Second part it is a summary thing about urbanite 's minimum living guarantee Have introduced the definite question of urbanite 's minimum life security system especially .

    第二部分是关于 城市 居民最低生活保障的概述性的东西,重点介绍了 城市居民最低生活保障线的确定问题。

  • The village ecological tourism as one emerging traveling form was paid attention toby the urbanite becomes a tourism economic growth new highlight .

    乡村生态旅游作为一种新兴的旅游形式,受到 都市 的关注,成为旅游业经济增长的一个新亮点。

  • The first is the expression of nervous rhythm of contemporary urbanite life and absurd urbanite mentality .

    首先是以 李孝萱、刘庆和为代表的表现当代 都市紧张生活节奏,对都市 心态荒诞的表达。

  • Urbanite outskirts forest tourist zone is developed to be outskirts holidays function forest tourist zone ;

    城郊型森林旅游区可开发成为以 城市 居民城郊度假 游乐为主要功能的森林旅游区;

  • As the aggravate that the society competes of actuating pressure increase more and more urbanite feel exhaustion of body and mind .

    随着社会竞争的加剧,工作压力的加大,越来越多的 都市 感到身心疲惫。

  • The study shows the vocational adaptation level of urbanite lies in a high level .

    研究发现, 城市 居民的职业综合适应水平较高。

  • The industry of the house not only concerns the development of national economy but also the urbanite 's vital interests directly .

    住宅产业不仅关系到国民经济的发展,而且也直接关系到 城市 居民的切身利益。

  • The air pollution of the city has already become the urbanite 's killer and domestic and international researches indicate that urbanite 's death rate rise is correlated with air quality linearly .

    前言:城市的大气污染已成为城市 居民的“杀手”,国内外研究表明城市居民死亡率上升与空气质量线性相关。

  • Disposal way of house resource has become the vital factor influencing social stratification of the urbanite .

    住房资源的配置方式已成为影响 城市 居民社会分层的重要因素。

  • Scientists have confirmed what every urbanite has long suspected – life in the city is more stressful .

    科学家们证实了 城市人长期以来的 疑虑:城市生活压力更大。

  • With the rapid increase of people 's income the dairy products have already become the necessities on urbanite 's dining table .

    随着人们收入水平的提高,乳制品已经成为 城市 居民餐桌上的必需品。

  • Investigation shows that the peasant labors have problem of unemployment too and have more severe unemployment than urbanite have .

    调查发现农民工也存在失业问题,而且比 城市 居民的失业更为严峻。

  • The Olympic Games look like fresh air lets the busy urbanite be able to relax and the rest in the ultra strong rhythm life ;

    奥运会像一股清新的空气,让繁忙的 都市 在超强节奏的生活中得以放松和休息;

  • In recent years the development of rural tourism is very popular which has not only offered the new tourism region and leisure space for urbanite but also created new way for peasants getting rich and countryside developing .

    近年来乡村旅游的发展非常迅猛,为 城市 居民提供了新的旅游休闲地域与空间,也为农民致富和农村发展开辟了新的途径。

  • After 1990s the play reflects the contemporary urbanite marriage family present situation irritable screen .

    20世纪90年代后,反映当代 都市 婚姻家庭 生活 电视剧火爆荧屏。

  • Household type 's rural outside housekeeping waiters of women are a very important professional colony of peasant 's engineering they in the field of the urbanite 's private life with employer long-term frequent zero distance associate and play chess life .

    住家型农村外来女性家政服务员是农民工一个非常重要的职业群体,她们生活在 城市 居民的私生活领域,与雇主长期、频繁的零距离交往和博弈。