urethral rupture


  • Urodynamic analysis after operative treatment of traumatic posterior urethral disruption Internal realignment and skin grafting for the treatment of posterior urethra rupture

    创伤性后 尿道 断裂术后尿动力学分析

  • Results : The new technique was used in 14 patients with posterior urethral rupture and excellent results were showed . The cure rate was 78.6 % 1 case has impotence 3 cases needed to perform urethral dilatation No urinary incontinence was found .

    结果:该方法治疗后 尿道 断裂14例,治愈率78.6%(11/14),1例(7.1%)阳萎,无尿失禁,3例(21.4%)需尿道扩张。

  • Among 58 cases of pre-operative retrograde urethrography 19 cases were posterior urethral disruption 39 cases were bladder rupture .

    58例术前作尿道逆行造影,结果:后 尿道断裂19例,膀胱 破裂39例。

  • Experiences of Anastomosis of Rear Urethral Rupture

    外伤性后 尿道 断裂Ⅰ期吻合治疗体会

  • Methods : The urethral stent was applied for the treatment of posterior urethral rupture in pelvic fracture after urethral reunion operation .

    方法:对骨盆骨折后 尿道 断裂患者,尿道会师术后应用尿道支架。

  • A review of 58 cases of pelvic fracture complicated with posterior urethral rupture treated in our hospital during 1977 to 1986 is reported .

    收集1977~1986年我院收治的骨盆骨折合并后 尿道 损伤未经 院处理的58例,分析治疗结果。2例入院 不久死于 复合 创伤,未作处理。

  • Methods 88 cases of posterior urethral rupture complicating pelvic fracture were divided into three groups by using the different methods .

    方法将88例骨盆骨折合并 尿道完全 断裂的患者分为三组进行回顾性临床研究。

  • A modified technique in the management of posterior urethral rupture in pelvic fracture

    骨盆骨折后 尿道 断裂治疗体会

  • Objective To clarify the methods and curative effects in the instant management of posterior urethral rupture .

    目的探讨后 尿道 断裂急症处理的方法及效果。

  • Analysis of instant management in 26 patients with posterior urethral rupture

    尿道 断裂26例急症处理的临床分析

  • Retrograde urethrography was arranged to demonstrate complete posterior urethrography was arranged to demonstrate complete posterior urethral rupture .

    逆行性尿道摄影术用来诊断后 尿道完全性 断裂