urea cycle

[jʊˈriə ˈsaɪkəl][jʊˈri:ə ˈsaikl]


  • The urea adsorption unit operated with water solution total cycle method was reformed by urea deep hydrolysis technology reformation scheme process flow and main process indexes were analyzed discussed improvement measures after putting into operation of unit were introduced ;

    采用尿素深度水解技术对水溶液全 循环尿素解吸装置进行了改造,分析和论述了改造方案、工艺流程和主要工艺指标,介绍了装置投运后的改进措施;

  • Nutrition support of infants and toddlers with a urea cycle disorder gyrate atrophy of the choroid and retina or HHH syndrome .

    此产品可以提供营养给患有 尿素 循环障碍、脉络膜视网膜回旋萎缩或HHH综合症的婴幼儿食用。

  • Clinical and laboratory screening studies on urea cycle defects

    尿素 循环障碍的临床和实验室筛查研究

  • Study on Relation between Nitric Oxide Synthesis and Hepatic Urea Cycle on Condition of Aerobic Exercise ;

    有氧运动条件下一氧化氮合成与肝脏 尿素 循环之间关系初探本文研究在 转移催化条件下 萜烯 低聚物与过 醋酸 氧化反应。

  • In line with the inherent deficiencies of the rotating urea prilling basket in the original production unit viz . urea overflow and short operation cycle after the retrofit the prilling basket has been developed and is satisfactory in use .

    针对原生产装置中旋转式尿素造粒装置所存在的 尿素溢流、运行 周期短等不足之处予以改造,改造后使用情况令人满意。

  • The fumarate ion participates in several important metabolic pathways e.g. the Krebs cycle purine pathways and the urea cycle .

    延胡索酸分别参与多种重要的代谢途径,如卡尔文循环、嘌呤途径和 尿素 循环

  • Citrullinemia is an autosomal recessive inherited defect resulted in the urea cycle disorder in Holstein Dairy cattle .

    瓜氨酸血症(Citrullinemia)是荷斯坦牛 尿素 循环发生代谢紊乱的一种常染色体隐性遗传缺陷。

  • Analysis of metabolic pathway indicated that several abnormal metabolism happened in vivo of FD female patients including citric acid cycle urea cycle lipid and amino acid metabolism and other metabolic pathway .

    代谢途径分析发现,FD女性患者体内三羧酸循环、 尿素 循环以及脂类、氨基酸等多条代谢途径异常。

  • Objective To investigate the incidences of urea cycle defects ( UCDs ) in the patients with hyperammonemia and study their etiology clinical and laboratory features .

    目的探讨 尿素 循环障碍的发生情况、病因、发病、临床经过与实验室特点。

  • Clinical and laboratory study on late - onset urea cycle defects

    迟发型 尿素 循环障碍的临床与实验室研究

  • Urea Cycle in Diabetic Mice Preliminary Study of Its Mechanism

    糖尿病小鼠 尿素 循环的变化及其机理的初步探讨

  • After several years of technical renovation optimized operation and intensified management the urea capacity has reached 510 t / d the production is stable the operation cycle is long the product quality is high and the consumption figures are low .

    经过几年的技术改造,优化操作及强化管理, 尿素 生产能力达510t/d,生产稳定,运行 周期长,产品质量好,各项消耗低。

  • Arginase ( Arginase Arg ) is a sign enzyme among organisms of urea cycle .

    精氨酸酶是生物体 尿素 循环当中一种标志性的酶类。

  • The Relation of Nitric Oxide Synthesis and Urea Cycle Enzymes

    一氧化氮合成与 尿素 循环酶的关系:瓜氨酸&一氧化氮 循环