阿奇霉素与加替沙星治疗非 淋菌 性 尿道(宫颈)炎的药物经济学分析磷霉素钠与加替沙星氯化钠注射液配伍的稳定性考察
Nongonococcal urethritis ( NGU ) is one of the common sexually transmitted diseases .
非淋菌 性 尿道炎(NGU)是常见的性传播疾病之一。
Mycoplasma and Drug Resistance Analysis among Patients of Han and Uygur Nationalities with Nongonococcal Urethritis in Xinjiang
新疆汉、维族非淋菌 性 尿道炎支原体感染及耐药分析
Analysis on Therapeutic Effect of Kitasamycin and Erythromycin in the Treatment of Nongonococcal Urethritis
吉他霉素与红霉素对照治疗非淋菌 性 尿道炎疗效分析
This must first understand the symptoms of urethritis urethritis and urethritis of the cause of the infection .
这个就得首先了解尿道炎的症状, 尿道炎的病因和尿道炎的感染途径了。
M.Genitalium ( Genitalia ) invades urethral tissue and cells in the genital area causing pelvic inflammation and urethritis .
生殖支原体(生殖器)在生殖器引起盆腔炎和 尿道炎领域侵入尿道的组织和细胞。
Good at treating urogenital infection tumour and stone prostatitis condyloma acuminatum genital herpes and non-gonococcal urethritis .
前列腺炎尖锐湿疣淋病生殖器疱疹、 非淋球菌 性 尿道炎等疾病的治疗。
Methods : Seventy six cases of nongonococcal urethritis and cervicitis were treated with azithromycin .
方法:用阿奇霉素治疗非淋菌 性 尿道炎、宫颈炎76例。
If not treated : may lead to serious complications such as male non-gonococcal urethritis ( NGU ) and female pelvic inflammatory disease disease ( PID ) .
如果不治疗:可能会导致严重的并发症,诸如男性的非淋球菌 性 尿道炎(NGU)和女性的盆腔炎症性疾病(PID)。
Objective To determine the prevalence of infection with Trichomonas vaginalis ( TV ) in male urethritis .
目的了解男性 尿道炎 患者中阴道毛滴虫(TV)的感染情况。
Venereal are in part as long as timely formal cure cure is can be cured thoroughly such as gonorrhea and syphilis of urethritis of sex of gonococcus of etc.
性病中有一部分只要及时正规治疗是可以彻底治愈的,如淋病、梅毒、 非淋菌性 尿道炎等。
Culture of urine specimens from 166 cases of nongonococcal urethritis ( NGU ) and 188 controls were carried out .
为了了解男性非淋菌 性 尿道炎(NGU)尿道需氧菌群变化情况,对166例NGU首段尿标本进行需氧菌定性定量分离培养,并与118例对照组比较。
It is evident this simple and rapid method can be used in the basic units to replace the immunofluorescence assay for diagnosis of non-gonococcal urethritis .
结论改良法简便快速、敏感特异,不仅可用来诊断 衣原体 感染,还可分析炎症轻重、观察 疗效和预后。
Objective To understand the prevalence of prostatitis in patients with gonorrhoeae or / and non-gonococcal urethritis ( NGU ) .
目的探讨淋病和非淋菌 性 尿道炎(非淋)患者前列腺炎患病率。
Bacteriology Analysis on Non-gonococcal Urethritis
非淋菌性 尿道炎细菌学检测 结果分析
Separation of Aerococcus Like Organism from Secretion of Urethra of a Female Patient with Urethritis
从一女性患者 尿道分泌物中分离出气球菌样微生物
Treatment of Nongonococcal Urethritis and Genital Herpes Using BCG ? PSN Combined with Routine Medication
卡介菌多糖核酸联合常规药物治疗非淋菌 性 尿道炎和生殖器疱疹的疗效观察
Drug Resistance Analysis of Mycoplasma of Patient with Nongonococcal Urethritis
非淋菌 性 尿道炎患者支原体耐药性分析
Methods : The pathogens have been detected in 84 patients with chronic prostatitis following sexually transmitted urethritis .
方法:对84例性病性 尿道炎 并发慢性前列腺炎患者的前列腺按摩液(EPS)进行病原体检测并 分析 结果。
Separation of mycoplasma non-gonococcal urethritis and analysis of drug sensitivity test
非淋菌 性 尿道炎支原体分离及药敏试验分析
Objective For slowing down the increasing speed of the nongonococcal urethritis and getting it be controlled providing the basis to use the antibiotic reasonably .
目的控制非 淋菌 性 尿道炎的蔓延,为合理使用抗生素提供依据。
Cystitis and urethritis are complications of prolonged use of indwelling catheters .
膀胱炎和 尿道炎是长期应用留置导尿管的并发症。
Objective : To determine the effect of eczema acne and nongonococcal urethritis ( NGU ) on the patients ' quality of life .
目的:研究湿疹、痤疮和非淋菌 性 尿道炎(NGU)对患者生活质量的影响。
This kind of mycoplasma may cause the uropoiesis the genital tract infection like non-gonococcus urethritis feminine vaginitis pelvic inflammatory disease masculine prostatitis and so on .
这类支原体可引起泌尿、生殖道感染,如非淋菌 性 尿道炎,女性阴道炎、盆腔炎,男性前列腺炎等。
Clinical observation of mycoplasma infection in 360 suspicious female patients with nongonococcal urethritis in Sanya
三亚地区女性疑似非淋菌 性 尿道炎360例支原体感染临床观察
Why do the Japanese men at risk urethritis ?
为什么日本男人易 患 尿道炎?
There may be a bacterial agent accompanying this inflammation and cystitis or urethritis may also be present .
可伴有细菌感染,也可同时伴有膀胱炎或 尿道炎。
Evaluation of real-time PCR in male ′ s sexually transmitted urethritis and male ′ s post-urethritis syndrome
实时荧光PCR在男性性病 尿道炎及男性尿道炎后综合征的应用评价
Detection and drug resistance of chlamydia and mycoplasma strains from non-gonococcus urethritis patients
502例非淋菌 性 尿道炎中衣原体、支原体感染的检测与耐药性分析
Nongonococcal Urethritis Infection by Mycoplasma and Drug Resistance Diversity in Three Years
3年非淋菌 性 尿道炎患者支原体感染及耐药性变迁