


  • Tyrion was commander at the glorious battle of finuval plain when he routed the host of Malekith and slew the witch king 's personal champion Urian poisonblade .

    泰瑞欧曾是 芬努瓦尔平原光荣之战的指挥官,那时他击溃了马勒凯斯众军,并亲手杀死了巫王-乌兰毒刃。

  • The maximum preservation depths of the effective reservoirs of Middle-Upper Sil - urian lithic sandstone and Lower Carboniferous quartzose sandstone in Tarim Basin were predicted by this method . The result is satis - factory .

    应用此法预测塔里木盆地中&上 岩屑砂岩和下石炭统石英砂岩有效储层最大保存深度,效果 良好

  • The basin-forming period of rifting and extension from the Sinian to the middle Ordovician : the orogenic period of dip slip compression from the late Ordovician to the S ü urian ;

    震旦纪至中奥陶世裂陷拉伸成盆期;晚奥陶 志留纪倾滑压缩造山期;